The Anarchic Consort of the Prince

Chapter 850

Yu Zishu chuckled and nodded, "if there is no accident, it should be!"

Cloud shallow moon Teng to stand up, put the sword back on the body, stretched out his hand to hold yuzishu's hand and walked, "go, let's go down the mountain. From today on, I'm going to defend. You are my backup team and must support me unconditionally when I need to

"It seems that my task is quite heavy." Yuzishu stood up and walked down the mountain with a smile.

Yunqianyue gave him a look that you were very good at. Looking at the foot of the mountain, he was suddenly very interested and said, "come on, let me see your lightness skill! You take me with you. "

Yu Zishu nodded with a smile, clasped Yun Qianyue's wrist, gently touched his toes, pulled up his body in the air, and drifted down the mountain.

Cloud light moon blinked eyes, almost did not rise and fall, jade book will float and fall at the foot of the mountain. She looked back at the Bibo Pavilion on the hillside and calculated the time she spent using her lightness skills. After the calculation, she looked at yuzishu like a monster and angrily said, "it's not a human being. I don't know you!"

Yuzishu was funny. "If someone thinks about dressing you up as a woman every day, in order to avoid him, you will practice your lightness skills as well as I do."

Cloud shallow moon suddenly big happy, "this person is who?"

"An old urchin." Yu Zishu's eyes flashed and took a look at the sky. "It's time for us to go back to the city, or jingshizi can't help but come to arrest people."

Cloud light moon also looked at the sky, only to see the sun has sounded, by the west of the afternoon. She nodded and saw that the horse she had ridden nearby was eating grass. She asked yuzishu, "where's your horse?"

The middle finger and index finger of yuzishu were placed together and whistled gently. As soon as the whistle sounded, a horse's hoof was heard running towards this side in the distance. Soon, a black horse came and rubbed on yuzishu intimately. He wiped his horse's head, and suddenly laughed at Yun Qianyue and said to the horse, "Xiao Yun is really good!"

Cloud shallow moon face a black, raise foot to kick jade son book.

Yuzishu had already turned over and mounted the horse before the foot kick of yunqianyue, and said with a smile, "let's race a horse?"

"Match it The cloud shallow moon withdraws the foot, turns over the body to mount the horse, does not greet also, the legs a clip horse abdomen, gallops toward the city.

Yu Zishu reached for his forehead and shook his head in a funny way. He also beat his horse to keep up with the moon.

Although yunqianyue took a step first, she was chased by yuzishu when she arrived at the gate of the city. She turned her head and looked at him. She was unconvinced and said, "your horse's foot strength is better than mine."

"Yes, my horse's foot strength is better than your horse's, not your level is not home." Jade book with the nod.

Cloud shallow moon is speechless, he might as well not say this. She is silent for a moment, suddenly grabs yuzishu's collar, looks at him fiercely and says: "you return the warm, friendly, good and good yuzishu I saw earlier. I don't want this. "

Yu Zishu blinked his eyes and said three words in a warm tone, "King Shizi!"

Cloud shallow moon hands a loose, hurriedly before and after a look around, did not see the scene of the figure, staring at the jade book.

"On the wall." Yuzishu reminds us.

Cloud light moon looked up, saw a row of soldiers on the wall, in a large soldier behind three feet of a place stood a white figure, is looking at the city wall lazily. His breath seemed to be deliberately hidden. Otherwise, she would not be unable to find out. She withdrew her hand holding the jade Book collar and waved to the city wall, "Rongjing, come down!"

Rong Jing picked his eyebrows and stood still on the wall.

"Come down and pay for the clothes." The moon called again.

Rongjing steps forward, and the soldiers on the wall quickly make way for a road. He floats down the wall and falls in front of the cloud moon horse. He takes a look at yunqianyue's whole body. Finally, his eyes are fixed on her red and swollen eyes and raises eyebrows. "Did you roast a rabbit in Cuiwei mountain?"

Will roasted rabbits make their eyes red? The cloud is shallow and the moon is silent.

"Prince bitter jade! She's been spoiled since she was a child, and she's given you trouble! I'll take good care of her in the future, so that she won't have another chance to damage your clothes Rong Jing turned his head and wrote to Yuzi.

Yu Zishu nodded with a smile, "I don't want to have this chance again! It's hard to see a beauty cry. "

Cloud shallow moon looks up at the sky, completely speechless.

"I have prepared food and wine with Prince Yu?" Rong Jing raised a smile at the corner of his mouth and raised his eyebrows to ask.

"Not today! I'll have a change and have a drink with King Shizi some other day. Jingshizi remembers to send my clothes to live in! Although I have a deep friendship with her, my brother knows how to settle accounts. She has to pay for the damage she has done to my clothes. " Yu Zishu said with a smile.

Cloud shallow moon Mo, some regret that he should be severely ruined his clothes, now this level is not enough.

"Good!" Rong Jing is smiling.

"Go first!" Yu Zishu no longer spoke, and went into the city.

Rong Jing watched Yu Zishu turn into a street one by one and could not see his figure again. He took back his sight and looked at Xiangyun Xiaoyue again. The smile of the lips retracts and stares deeply.

Cloud light moon also takes back sight from the sky, sitting on the horse looking at the scene. Two people's eyes one high and one low meet in mid air, this moment transverse beam in two people's heart suddenly collapses. Only each other."Tormented me for such a long time, if I had known the result, I would have gone to the East China Sea and pulled him to you." Rong Jing suddenly said.

Cloud shallow moon mouth opened, a moment back, some depressed way: "I about did not cut off the autumn peach blossom in August. I don't know how long it will take me. "

Rong Jing picked her eyebrows, "didn't you dare to mention it?"

"Yes! I've got a three foot green front! But the family is a piece of golden peach blossom, it is said that they are very stubborn, not easy to start Cloud shallow moon depressed way, "how can I be so miserable? Sent a Qin Yuning, came a jade Luo Yao. Ah... "

"Rong Jing smiles," you finally know that I have been very miserable

Ai Ai nodded in the moon.

"Since it's a golden peach blossom, it's very difficult to do. I'll cut it off with you." Rong Jing seemed to sigh.

Ai Ai retreated in the early stage of the moon, smiling softly, lying in front of the horse, nodding with satisfaction, "that's it! How do you say one sentence? If husband and wife share the same heart, their profits will cut off gold. "

Rong Jing's toes were light, floating body fell on the horse, sitting behind the cloud light moon, took the reins from her hand, urged the horse to enter the city, and put his lips close to her ear and said with a smile: "this is very true!"

Cloud shallow moon prone body straight up, lazily nest into the arms of the scene.

They did not speak any more, but returned all the way to the other courtyards where they were staying. Turning over and dismounting, yunqianyue languidly lets Rongjing drag her to go inside. Ling Lian and Yi Xue, who are guarding the yard, immediately greet them. Both of them don't look very good, but they try their best to hide their courtesy to them. , the fastest update of the webnovel!