The Anarchic Consort of the Prince

Chapter 854

"When her aunt went to see her after she was born, she would hold on to her aunt's skirt. My aunt liked her too, so she took her back to the house for foster care. Aunt is often not in the East China Sea, she has become a small follower, where the aunt went, she went with her aunt, once aunt did not take her out, she cried for three days and three nights, the father had no choice but to pass a letter to his aunt, and the aunt rushed back to take her away. Since then, she has become a member of the aunt's family. How many days a year it would be nice to be in the palace! Most of the time, you can't see her. " Yu Zishu shook his head with a smile, "it's because my aunt is running around the world. She's been raised as a boy by her side. That's how she's now. Even many people don't know that there is such a little princess in the royal family. "

"What kind of person is your aunt?" Cloud shallow moon asks again.

Yu Zishu's eyes flashed. He looked at the cloud and the moon. Just as he was about to open his mouth, a familiar drink came from the gate, "cloud shallow moon! Get out of here

Yunqianyue looked out of the window and saw Luo Yu step in, just like a man. She said with a smile, "I always thought she was Princess Luoyao. Rongjing and ye Tianyi went to Yuncheng for this."

"It was her own message." Yu Zishu said with a smile, "she just loves to play. In fact, she is not like my aunt. She is very much like Uncle Hua Wang. Uncle Hua likes to play and make fun of her. Some time ago, I heard that I was going to come to the East China Sea. I ran out with my aunt secretly without telling her. As soon as I arrived at Tiansheng's land, I ran away by myself. "

"What kind of man is uncle Hua Wang?" Cloud shallow moon sees Luo Yu already ran to the room and come, she asks again.

"Uncle Hua is my aunt's son-in-law! But he was made king before he was not his son-in-law. Therefore, Tiansheng's people prefer to call him the king of China rather than his son-in-law. " Yu Zishu said with a smile.

The cloud shallow moon nods, between the eyebrow eye congeals on a ponder, no longer inquires.

"Cloud light moon!" At this time, Luo Yu came to the door, "pa" to lift the bead curtain, a gust of wind rushed to Yun Qianyue's side. As soon as she was about to slap the table in front of her, she saw the jade book sitting opposite her. Her hands immediately stopped stiff, and she exclaimed, "brother Zishu?"

"Yu'er, you don't rest in the yard when you are sick. What are you doing here so rashly?" Yu Zishu frowns.

Luo Yu immediately withdraws the hand, the corner of the mouth one GA, wronged ground to cloud shallow month to stretch out a finger, "she hateful!"

Jade Book saw cloud shallow moon one eye, helplessly asked, "how can she be hateful?"

"She provoked me, and then she provoked the woman of Luoyao! It's not hateful. What is it? Luoyao picked all the chrysanthemums in the yard and gave them to her. They gave them to each other privately Luo Yu stamped her foot fiercely as she spoke, accusing Yun Qianyue.

Cloud shallow month mouth corner pulled pull, some headache ground rubs forehead. Did she and princess Luoyao give and receive in private? Is that what you say?

Yu Zishu seemed helpless to reach out his hand to help his forehead and sighed, "yu'er, do you know your own gender?"

Luo Yu blinked, looked at the cloud light moon one eye, and looked at the jade book, half ring just said: "I am a man!"

"It's either a man's dress or a man's! Do you understand? " Yunqianyue put down her hand and looked at him.

"So what?" Luo Yu snorted, reached into his arms, handed a scroll of paintings to yuzishu, accusing him: "look, Zishu, this is the evidence that she seduced me. So I put her in charge. He's a man, I'm a woman, she's a woman, I'm a man. Besides, we have men's style in the East China Sea, we can also have women's style, right? I can marry her. "

The cloud is shallow and the moon is sweating. Where does this come from?

Yu Zishu doubtfully took the picture scroll and opened it. When he saw the picture of Yun Xiaoyue in men's clothes, he looked at it carefully. His eyes flashed and said to Luo Yu, "is this her? How can I look at it? "

"No?" Luo Yu raises eyebrows.

"How can you be sure it's her?" Yu Zishu asked.

"She said it herself, and Rongjing also said it. Ye qingran fights with me when she sees this picture. Rongfeng sees that the portrait is secretive. They all like her, so that's why. It means that she is the owner of the painting. " Luo Yudao.

"It's a conjecture! You can't do it right. " Yu Zishu looked up at the moon and said, "are you sure this is you?"

"No, how could it be me? I was joking with her Yunqianyue immediately denied.

"Look! She said it was not her who was joking with you Yuzishu folded up the portrait and didn't give it to Luo Yu. Instead, he put it into his arms and said to Luo Yu, "my father just ordered someone to give me an oral instruction that uncle Hua Wang's old disease has recurred. This time it is very serious. I'll immediately return to the East China Sea. You should pack up and pass the news to Luoyao. We will set out for our return this evening. "

Luo Yu's face changed. "Do you think uncle Hua has a relapse?"

"Well!" Yu Zishu nodded.

"What about that? Why is his old illness serious again? Isn't it nearly ready? " Luo Yu didn't want to trouble Yun Qianyue. She quickly went around the room for two times and said with red eyes to yuzishu: "brother Zishu, we'll start now!"

"Our ship needs to be mended, and I've ordered people to get ready. You go to inform Luoyao first. " Yu Zishu gently looked at Luo Yu and said, "strive to set off as soon as possible.""Good!" Luo Yu heard a gust of wind and rushed out of the door.

Cloud shallow month looked at Luo Yu so easy to be dismissed, she picked eyebrows to jade book, "Hua Wang really old disease relapse?"

"Uncle Hua's old disease often recurred. It's very normal that he has an old disease. Ziluo and uncle Hua have the best feelings. All the people in the East China Sea like Uncle Hua Wang. Therefore, once they hear that his old disease has recurred, the people in the East China Sea spontaneously pray for him, which is a bad thing all day long. Therefore, this is the most effective way to return to the East China Sea. Even if Luoyao didn't want to leave, she had to leave. " Yu Zishu said with a smile, "I'll send a letter to Uncle Hua later. Even if he doesn't have an old disease, let him pretend it."

"Listen to you, Wang Hua?" Asked the moon.

"In recent years, my aunt and uncle Hua Wang have indulged in ziluo, and they have almost been scattered. She has gone with her aunt and uncle Hua Wang for so many places and accepted so many things that she has come to the situation where everything is bold and flexible. I'll pass your picture back to him, and then tell them about her marrying you. They will listen to me when they realize that the problem is serious, and if there is a mistake in education, they will listen to me. When they go back, they will definitely give ziluo a good education and make a change. " Yuzi's words fell from the book and said with a smile: "you are really a troublesome master. No wonder jingshizi has to watch you every day and dare not relax."

Yunqianyue breathed a sigh of relief and sent Luoyu and Luoyao away. He took a look at yuzishu, and just about to speak, Rongjing opened the curtain and walked in. Behind him, Linglian and Yixue carried a tray with several delicious dishes in the tray. She looked back and immediately said, "it's delicious. I've got my appetite again." , the fastest update of the webnovel!