The Anarchic Consort of the Prince

Chapter 858

"Nothing! Bitter is bitter, but if life is not a little bitter, where can we feel sweet? " Cloud shallow moon gives cloud leave a smile face, loosen his arm, "see you these two days also tired, we all go back to have a rest!"

"Good!" Yunli nodded.

Cloud shallow month turns a way to shallow moon pavilion to walk, Ling Lian and Yi snow follow behind her. Cloud from looking at a line of three people walk without shadow, just to the West Maple Garden walk, although the eyebrows and eyes are tired, but the corner of the mouth smile dispels a little tired.

After returning to the pavilion of light moon, yunqianyue falls on the bed and sleeps deeply.

Ling Lian and Yi Xue are also tired, Qi Qi returned to the room to rest.

Yunqianyue had just gone to sleep for a short time, but outside the pavilion came the sound of footsteps in a hurry. Hearing the snow and hearing the rain, they knew that Ling Lian and Yi Xue were also resting. They quickly welcomed them out. They whispered a few words with the visitors at the door. Hearing the snow, they came to the door of the room and called twice. No one in the room spoke. She could only push the door into the room.

Come to the cloud shallow moon bed, listen to snow low voice way: "young lady, in the palace's father-in-law comes to announce a decree, the emperor passes you into the palace."

"What's the matter?" Cloud shallow moon asked sleepily.

"I asked, but Duke Wen said that the Emperor didn't say so. It is said that you have come back, miss, and only let him announce you into the palace. " Listen to the snow track.

"I'm sleepy! Wake up and go! Wait until I wake up The moon waved her hand.

Listening to snow nodding, she went out, closed the door, and conveyed Yun Qianyue's words to Brunei at the door. Brunei seemed to have hesitated for a while, but was not embarrassed and turned away.

Cloud shallow Moon continues to sleep, shallow moon Pavilion quiet down.

Late at night, the moon was thirsty to wake up. When she opened her eyes, she saw a figure sitting in the room. She was stunned, and immediately woke up. She stopped her action of getting out of bed and said to the figure, "pour me a glass of water."

"You are awake at last! If I were an assassin, now you will go to hell and drink water. " Shadow is the third childe, he listened to cloud shallow moon's words, poured a glass of water for her and brought it over.

"I'm not on guard against people I know! Besides, the people who can enter the Pavilion must be close to me. There are only a few people who can enter my room from Mo Li, Ling Lian, Yi Xue and the dark guards Cloud shallow moon took water, drank two, asked: "when to come?"

"Yes, for a while! I didn't wake you up when I saw you sleeping soundly. " Three childe way.

Yun Xiaoyue nodded, drank the remaining half of the water, put the empty cup back into the hands of the third childe, and asked lazily, "I just came back, you are in a hurry, what's the matter?"

"There is one thing!" The third young master put down the empty cup and said to Yun Qianyue, "I want to go to Xiyan."

Cloud shallow moon a Zheng, looking at his dignified look, suddenly, "Xiyan protect the country goddess conceal the matter of serious illness, do you know?"

"Well!" The third young master nodded.

"When I left the capital, I got the news and sent someone to confirm it. I think the news will come back! " Yunqianyue thinks that although she wants to hide the third childe, Fengge doesn't eat for nothing after all, and the third childe must pay special attention to Xiyan because of his life experience, so it's not surprising to know so soon. She called out to the outside, "Ling Lian, come in!"

Ling Lian woke up when the third childe arrived, and now she came in.

"Have you heard from Xiyan? What on earth is the illness of the goddess of the protection of the country Yun Qianyue asks Ling Lian.

"I got the news when the third young master came. Now the news has just arrived." Ling Lian nodded, and then she handed a note to Yun Qianyue.

Yunqianyue reached out and took a look. Her eyebrows were slightly frozen. She pondered for a moment. She handed the note in her hand to the third young master, who immediately took it. After a look, her face turned pale.

"Hemoptysis has many kinds of diseases, but it can also be poisoning. I can't say that. " Looking at the third young master, Yun Qianyue said: "the goddess of the state protection should not be exhausted. Otherwise, she will send you a letter and see you for the last time. You don't have to worry about it now that you haven't been sent a message. "

The third young master looks better and nods.

"Your mother and I have made friends with each other. Originally, I wanted to see if I could go to Xiyan after I got the news. But now my aunt is not in good health. I rush back for her, so I can't leave the capital in a short time. Well, go to Xiyan by yourself! Old Lin of Fengge is very good at medicine. Take him with you. " Cloud shallow month words fall, think for a while, again to Ling Lian way: "Red Pavilion should have medical skill very good person?"

Ling Lian immediately nodded, "Miss, Hualuo's medical skills are very good. His talent in medical skills is higher than that in swordsmanship and martial arts, so the seven elders passed on his medical skills together."

"Better! The flowers fall here in Beijing Cloud shallow month one Xi, to three childe way: "you take old Lin and flower to go together! The people who take the wind Pavilion along the way to protect and keep it secret. When you arrive in Xiyan, you should be more careful. Don't disclose your identity until you have to. You have never been out of the capital. Hua Luo is more experienced than you are. You can discuss everything with him. "

"Good!" The third young master nodded.

"It's late at night. You'd better set out now. If you're going to meet water, you'd better go down the moat. So you don't have to disturb the night. Otherwise, he will guard the four cities in the East, West, North and south. If you go out from the wall, it will be very difficult for you to disturb him. If he was disturbed, some things would be more troublesome. " Cloud shallow moon road.The third young master nodded, "I'll leave now!"

"Well!" Cloud shallow moon nods, to Ling Lian way: "you send him to meet with flower fall!"

Linglian answers and goes out with the third childe.

Cloud shallow moon lies down the body, continues to close eyes, but no sleepiness. After a while, suddenly came a "pa pa" knock at the gate of the cloud palace. The sound was wave after wave, as if it was urgent. Then she faintly heard the door open and someone said what the queen was saying. She immediately sat up on her back, stretched out her hand over her clothes and got out of bed. She dressed and walked to the door.

Open the door, Yi snow also came out from the next room, said to the cloud light moon: "Miss, I'll go to the front to have a look first!"

"Let's go!" The cloud shallow moon speaks between the tiptoe lightly, displays the lightness skill to the gate and leaves.

Yi Xue immediately followed her.

When he came to the gate of King Yun's mansion, he saw a little eunuch who was waiting for the queen to run to the palace. She floated down and stopped him and asked, "what's wrong with my aunt?"

"Shallow Miss moon? " The little eunuch seemed startled at the sudden appearance of Yun Xiaoyue. He even said, "the Empress Dowager suddenly has a stomachache. Seeing the blood, the imperial physician is invited in the palace. The empress doesn't let the grand doctor touch her. She asks the servant to come to you. You Go and have a look

"I'll go now!" Cloud shallow moon asked to understand the situation, and did not delay, did not care to ride a horse, exerting flying skills to the palace. , the fastest update of the webnovel!