The Anarchic Consort of the Prince

Chapter 862

"Who, apart from them, doesn't want the baby in your stomach alive?" Cloud shallow moon asks again.

"Who doesn't want my baby alive? Besides them, they are probably the concubines in the harem. " Queen's road.

Cloud shallow moon's eyes narrowed and asked again to mother Guan, "do you look at that person like the second prince? If you think about his figure carefully, is it possible that he is a woman's face changing? After all, there are differences between men and women. Even if you look different. Unless the Transfiguration is extremely exquisite. "

After hearing this, mother Guan bowed her head and thought carefully. She said, "it seems that it's a little bit like you say so!"

"I'll give my aunt a prescription first, and you can fry it yourself." Cloud shallow month no longer entangled in this matter, feel recovered some strength, got up and got out of bed, came to the table, began to write prescription.

"Yes Mother Guan follows Yun Qianyue to the table.

Cloud shallow month soon opened a prescription, handed it to grandmother, who immediately took it, took the prescription out of the door.

The door opened, and the old emperor rushed in at the first time. Seeing the queen lying on the bed, he stepped to the window and asked in an urgent voice, "what's the matter? Is the child saved? "

When the queen did not hear, she closed her eyes and ignored him.

"Moon girl?" The old emperor asked the cloud light moon standing at the table.

At this moment, yunqianyue thinks that he is just a father who hangs down his aged and nervous children. If he gets rid of the emperor's identity, does he worry about children in his own heart? But with so many children, how much can this worry be? She also had no interest in finding him unhappy, nodded, "saved!"

The old emperor is happy, "keep it

Cloud shallow moon see the old emperor happy, she looked at the queen, no longer speak, lift step out of the inner hall. Just out of the inner hall, one can see the night sky tilt and night sky Yu standing in front of the grand doctor outside the ronghua palace. She stopped, leant lazily against the doorframe and raised eyebrows at them.

"Sister Yue! How's the queen mother? " Night sky tilt see cloud shallow moon come out, immediately came over.

It was obvious that some of the old guards came to the night with the emperor.

"The child is saved!" Cloud light moon road.

"Not our hands!" Night sky tilts low voice way: "although we make some small movements behind our back, but we will not do such things that directly hurt the mother. We just want to force seven younger brothers to attack."

"Sister Yue, do you believe it or not. It's not us. " Night day Yu also solemn tunnel.

Their voices were very low, and naturally they would not enter the ears of the old emperor in the inner hall.

"I didn't say I didn't believe you!" Cloud shallow moon smile a little cold, "but I hope this is the last time. You and ye Tianyi love how to fight, don't hit the aunt. Although you didn't attack her directly, you didn't kill Bo Ren, but he was hurt because of you. Without the actions of you two days ago, some people would not take advantage of this momentum to attack their aunts and try to put the charges on you. If I said it was your hands today, you would not be able to argue. "

Night sky inclines and night day Yu pale facial expression smell speech some gray, night day Yu way: "certainly is seven younger brothers, want us to carry this black pot! Put the blame on us. "

"Ye Tianyi won't!" Cloud light moon road.

"Sister Yue, do you still protect seven younger brothers Night day Yu some angry.

"I'm not protecting, but the fact is that," said the moon. Some people want to watch the fire from the shore and watch you fight to death. I don't care how you fought before and after, but I'm sure it's not him. It has nothing to do with the friendship that he and I have cut off. If you think I'm protecting you, you'll prove me wrong with facts! Otherwise, you'll be wiser in the future. Don't jump over the wall in a hurry and make use of everything. In the end, they are used by others. It's not good for you

Night day Yu opened mouth, want to refute, a word also can't say.

The night sky inclines to look gloomy, low voice way: "month younger sister teaches is! We will remember it later. "

Cloud light moon nodded, no longer speak, look at the sky, the morning sky is clear, although the sun has not yet come out, it can be seen that the weather is fine and cloudless. There was no queen's voice in the inner hall, only the old emperor's voice. She wanted to laugh. It was a joke for the most noble couple in the world to do this.

Ye Tianqing and ye Tianyu don't speak any more. They both look at the cloud and the moon. They suddenly feel that what they have done in the past few days has become useless in front of the woman's light eyes and a short speech. They are meaningless. Stealing chicken can't be pecking rice. They are ashamed of themselves.

The inner hall has the footstep sound to walk out, the cloud shallow month does not look back also knew is the old emperor. Thinking of him sweeping the floor with dignity, that's probably the case.

"Miss Yue, you have saved my crown prince. I will let go of the past when you went out of the city to River Valley County! In the future, without my permission, we will not be allowed to leave the city without permission. " The old emperor carried his hands behind him and said in a deep voice to the cloud and the moon.

Cloud shallow moon looked back at the old emperor, to deal with the "um" a."Tianqing, Tianyu, you two know the crime!" The old emperor suddenly drank to the night sky tilt and the night day Yu.

"I don't know the crime! Please make it clear to the emperor. " Night day inclines and night day Yu smell speech immediately kneel on the ground, the same voice way.

"What a fool! Don't think I become a fool when I'm ill. You'll fool me! I know very well what you have done under my nose these days. Now that you have almost done harm to the prince, do you dare to say that you do not know the crime? " The old emperor was furious.

"The son minister two people absolutely did not harm the mother empress!" Ye Tianqing and ye Tianyu turned pale. At this time, they fully realized the words of yunqianyue. Even if they didn't do it, they still couldn't argue with each other even if they did not. I can only shake my head.

"Sophistication, I don't have a son like you. I'm not dead yet! Can't you wait to replace me? Come on, take these two villains... " The more the old emperor said, the more angry he became.

Yunqianyue listens quietly. Naturally, she will not be kind enough to help yetianqing and yetianyu. Without them, she is still in the Valley County and will not rush back. There won't be a case of aunts being treated with cold poison pills. If they were treated in this way by the old emperor, they were also to blame themselves. She didn't believe the old emperor. She didn't know that his two sons didn't do it.

"Emperor, if it's not them, don't be angry!" At this time, the Queen's voice came from the hall, intercepting the old emperor's words.

The old emperor was stunned and stopped. He turned around and looked at the palace, "are you pleading for them?"

"What's the sin of not doing something? Where to ask for help? I mean, don't get angry with them The Queen's tone was still tough in the face of the old emperor. , the fastest update of the webnovel!