The Anarchic Consort of the Prince

Chapter 852

Yunqianyue narrowed her eyes when she heard the speech. Yetianyi and Rongjing were as far away from the capital as Rongjing, and had no time to take care of other things. Moreover, he knew that she regarded her aunt very important and would not easily touch her moldy feet. Now there are only yetianqing and yetianyu in Beijing. Ye Tianyu once asked her to cooperate and was refused by her. Now they can't start from the old emperor. It's not surprising that they regard her aunt as a breakthrough.

"Only they can break this situation!" Rong Jing and light way.

"I wanted to stay here with you for ten days and a half months. It seems that I will return to Beijing in advance." The cloud is shallow and the moon spits out a mouthful of turbid gas. Since the aunt wants the child, she can't ignore it.

"Well!" Rong Jing Mou Guang has a trace of reluctant to give up, nodding slowly.

"Since ye qingran has sent someone to send me a message, he will certainly keep my aunt safe before I go back." Cloud shallow moon thought for a while, some reluctantly looked at the Rong Jing way: "I set out early tomorrow morning."

Let the scenic spot nod, "good!"

Yunqianyue stood in front of the window, did not go back to the soft couch, fingertips tapping the window lattice, issued a gentle sound, she looked at the chrysanthemum tea on the table, delicate eyebrows slightly twisted, half ring some gloomy way: "I leave this period of time, you can't let Princess Luoyao appear in front of you, let alone let her approach you."

"I'm afraid it's not easy to do this."

Cloud shallow moon frowns, "where can't you do what you want to do? Don't tell me you can't kill another woman without me? Let other women try to get close to you. Dare you

"You also said that it was a golden peach blossom, which was not easy to kill. How can you throw her to me alone Rong Jing raised her eyebrows with a smile.

Yunqianyue bit her lip and recalled yuzishu's words. Suddenly, her aura flashed and she said to Rongjing, "I'll take them back to Beijing! In this way, she will be with me, which will not hinder you or get closer to you

Rong Jing raised her eyebrows. "It's a good way, but it's better to let them not enter the capital than to take them back to Beijing. Now Tiansheng has been flooded in large areas, and the Treasury has appropriated most of its resources for disaster relief. At this time, a relatively wealthy prince and Princess of Donghai kingdom came. What do you think the emperor will do? Can the fat in the mouth make it fly? Even if Donghai wanted to repent, the emperor would try to make it happen, not to mention a princess of Luoyao. "

Cloud shallow moon eyebrows knot, looking at Rong Jing, "do not let them step into the capital? Let them return to the East China Sea by the same way? "

Rong Jing nodded with a smile, "this is the best way!"

Cloud shallow moon lowers head to think for a moment, suddenly reaches out a hand to clap the window lattice, "that is to do! This not only sent the golden peach blossom, but also blocked the old emperor's winding, let them go back where they came from first! We don't have time to deal with them at the moment. "

"Fortunately, Prince Yu is your old friend. If you open your mouth, he won't refuse." Rong Jing said with a smile.

Yun Qianyue reached out and rubbed her forehead. She said in a stuffy way: "I'm sorry for Xiao Qi. Xiao Qi finally came to Tiansheng. We just met. I don't invite him to my house. I'll treat him well. I'll drive him away. Well, is that too much? "

"It's too much!" Rong Jing nodded his head.

Cloud shallow moon rubs forehead forcefully, in addition to this reason, she is quite reluctant to part seven, just met ah! It's not a good reminiscence! If he is allowed to go back to the East China Sea like this, he may not know when he will come again.

"If you rub it down, your forehead will be broken!" The sound of the scene reminds us of the moon.

Cloud shallow moon put down his hand and waved his hand with annoyance, "no matter! Let's call him to discuss it first! See if he has any good ideas? Some words are best, if not, I can only apologize to him. He said to be my backup team, let's start with this thing! It's not my style to have such a good backstage

Rong jinggou lip a smile, to the outside command, "string song, you go to the jade Prince's residence, please jade prince to come over, said I have important matters to discuss."

"Yes The string song immediately answered and left the courtyard.

Yunqianyue walked up to Rongjing, stood in front of him, looked at him for a moment, and suddenly asked, "have you had this idea in mind? Didn't want the envoys of Donghai to step into the heavenly capital

Rong Jing nodded with a smile.

"Conspirators!" Cloud shallow moon judge impolitely.

Rongjing reached out to hold yunqianyue's slender waist and pulled her into her arms. "The envoy of the East China Sea can come to Tiansheng, but it's not now. It's not the right time to come. It's not good for us. It's better to leave."

The cloud is light and the moon is blinking.

Rong Jing said again, "at least after you belong to me!"

Cloud shallow moon "Puff Chi" a smile!

"But Prince Yu can do one thing." Rongjing said slowly: "although it's useless to destroy the engagement between Donghai Kingdom and Prince Rong's residence, it's better to destroy it. Let him write a paper when he comes."

Cloud shallow moon smiles to nod, make fun of Rong Jing, "your abacus is really hit crackling ring."

"In order to marry you, how can it be done without playing hard?" Rong Jing ignores the teasing of the cloud and sighs helplessly.Cloud shallow moon is speechless, think with his conspiracy, still is she trains out? She has so much talent?

At the gate came the news. Yunqianyue looked up and looked out of the window. Yu Zishu walked in slowly. He had changed his clothes and brocade belt. He was very beautiful. She tut tut praise two times, got up to stand up, stretched out his hand to Rongjing to lift step to meet out.

Rong Jing's eyes fell on Yu Zishu's face with a smile.

Two people out of the door, yuzishu also went to the courtyard, cloud shallow moon loose Rong Jing's hand, stride a few steps to come to Yu Zishu, reached out to grab his arm, flattered him with a smile, "guess what I asked you to do?"

"Want to kill me!" Yuzishu smiles gently.

Cloud shallow moon face a draw, look at him suspiciously, "when will be divine and ingenious?"

"I've learned it for a long time!" Yu Zishu chuckled and took a look at Rongjing standing at the door and asked with a smile, "is it jingshizi?"

Rong Jing's eyes fell on Yun Qianyue's arm, which was holding yuzishu. He said with a smile, "the jade Prince knows. It seems that we invite you to come here to make it superfluous!"

"How?" Yu Zishu shook his head and bowed his head to Yun Qianyue: "I want to eat your steak!"

"Well, I'll make it for you!" Cloud shallow moon ask for help, very happy to agree.

"I also want tomato and egg noodles." Yu Zishu also said.

"Good!" Cloud shallow moon nods again, she can cook the meal also is these two kinds!

"I still want to eat..." Yuzishu continued to speak.

"Prince Yu, what would you like to eat? How about Jing cooking himself?" Rongjing intercepted the words of yuzishu. , the fastest update of the webnovel!