The Anarchic Consort of the Prince

Chapter 851

"What's the matter?" Cloud shallow moon looks at two people to ask.

Ling Lian and Yi Xue have a look at each other, and they all look at Rong Jing and shake their heads.

"Say it Yunqianyue thinks that it must be about Rongjing, otherwise they will not look like this.

Rong Jing also looks at two people pick eyebrows.

Ling Lian took a breath, lowered her head and said in a low voice, "Miss, Princess Luoyao's maid has brought chrysanthemum tea to jingshizi. It is said that Jing Shizi has been very tired these two days. In the Valley County, there are only chrysanthemums in the courtyard where she is staying. "

"It's such a small thing. Just throw it away!" With a faint smile, he continued to walk in the cloud.

Cloud shallow moon shakes head, "throw to do what? You don't drink, I drink. " She thought about it for a while, and then said to Ling Lian, "you can go to the yard where the jade Prince is staying and pass a message to Princess Luoyao. You say that jingshizi doesn't like chrysanthemum tea, but I like it very much. Thank her for her chrysanthemum tea. I don't have any good gifts at present. I'll give it to her when I have one."

"Yes Ling Lian nods.

"Is that ok?" Cloud shallow moon partial head asks Rong Jing.

"Yes! It's not polite to come but not to go! You have to remember to return it. " Rongjing is not sure.

Cloud shallow moon gives him a look of you at ease, follow him to carry step into the house.

Yun Qianyue cried a lot, and her clothes were dirty. She changed a clean dress and went to the mirror to have a look. She saw a pair of red and swollen eyes and a red nose. She asked Rongjing, "what should I do?"? Do you have a way to make it disappear? "

"You are ugly! It's just a little bit more color. It doesn't matter whether you become or not? " Rongjing simply combed and washed, sat down at the table, took a sip of tea, and glanced at the cloud light moon.

Cloud shallow month thinks of oneself this pair of ghost appearance, small seven can endure her to cry for a long time, she can't help but smile, "I am ugly, how? You like ugliness, too. You can't enjoy it if you get used to my ugly one

"So what mirror are you looking at? Come and eat. " Yung King Road.

Cloud light moon steps easily to the table.

This meal cloud shallow month ate a lot, chopsticks have been moving, obviously in a good mood. Rong Jing looked at her a few times, did not speak, unconsciously also followed to eat for a long time.

After dinner, yunqianyue, instead of slouching on the soft couch, took a walk in the room and hummed English songs. It is a very cheerful tune. Her tone is beautiful, but now it is ethereal and soft. Even the birds that occasionally fall on the crabapple trees in the courtyard are no longer flying, they are leaning on the branches and listening quietly.

Rongjing doesn't disturb the cloud and the moon. He sits on the soft couch and sips the tea slowly. He also listens quietly.

Cloud shallow moon walk tired, body a soft, crooked into the arms of Rongjing, comfortable to take a breath.

"Happy?" Rongjing looks at her.

"Well!" Yunqianyue nodded, and her eyebrows and eyes were full of joy. Seeing Rongjing pick her eyebrows, she said with a relaxed smile: "seriously, for so many years, even if I can't sleep at night, I always feel like I'm living in a strange circle and can't get out of it. I know where the symptoms are, but powerless, now I see Xiao Qi, he is alive, and live very well, I completely out of the strange circle, feel that life is so beautiful. Even if there is a little bit of unhappiness, such as Princess Luoyao, it is nothing. "

Rong Jing gently stroked the green silk of cloud shallow moon, and asked softly, "can you love me well in the future?"

"Well!" Cloud shallow month turns round, reach out to hook the neck of Rong Jing, smile at him, affirmation way: "love you well." Then he said with a smile, "it's not easy to find someone who really loves you and you really love you. Since you love him, you should cherish him. Try not to let him sad, use your life to interpret your love. He will be happy, and so will you. "

The face of the scene moved slightly.

"So, I will be very happy, and I will want you to be very happy." Cloud shallow moon again serious tunnel.

Rong Jing gazed at her, her eyes locked in the face of the moon. In a moment, she bowed her head and kissed her lips.

Cloud light moon gently "um" a sound, then changed in the Rong Jing Mianmian tenderness.

In the courtyard, a trace of strange wind fell, and the string song sword was sold in an instant. He asked in a low voice, "who is it?"

Rongjing leaves the lips of yunqianyue, turns her head and looks out of the window. The visitor is a man in black and masked. The man held a jade plate with the word "dye" carved on it. She was very eye-catching in the sun, her eyes moved, and she sat up from Rongjing's arms.

"I am ordered by my little prince to deliver a message to miss shallow moon!" The man glanced at the string song and spoke coldly.

Cloud shallow month stands up, carry a step to go to the window, looking at the black man in the courtyard to ask, "what words?"

"The little prince asked me to tell Miss Qianyue that the palace lady is not feeling well recently." Men in black.

Cloud light moon complexion a change, "how is not appropriate law?"

The man in black looked at the cloud light moon one eye, shook his head, "the little prince only let me pass this sentence."Yunqianyue pursed her lips, and her aunt had been pregnant for three months. She never saw her again after she heard that she was pregnant and wanted to keep her child until she knelt outside the holy sun Hall of the old emperor. It's been a month now. Night light dye specially ordered people to tell her this sentence, certainly not so simple as physical discomfort. Thinking of this, she nodded, "tell your little prince that I know."

The man in black nodded and walked away from the yard.

Cloud shallow moon looks back to Rong Jing, "what do you think?"

"The emperor's exhausted body has been gradually turning around recently," said Rong Jing's spotless white robe. In fact, it's just the last shot of the grasshopper after autumn. Unfortunately, some people didn't know that the emperor had no place to start, so they could only hit the queen who looked very weak. There's nothing wrong with that. " , the fastest update of the webnovel!