The Anarchic Consort of the Prince

Chapter 855

"Those who want to cause trouble every day don't give food to eat!" Yung King Road.

Cloud shallow moon flat mouth, whispered: "I have been very careful! It's not that I'm causing trouble, it's not coming to me. "

"Are you still reasonable?" Rongjing is leering at the cloud and the moon.

Cloud shallow month immediately stopped talking, at the beginning of Luo Yu's matter, she was really very unjust, but this kind of injustice has no place to tell. She was glum to lie on the table, did not have much strength way: "OK, I watch you eat."

Rongjing stopped talking and sat down at the table.

Ling Lian and Yi Xue set up the dishes, went down, and brought two pots of wine. Rongjing helps Yuzi to write books. Both of them seem to have forgotten that there is a cloud moon around them. You and I talk about each other. They talk about each other. They are congenial and have the same interests. They have a great sense of regret for meeting each other.

Without her chopsticks, her bowl, and her wine, yunqianyue sat speechless. Looking at this and that, she realized that she had been ignored and ignored thoroughly.

The meal lasted for two hours, and there was not much food left on the plate. But he ate a piece of steak and a bowl of egg noodles in front of Yuzi's writing, and drank two pots of wine. When the two break up, yunqianyue has already fallen asleep on the table.

When Yu Zishu stood up to leave, he said to Rongjing, "donghaiguo is heavy in my heart, but she is not the only one.". If you hurt her or abandon her, pour the troops of Donghai Kingdom and step down Rongwang's mansion. "

Rong Jing picked her eyebrows and did not answer. Instead, he reached out to shoot the moon.

Yu Zishu stopped his hand and sighed, "let her sleep! I don't like parting, and neither does she

Rongjing stopped, and yuzishu walked out of the door. The figure of jade covered with brocade robes and jade covered China was slightly intoxicated, but the steps were not staggered. On the contrary, it was more comfortable and elegant.

Rong Jing stood in front of the table, looking at yuzishu's figure leaving, her eyes bright and admirable. Looking back at Xiangyun Qianyue, he saw that she was still asleep. There was a wind blowing in from the window, blowing her eyelashes gently shaking. He could deeply understand that the man she had used for two generations was worth remembering.

When yunqianyue woke up, it was dark. When she opened her eyes, she saw that she was lying on the bed. Rongjing was lying beside her. She sat up and asked, "is Xiao Qi gone?"

"It's on its way!" "Rong Jing way," but just left, you have to go after, return in time. "

Cloud shallow month Leng for a while, shake head, "forget it! It's not the end of the earth that I'll never see again! "

Let the scenic spot nod.

Yun Qianyue saw the sword on the table and took a close look at it. Even though it was dark and the room was dark, she could still clearly see the cold light on the sword. She raised her eyebrows and said, "where did you get the sword?"

"Princess Luoyao sent her maid to give it to you!" Rong Jing said, "and a letter!"

With blinking eyes, yunqianyue pushed aside the quilt and jumped out of bed over Rongjing. As expected, there was a letter lying on the sword. It was not opened. She reached for the envelope and tore it open. A piece of good Xuan paper was cut into a leaf shape, and a line of words was written on it, "Luoyao will appear on time on the day of jingshizi's crown and on the day of miss Qianyue and hairpin. I'll use this sword to discuss with Miss shallow moon. Now this sword is inconvenient to carry, so I'll deposit it here first! "

Cloud shallow moon looked at the letter paper speechless for a moment, supported her forehead and sighed, "where does she want to argue with me? Is she clearly trying to rob people! I'm afraid it's not just about the sword, it's giving me a challenge

Rong Jing is still lying in bed, picking eyebrows, and did not speak.

"It's said that women's beauties are in trouble, and you, the big man, are also a beauty disaster!" Cloud shallow moon glared at Rong Jing.

"Are you going to lose her?" Rong Jing seemed to smile.

Yunqianyue snorted, did not speak, folded the envelope, picked up the teapot on the table and poured it fiercely. After filling, she put the teapot away, and said: "kill one by one, kill one by two. If she challenges, I will. The three feet green front is waiting for her, and she will surely be killed every one of them! "

Rong Jing suddenly burst into a low smile, very happy, praised: "have ambition!"

Cloud shallow month turns a white eye, scolded a, "you rotten person!"

Rong Jing coughed gently. The cough seemed to be with a smile. He waved to Yun Qianyue, "come and continue to sleep. Tomorrow you have to go on your way. Have a good rest tonight."

Yunqianyue paced back to bed, climbed back to bed, nestled in Rongjing's arms, and patted her gently. She soon went to sleep again, but Rongjing didn't feel sleepy. She had been looking at her for a long time before closing her eyes.

At dawn the next day, yunqianyue starts to return to Beijing after a simple meal. Ling Lian and Yi Xue return to the city with her.

The official road in Valley County is still not completed, so according to the way when they came, the three people took a raft and rode to the border of River Valley County. The official road is much easier to walk than before. Because of two days' rest, the ride is very fast. In the evening, I arrived at Luoshui city. After a simple meal in Luoshui City, the three set out overnight and took the last mountain road, bypassing Jingzhou county and heading for Kangcheng, saving a day.

At the same time and at the same place, it was last time that dozens of people secretly attacked and were destroyed by yunqianyue with gold needles. This time, hundreds of people ambushed here.Ling Lian and Yi Xue see that hundreds of people in black face a change, Qi Qi one left and one right to protect the cloud shallow moon, "Miss..."

Cloud shallow moon eyes light cold, has not spoken, hundreds of people behind will appear the same hundreds of people in black. One of them was shrouded in thick fog and could not see the shape. Only a figure of fog color was seen. The figure was very familiar with the person's breath cloud. The cold in her eyes faded and she gave a faint smile, "mantis catches cicada and yellow finches are behind, which is about the truth."

Ling Lian and Yi Xue look at Xiangyun Xiaoyue suspiciously.

Cloud shallow moon to two people to solve confusion, "he is green shadow, string song is the Ming Wei, he is the dark Wei Rong Jing." , the fastest update of the webnovel!