The Anarchic Consort of the Prince

Chapter 857

"He was jealous at first, but later my vinegar was bigger than his, and he balanced it." Cloud shallow moon smiles and squints at night light dye one eye, "did not expect you people in the capital, can also know the world, Valley County's every move you are very clear."

Night light dye hum a, very proud, "that of course, this Xiao Wang is not to eat dry rice!"

Cloud shallow moon smile to take back sight, continue to lie on horseback.

Night light dye reaches out to stab cloud shallow moon, ask with interest, "you how vinegar is bigger than him? Talk about it

"Princess Luoyao is as beautiful as a fairy. She is very concerned about the scenery. She picked all the chrysanthemums in her yard and made him tea. They also gave me a sword. They said that she would deposit it with me first. When I was with Ji, she would surely come and discuss the sword with me. This is a challenge to me. Can I not be jealous? " The clouds and the moon catch a glimpse of the night.

Night light dye smell speech big music, "still have such thing?"

"Well!" Cloud shallow moon nods.

"This woman is interesting! Knowing that there are tigers in the mountains, they are leaning towards tiger mountains! " Night light dye smile way: "little girl, listen to your tone is very boring? Are you still afraid of her? "

"Afraid?" Cloud shallow moon shakes head, "just headache!"

"So you sent her back to Donghai Night light dyed eyebrows.

"The king of China has committed an old disease!" Yunqianyue reminded him for the second time, "it has nothing to do with me!"

"You can do it!" Night light dye according to cloud light moon's head to pat, the movement is very light.

Yunqianyue put her head on the horse's head and closed her eyes, "tell me, what's new in Beijing these days after I left?"

"There's something new." Night light dye a smile, mysterious way: "the prime minister's house Miss Qin is happy, can be regarded as a new thing?"

Cloud shallow moon just closed eyes immediately open big, "really?"

"Can I still cheat you?" Night light dyed eyebrows.

"Did you get pregnant last time in zuixiang building? This night Tianqing is really capable Yunqianyue thinks that it has been more than a month since she and yeqingran watched yetianqing and Qin Yuning perform the living spring palace together. Qin Yuning is now diagnosed with joy, but is not that when she was pregnant? "Well, almost! I don't know how to calculate this. " Night light dye road.

Yun Qianyue looks down and thinks for a moment. In modern times, it's nothing to be pregnant before marriage, but in ancient times, it's a big event! She asked suspiciously, "did Qin Yuning announce the news? She's not afraid of gossip at all? "

"Where?" Ye qingran shakes her head. "Miss Qin secretly sends her maid to catch abortion medicine, and is caught by night sky. No, it's not so much bumping into her as keeping an eye on her. The handle in his hand was not much. Now that he knows that Qin Yuning is pregnant with his child, where can he let her have an abortion so easily? So she took Qin Yuning's maid to the emperor's uncle. Uncle Huang called the Prime Minister of Qin to Shengyang hall and ordered him to take good care of Miss Qin. He was not allowed to hurt the blood of the royal family. If something goes wrong, he has to ask. And we have agreed on a date of marriage, and we will be married next month. "

"The emperor did not punish the night sky tilt?" Cloud shallow moon asks again.

"What is to be punished? It's a happy event for the royal family. Now, several adult princes of the royal family are not married. In the early days of yetianqing, there was a crown prince and his concubine was not pregnant. Now half a drop of royal blood has not been seen, and the emperor's uncle is old again. Now it's hard to see a grandson, how can we punish him? Not only did not punish, but also rewarded a lot. The crown prince's rights, which had been deprived of, have been restored Night light dye laughs: "night sky inclines on the woman body is very skill."

"So it is! That's very capable Cloud shallow moon also smiles to nod. The old emperor has run out of oil and the lamp is dry, and he wants to surround himself with the rest of his son. This is a common problem of all the old people before they enter the tomb. Although he is the Supreme Master of the ninth five year plan, he is no exception. This is indeed a chip of night sky tilt, but his opponent is Ye Tianyi.

Night light dye skims the lips, obviously does not agree.

They come to the cloud palace while they are talking. Night light dye turns over and dismounts, and pulls the cloud shallow moon down by the way. At this time, a carriage also stopped at the gate of the cloud palace. The curtain of the car was lifted. Yunli walked down from the car and saw cloud xiaoyueyixi, "sister is back?"

"Well!" Cloud shallow moon to cloud from a smile. Thinking that now he could call out his sister so smoothly that he had made progress. She looked at him and saw that the scar on his face had been healed. She could hardly see the trace of the wound. She just looked faintly tired, but her spirit was very good. She asked with a smile, "is it very tiring to study with my father in the Ministry of rites?"

"For the sake of disaster relief all over the country, the six departments have been very busy recently, and the Ministry of Rites has to work hard. It's tiring." Cloud from the cloud shallow moon gentle smile, look to night light dye, nod a ceremony, "dye little prince!"

Night light dye comes forward, the two brothers patted Yun Li on the shoulder, teasingly said: "seven princesses go to the ritual department to see you every day. Are you tired? In my opinion, you enjoy it

The cloud turned red.

Cloud shallow month hears speech funny, ask a way: "seven princesses also go to ritual department every day?"

"Little girl, you don't know. The seventh princess is afraid that he will be ostracized. She asks uncle Huang for a will and follows him to the Ministry of rites. Bring him tea and water and wait for pen and ink. How dare those old scholars in the Ministry of rites dare to find him? " Night light dye again hard clap cloud leave shoulder two times, smile to cloud shallow moon way: "you this elder brother is not simple! Let seven princesses not only voluntarily ask for marriage, but also look after them at any time. But he was not arrogant and impetuous, and he was gentle to others. Although the old scholars were secretly dissatisfied with the princess's gaze, they were still very satisfied with his conduct. Now those who did not marry his princess regret intestines are green"You're flattered Cloud from the red face shaking his head.

"Flattering? I have to say less and not exaggerate Night light dye pulls back her hand and waves to the cloud light moon, "little girl, since you don't enter the palace today, go back to have a rest! We will not go in if we have something else to do with our military department! "

"Good!" Cloud shallow moon nods, throw bridle to night light dye, "you ride my horse!"

Night light dye also does not refuse, turn over to mount a horse, go to the Army Department.

Cloud light moon see night light dye leave, take back sight, see cloud from the face is still red, she stretched out her arm, hugged his arm, like a sister relying on his brother, smile: "brother shy what? Isn't that good? Princess seven is a good woman. You should cherish her and treat her better. She's different from the Royal princesses. You have a good life, which proves that I did not choose the wrong person for you. But you don't have to treat her as a princess

"Well!" Yun Li nodded with a smile. She touched her brother's head in general, and her tone was gentle, "look at your fatigue. You must have come back quickly with a whip?"? It's about my aunt? It's a pity that I became a son of the world. I was too shallow to enter the Dynasty and had no foundation. I can't help my aunt, otherwise I won't have to work so hard to come back. " , the fastest update of the webnovel!