The Anarchic Consort of the Prince

Chapter 859

Although Yi Xue's lightness skill is not as good as cloud and moon, she still follows her in a hurry.

As soon as they got out of the outer wall of the cloud palace, a masked grey robed old man suddenly stopped their way and waved to Yun Qianyue. The palm style of this palm is fierce and vicious, and the Yin Qi is very heavy. Obviously, this person's internal power is extremely high.

Yi snow behind cloud shallow month one step, startled, "Miss careful!"

Yunqianyue didn't expect that there would be someone waiting here to kill her. It seems that this person has already calculated. She will leave the mansion from here at this time and wait here specially. She was so cold that she didn't dare to touch the palm of this man. She could just hide and wave her hand.

The old man in grey robe also evades the palm wind of cloud and shallow moon, and his moves are changeable. A sinister and murderous spirit splits out again along his palm.

Yun Qianyue is very familiar with this kind of palm wind. She remembers that ten years ago, it was such a dark night that Rongjing was nearly killed by such a palm in the purple bamboo yard of Prince Rong's mansion. It took her ten years of trauma to be healed by her in the underground Buddhist Hall of Lingtai temple. Her face was cold and gloomy, and her moves changed immediately. The Phoenix sutra was finally launched.

This is her method of fighting with anger and hatred. She hasn't practiced the last step of Fenghuang Zhenjing. She hurts 1000 people and damages 800 herself. But she doesn't care so much. She only knows that the old man in grey robe should be the one who hurt his face ten years ago. His martial arts skills are too high. I'm afraid his internal power is higher than her. If she doesn't do this, she can't do anything to him.

The old man in grey robe was startled and retreated again and again. Yun Qianyue was pressed step by step. He was bound to be injured and killed under his palm. At this time, an object flew out of the sleeve of the old man in grey robe, and hit the door of yunqianyue. At this time, all the skills of Yun Qianyue were used to trap him, so she had no time to escape. Yi Xue came at this time and saw that the thing was going to hit the cloud shallow moon face door. She went forward to pick it up. However, the aura between them was too strong. As soon as she approached, her body was ejected by the real Qi from them. Her face changed 。

At the critical moment, a man floated and landed beside yunqianyue. He reached for her waist and forced her body to move to the left. She could barely avoid the flying object. At the same time, he waved and chopped a palm and hit the old man's chest.

Yun Qianyue was pushed by someone suddenly, so she withdrew her skill. The palm failed to hit the old man in grey robe. The old man in grey robe was slapped. Seeing that the concealed weapon released could not hurt Yun Qianyue, she came to rescue her. Today, the assassin failed, so she immediately flew away. His escape speed is too fast, cloud shallow moon throws out the beauty brocade also can only be able to sweep to him a corner of clothes. In the twinkling of an eye, people have disappeared.

Cloud shallow month angrily looked at the gray robe old man to leave, looked back to the person behind, saw is Rong Feng, her face a warm, "how did you come?"

"King Shizi sent me a message saying that someone is going to be against you recently. Let me protect you in secret. " Rong Feng said: "fortunately, I came in time, otherwise the consequences would be unimaginable. Yue'er, the way you played just now is the most important. Even if you can kill him with one hand, you will hurt your heart and lose half of your life. "

"I didn't care so much. Do you know who he was?" Cloud shallow moon calm face asked.

"Who?" Rong Feng asked.

"He was the one who hurt Rongjing ten years ago!" Cloud shallow moon way: "ten years ago, although he hid breath, I was in the dark, but this kind of palm wind I am most familiar with. The world does not want to be the second person. It is he who has hurt the scene. I can recognize it at a glance

"So it is!" "Rong Feng's face was cold," but now although let him escape, but he suffered my palm. It didn't take ten days and a half months to recover. We're not afraid we can't know his identity. "

"I think I already know who it is!" Cloud shallow moon sneers, "he sooner or later can't run!"

Looking at Xiangyun Qianyue, Rongjing patted her body with a warm tone, "since you know who he is, you can't run sooner or later, so don't worry! Is there anything wrong with you rushing out of the house? "

"My aunt has a stomachache. Seeing blood, I have to go to the palace immediately!" Cloud light moon road.

"Then go! No delay Rong Feng's face changed.

Cloud shallow moon nods, no more words, toe light, continue to go to the palace.

Yi snow looked at Rong Feng, but also quickly keep up with cloud shallow moon. She and Ling Lian are arranged around the little Lord because they are careful and cautious. However, their martial arts are not good. If Hualuo, canglan and Fengyan are here today, I don't want to let Feng save her.

Cloud shallow moon soon came to the palace gate, the palace at this time closed, she went straight over the palace wall.

The imperial palace is full of lights, especially the Shengyang Hall of the old emperor and the ronghua palace of the empress. The lights are brighter than other palaces.

Yun Qianyue came to ronghua palace, and saw a group of doctors from Taihe hospital standing outside the palace. The old emperor was standing at the gate of the main hall of ronghua palace with a bent body. He was furious and yelled at something inside, and the Queen's moaning was heard inside.

"Uncle of the emperor!" Cloud light moon floating body and fall, standing in the distance not far from the old emperor, faint cry.

The old emperor suddenly turned his head when he heard the speech, and saw that the light of the moon's eyes was slightly sharp, "moon girl, you are coming!"

"Well, how's your aunt?" Yunqianyue took a look inside and saw that the door of the main hall was closed, which was obviously inserted from the inside. In this case, even the old emperor was also blocking the door."She won't let me in! Too many doctors are not allowed to see a doctor! " The old emperor seemed angry, "since you are here, go in and see her! Your aunt is waiting for you Yunqianyue nodded, walked forward two steps, and called softly to the inside, "Auntie, I'm coming!"

"It's Yueer Moon, you Come in! To She opens the door... " From the room came the voice of the queen suppressing her pain.

The inner door opened in response to the sound, and an old mammy carried a curtain and sidled to let Yun Qianyue enter the house.

Cloud shallow moon looked at the old emperor and walked in. , the fastest update of the webnovel!