The Anarchic Consort of the Prince

Chapter 856

Ling Lian and Yi Xue are surprised to see the green shadow and know that he is the hidden guard of Rongjing. Qi Qi breathes a sigh of relief.

The hundreds of men in black obviously didn't expect that they were lying in wait for the ambush of the cloud moon, but they were ambushed by others. They were shocked and turned around, but when they saw the same number of people, they retreated and took out their swords.

"Miss moon, you just leave. I'll leave you here!" The voice of the green shadow has a cool and cold night.

Cloud shallow moon nodded, naturally do not want to see the human flesh fight here, bypass these people continue to walk forward.

The hundreds of people in black refused to let her go. They all besieged her. With a wave of his hand, the people behind him stopped the hundreds of people in black like ghosts, but in an instant formed a square array, trapping hundreds of people in black.


At the command of Qingying, hundreds of swords were sold. He didn't take part in the battle. He just stood outside the circle and watched the battle, which was obviously different in strength. There was a fish escaping from the encirclement. He only needed to lift his hand slightly and then he was killed immediately.

This barren mountain soon filled with a thick smell of blood.

Cloud shallow moon head also does not return to go out of this piece of barren mountain, come to the flat ground, turn over to mount a horse, look back one eye, murmur: "it's good to be protected by people!"

Ling Lian and Yi Xue take a look at each other, and finally understand why the young lady didn't give them instructions on the way from leaving the capital to returning to the city, and let the people of the red pavilion or the wind Pavilion arrange the escort along the way, and the people who have the feelings of jingshizi are secretly protected.

Cloud light moon no longer delay, legs a clip horse belly, horse four hooves raised, run to the official road.

Ling Lian and Yi Xue follow the cloud light moon behind, the same speed.

At ten o'clock in the afternoon, they went to Kangcheng. They had a simple lunch and had a rest in zuixiang building for an hour. Then they set off again. There was no obstruction on the way. It was very peaceful. In the middle of the night, I arrived in Huai'an City and had a rest in zuixiang building. At dawn, I set off again.

After Huai'an City, the next city is qucheng, after which is the capital.

As the sun sets, the moon comes to the capital. Compared with the two-and-a-half days it took her to leave Beijing a few days ago to reach Valley County, she only took two days to return.

She breathed a sigh of relief as the city gate was watching.

The capital is still as she left, four doors closed, there are still lines of refugees outside, but there are a lot less than when she left on that day. It is obvious that Rongjing and yetianyi have achieved remarkable results in harnessing water from east to west.

When he came to the gate of the city, yunqianyue called to the soldiers guarding the city, "open the gate!"

Naturally, the soldiers who guard the city know Yun Qianyue. A few days ago, the little prince ran sent her out of the city. After a look, the guard waved his hand and opened the gate.

Cloud shallow moon hits horse to enter.

At this time, a few of the refugees standing in line outside the city suddenly pulled up their swords and swords and stabbed them to the moon. The color of each sword is black and transparent, which is obviously poisoned.

The incident was too fast to be prevented.

Ling Lian and Yi Xue are somewhat lax in their vigilance when they see that they are back in the capital. However, with the lesson of the poisonous spiders in zuixiang building last time, they are still alert even if they are lax. When they see someone suddenly attacking, they immediately gather their spirits and take out their swords to protect the cloud and the moon.

Because of her own reason, yunqianyue was very sensitive to the secret attack, so she felt the fierce murderous spirit when she stepped into the city gate. At this time is not in a hurry to throw out the red brocade in the sleeve.

However, she did not use her hands. On the wall, there were bows and arrows shooting down with the sound of breaking through the sky. The bows and arrows were fast, fierce and accurate, and those killers were killed before they approached her. They all fell to the ground.

Cloud light moon looked up, and saw night light dye standing on the wall, a silver and white armor, holding a huge bow and arrow, the bow and arrow has four arrow sacs, one arrow four. Apparently, he was the one who just shot the five killers. One of the killers was given sugar gourd by him.

"Little girl, you will come back when you come back. You must give me such a big surprise!" Night light dye puts down bow and arrow, Yang lip to cloud shallow moon a smile, "what enemy did you offend, unexpectedly chase you all the way to the capital? He's also poisoned and killed you with such a cruel hand. "

"Where do I know? Who told you not to leave a living one The moon shrugged.

"This is a dead man. It's no use keeping alive!" Night light dye words fall, floating down the wall, silver armor in the sunset rendering on a touch of gold red light, he accurately sat in the clouds behind the moon.

Cloud shallow month turns back to him a smile, lie lazily on the horse body, "tired to death, send me back to the house!"

"I thought you would come back to the palace." Night light ran takes the reins of Yun Qianyue and beats his horse into the city.

"You are here! My aunt is safe and sound, and I'm not in a hurry. " The cloud is shallow and the moon is weak.

"I just saw that you are still very energetic. How can you look like this in a twinkling of an eye?" Night light dye spot cloud, shallow moon soft prone body, proud way: "how?"

"How about what?" The moon asked lazily.

"I just saved the beauty with a hero. Am I handsome?" Night light dye asked."You're handsome," she said

Night light dye Yang Yang chin, close to cloud shallow month ear, low voice way: "you this time harvest is very big! How could she send Princess Luoyao back so easily? Uncle Huang was very angry when he heard the news! I broke two cups and broke a good inkstone. "

"It's not that I sent people away. It's the old disease committed by the king of Donghai. It's said that it's very serious this time. The prince and Princess returned to the East China Sea in a hurry. Do you think I have such a great ability? " The cloud is shallow and the moon is magnificent.

"Little girl, it's good for you to play officialdom, and I'm still hiding it. When did you and the prince of Donghai know each other? Why didn't I know anything earlier? " Night light dye rebukes a, to cloud shallow moon dissatisfied ground stares, "this time is he to help you? Otherwise, the old disease of the king of China would not have been committed sooner or later, but you would have committed it after you went to the Valley County and met the jade prince? "

Cloud shallow moon ha ha smile, think of small seven, her heart from inside to outside are warm up, it seems that fatigue also subsided most of the time, whispered: "we are more than old acquaintance? Eight years of friendship! The little thing that he helped me is nothing. "

Night light dye a pair of true such appearance, hum way: "little girl, you really can cause trouble. That weak beauty is not jealous? Now I'm afraid the vinegar jar has been overturned? "

"No!" Yunqianyue shakes her head seriously.

"I don't believe it!" Night light dye obviously does not believe, "it is said that the jade crown prince covered China with jade, and saved tens of thousands of people in River Valley County from the flood with a little effort. I'm close to you again. The weak beauty can't be jealous , the fastest update of the webnovel!