The Anarchic Consort of the Prince

Chapter 853

Yu Zishu picked her eyebrows and said, "it turns out that Jing Shizi is still a master cook! Please set up a table for jingshizi! I went back to think about it in the afternoon. I felt that I had accepted your feelings. I could eat your meal more properly, and I could almost lose my appetite by crying. "

"Good!" Rongjing agreed happily.

Cloud shallow month mouth corner smoked, looking at jade son book, "how big is your appetite? Can you eat it? "

"As long as you and Jing Shizi do it! I can eat a lot. " Yu Zishu nodded with a smile.

"Well! Then you go to the house first! I'm going to prepare the ingredients and reward your appetite Cloud light moon loose jade book, carry step to the small kitchen in the courtyard.

"Prince Yu, please!" Let the scene gently brush the sleeves, a simple ceremony.

"Jingshizi, please!" Jade book slowly raised step, elegant step.

Two people have entered the room, bead curtain because of two people into the collision issued a crisp sound, in a moment, the sound gradually subsided, two people have entered the room to sit down.

Cloud shallow moon walked to the small kitchen door, looked back to the house. He laughed and walked into the kitchen. Since Xiao Qi knew the purpose of Rongjing, let them talk about it! Knowing that Tiansheng's new and old regime was replaced, there were invisible swords and gunpowder everywhere. And he also took Princess Luoyao to Tiansheng at this time. Naturally, he had a purpose. It's just that this trip to the heavenly saints is just a variable for their meeting. I believe that they can naturally find their own favorable points of fit.

See cloud shallow month into the kitchen, Ling Lian and Yi snow immediately come to help.

Ling Lian said to Yun Xiaoyue as she set up a fire: "Miss, the maid has just gone to the courtyard where the jade Prince is staying. She has passed on your words to Princess Luoyao. Princess Luoyao... " She took a deep breath and saw the cloud and the moon looking at her. She said, "since you like to drink chrysanthemum tea, you will pick all the chrysanthemums she has left and send it to you."

"Oh?" Cloud light moon funny, "so?"

"Well!" Ling Lian nods.

"Did you bring back chrysanthemum tea?" Cloud shallow moon asked with a smile.

"It's back. It's a basket. Now there is not even a chrysanthemum petal in that courtyard! " Ling Lian Dao.

The cloud shallow month hears speech to smile to mean deep, "really is a golden peach blossom, seven pour is not wrong. Better a broken jade than a whole house. It seems that I have met my opponent

"What shall I do, miss? I didn't want to take it back, but I didn't want to turn around and leave. I lost your face. " Ling Lian said, "I can only take it, and I'll take it back to you."

"I'll take it back. We'll take it back to Beijing. I won't drink Maojian any more. I'll drink chrysanthemum tea and drink it slowly!" Yun Xiaoyue said with a smile: "in this way, I can always be reminded that someone wants to rob a man from me. I can think about myself three times

Ling Lian and Yi Xue's corners of the mouth together smoked.

Cloud shallow moon smile no longer speak, concentrate on making the steak in hand.

Half an hour later, Rongjing suddenly appears at the kitchen door. Yunqianyue feels his breath and looks back at him. He is rolling his sleeves and smiling at him. "Do you really want to cook?"

"Nature! Prince Yu is generous and helpful. We must treat him well. " Yung King Road.

"Then you do well!" Cloud light moon carrying plate to go out, face deep smile.

Rongjing did not let her stay, but first clean hands, methodically to prepare. Ling Lian and Yi Xue have never seen Rong Jing under the kitchen. They open their eyes and look at him for a moment. They wake up and help him.

Yunqianyue came to the room and saw yuzishu sitting at the table sipping tea slowly. On the table was a golden silk cloth with handwriting written on it. She walked up to him, put the steak and egg noodles in front of him, and looked down at Juan PA. There are four big characters on it, which are marriage documents.

After the four characters, there is a beautiful cursive script, "I want to say that King Shizi and miss Xiaoyue of Prince Rong's mansion are in love with each other. Donghai kingdom does not want to be loved by others, so she withdraws her marriage." There are three big characters in yuzishu, which are printed with Prince Donghai's handprint.

Cloud shallow month hook hook lip horn, to jade son book ask, "so go?"

"What else do you want?" Yu Zishu raised her eyebrows with a smile.

Yunqianyue stretched out her hand to roll up the bright yellow Juan PA and put it into her arms. She gave a big smile to yuzishu and said, "Xiao Qi, did I ever say you are cute."

"You used to say it all the time." Yu Zishu glanced at her, "but every time you say this, you always ask me. But I can't refuse

Cloud shallow moon smell speech with hand cover mouth light cough.

"In Donghai Kingdom, although it is said that respecting the prince's order is equivalent to respecting the emperor's order, the prince is not the emperor after all. This handwriting can solve some problems, but it can not solve all problems completely Yuzishu reminds cloud and moon.

Yun Xiaoyue nodded with a smile, and her body was crooked. She sat on the chair opposite the jade book and said, "it's ok if you can't solve any problems. This represents your attitude. At least the old Emperor didn't dare to do anything to us for a moment and a half. It's not easy to get you. Although he is old, his heart is not confused. "

Yu Zishu nodded, stopped talking, and began to concentrate on eating steak.Yun Qianyue lies on the table watching him eat. She remembers that Xiao Qi cooks for her every time she goes out on a mission. However, when Xiao Qi goes out on a mission, she is not good at cooking. When he comes back, she can only be steak or egg noodles. He eats with great interest. That kind of life will be many years, beautiful and memorable.

Yuzishu also seems to think of the past, raised his head to the cloud light moon warm smile.

"What is Donghai like? Tell me about it. " Cloud shallow moon asks suddenly.

"The East China Sea is not as big as Tiansheng. It is about half of the territory of Tiansheng! But the style is excellent, which is really outstanding. The writer has the literary quality, and the martial arts has the martial art. Up to the royal family, down to the people, live and work in peace and contentment. Peace and prosperity. " Yuzi's calligraphy.

"So it's really a difference between heaven and earth?" Cloud shallow moon inquires.

"Well, it is! It's a paradise. " Yu Zishu nodded with a smile.

"Who are the royal families?" Cloud shallow moon asks with interest again.

"There are father and emperor, mother, old Uncle Wang, aunt, uncle Hua, and three princesses, Luoyao, Lingyu and ziluo. Zixi is a prince. He and ziluo are twins. Three opposite sex vassal kings, Lingyang king, Qiu Jun Wang, Min'an king, three kings loyal to the monarch for the country. " Yu Zishu replied with a smile.

"Purple pineapple?" Cloud shallow month reads out this name, to jade son Book pick eyebrow, "Luo Yu is purple Luo princess?"

"Well!" Yu Zishu nodded with a smile.

"She's not like you." Yun Qianyue said: "at least I can see some of your royal family's shadow in Luoyao, dignified and noble. I don't see any resemblance between your brothers and sisters in her , the fastest update of the webnovel!