The Anarchic Consort of the Prince

Chapter 849

Yuzishu was funny. She patted Yun's head with her hand and agreed: "it's quite two!"

Yunqianyue groaned and let go of yuzishu's hand in the pavilion. He sat lazily on the stone bench, lying on the stone table without any bones. He looked at the jade book sitting on the bottom of his body, staring at his face, and solemnly said, "now start to negotiate."

"Well? What's the verdict? " Jade book picks eyebrows.

"Talk about your princess sister!" Cloud light moon road.

Yu Zishu's lips slightly raised, originally warm as water immortal's appearance suddenly became some evil charm, "my family's princess sister has several, which do you want to talk about?"

"Let's talk about the one who has an engagement with Prince Rong." Cloud light moon road.

"Luoyao!" Yu Zishu nodded with a smile and said slowly: "she is the most beautiful princess in the East China Sea. She is the most beloved daughter of her father, emperor and mother. No one can compare her music, chess, calligraphy and painting in Donghai kingdom. Even I will lose one notch. And all the women's models of admonition are extremely proficient. As long as she wants to do something, she never fails to do it well. She never gets what she wants. "

Cloud light moon blinks an eye, "so fierce?"

"Well, that's it." Yu Zishu said with a smile: "she is the goddess of perfection in the hearts of the people of the East China Sea. All the women were not as good as Princess Luoyao. They were proficient in almost everything except that they could not practice martial arts because of their natural constitution. Even though she can't learn internal skills, she still loves martial arts. She can use all kinds of weapons, especially sword. If I don't use my internal power to compete with her, it's hard for me to win her

"So perfect!" The moon sighed.

"With a reputation as bad as yours and a lot of shortcomings, she is more than a hundred times better than you." Yu Zishu mercilessly hit the cloud shallow moon, "you are not sitting now, standing not like, and she is in the same place, it is really the difference between grass and peony. There is no comparison. "

"You deliberately hit me, didn't you?" The cloud is shallow and the moon is glaring.

Yu Zishu looked at Yun Qianyue with a critical eye, ignored her stare, and continued: "but if you return to the original yun'er, I don't think it will be inferior to her. How lovely the original yun'er is, sitting and standing. Your military posture is the best of all of us at the NSA. Now you Tut, I can't see it. "

Cloud shallow month pulled to pull the corner of the mouth, lazy way: "two generations are human, can't always be a model, isn't it?"? I've been so exhausted in my last life that I can't live without changing my life style? "

"It's true!" Yu Zishu agreed, "but if you do this, you will be compared!"

"Rongjing has been plundered by me! Any woman is back. Who wants to snatch, three feet green front reward Cloud shallow month suddenly pulls out the sword in the waist, "pa" ground suddenly put on the table.

Yuzishu looked at the sword and laughed, "is this the broken snow? What's the difference between you and a robber? "

"I don't care! You're going to help me. " Cloud shallow month across the table to reach out and grab jade book's arm to shake, "although she is your sister, but we have a good relationship? Do you have us? Do we have so many years of feelings? No So you have to help me and get her back. "

"Although our relationship is not good! But they are close relatives. " Yuzishu reminds cloud and moon.

Cloud shallow moon flat mouth, looking at him, very imposing way: "a word, help or not help?"

"Did you see Luoyao today?" Yu Zishu did not answer, but asked with a smile.

"Yes Cloud shallow month thinks of that woman, although did not see the face, but is definitely a real beauty. In her body will interpret the beauty of women incisively and vividly. Such a woman is afraid of a man to see a soul.

"She has always admired King Shizi and wanted to see what he said:" this is the only wife in my life. I don't want to marry you. " You. Now that she has met with Jing Shizi and you, I'm afraid it will arouse her ambition even more, and it's not so easy to retreat. " Yu Zishu said with a smile.

Cloud shallow moon frown, "she still really competes with me for the scenery?"

"From childhood, Luoyao's disposition is to learn everything best and win the first prize. Because of her temperament, she was also able to do well. As long as she wants to do one thing, no one can stop her. She will do everything possible to make her do it, but others have nothing to say, only sigh Yu Zishu said again: "now that she has met Jing Shizi and you, do you think that with her temperament, she will easily retreat?"

Cloud shallow moon eyebrows twisted into a knot, some stuffy way: "Donghai kingdom does not have respect Prince order equal to respect emperor's life? Don't you have a good word in Donghai? It's not your word to break the engagement? "

"It's really a matter for me to break the engagement, but I can't control Luoyao. Even if there is no engagement, if Luo Yao Si Mu Jing Shi Zi wants to fight for it, I can't help it. " Yu Zishu shook his head helplessly.

Cloud shallow month some headache, reach out to rub forehead, "finished, I have a headache again!"

"Well? Is that a headache? " Yu Zishu raised her eyebrows, looked at the cloud and said with a smile, "the more difficult things you used to attack, the more you welcome the blade? How can we defeat our soldiers without fighting? "Yunqianyue glared at yuzishu and said in a depressive way: "I finally solved a Qin Yuning, and then a yuluoyao came out. Can I not have a headache? Now that I'm old, where can I have so much passion? My passion has been worn away for a long time. Now I just want to be comfortable to death. "

"It's hopeless!" Yuzishu looked at her in a funny way and reminded her, "you haven't reached 15 yet. It's a long way from old age. "

"It's very unpromising! I'm talking about the age of the heart. " Yunqianyue lies lazily on the table, the whole Prawn Rice shape, some trance way: "in the past life, it's only ten years, but it seems that it's been a thousand years. What scrupulously abides by rigorous, calm and wise, shrewd and strong, thoughtful, talented and learned. Up to now, nothing can resist a piece of sunshine, a soft couch, and a man who loves himself around him, so he can go on. I think the pursuit is nothing more than that. Why is it so difficult? "

"Yun'er, you seem to want the simplest thing in the world. In fact, what you want is the most difficult thing in the world. The sun doesn't come every day. The soft couch needs to be strong enough to carry the weight of two people. The man who loves you needs to take good care of it. He who loves you needs to be at ease until he dies. He also needs the most peaceful place in the world to make you comfortable. "

Cloud shallow month "Puff Chi" a smile, looking at jade son Book way: "according to you so say, my pursuit is quite high."

"It's quite high!" Yu Zishu nodded with a smile.

"Oh, why didn't I find that I had such a spiritual pursuit before! Is this a return to nature? I'm detached? " Yunqianyue stood up straight and held her chin in both hands. Seeing yuzishu smiling but not speaking, she suddenly asked Ai Ai to say, "it seems that I am going to arouse the fighting spirit again and fight for the defense of the territory." , the fastest update of the webnovel!