The Anarchic Consort of the Prince

Chapter 848

Cloud shallow month hears this sentence, eye socket is a acid again, stop tears to flow out again.

There was a moment when she wanted to let the past return to dust and earth to earth. But how can I resist the strong idea in my heart? That's Xiao Qi! How can she not recognize it? How can you treat him as a stranger? She can't do it.

"Well, I never knew you had so many tears to shed." Wipe the jade of the book again, such as a sigh of tears. Crystal tears dyed in his hands, with the color of white jade, more crystal clear tears.

"Now you know! I'm just affectation. " Cloud shallow moon sucks the nose not to mumble.

"Ah got it! You are not only pretentious, but also delicate. " Ziyu chuckles.

Cloud shallow moon "um", lying on his body can not get up, greedily absorb the familiar taste, no matter how time lost, no matter how the reincarnation of the two people changed their appearance, no matter how they meet each other again, the ends of the world, the vicissitudes of life, but the two people's similar breath is unchanged. Her heart is full of joy and emotion, just want to shed tears.

"Yun'er, ah, you Stop crying Yuzishu's five fingers were used to wipe tears on the cloud. At last, the tears were not less, but more and more. He sighed helplessly again.

"One cry is enough!" Cloud shallow moon choked tunnel. So many years of backlog in the bottom of her heart tears, she felt that she could not count. The explosion over Vienna, she saw with her own eyes, fainted and did not wake up in tears, now think again, the tears were swallowed by her and blood back into the stomach, now can burst out.

"Then cry!" Yu Zishu seemed to understand Yun Qianyue's mood, sighed and reminded him, "I'm very valuable. If you're flooded by your tears, you can't just let jingshizi pay for my clothes. It's said that there are many treasures in the purple bamboo yard of Prince Rong's mansion... "

"Have you ever seen money?" Yunqianyue thinks that this person has the ability to take back her tears.

"Of course I have, and there is still a lot of money, but I have always been willing to do it and spare no effort to create more wealth for the people of Donghai." Yu Zishu said with a smile.

Cloud shallow moon face a black, a push away him, hate hate way: "you this person! Good meeting scene, should not cry? Why are you so uncooperative? "

"I'm afraid that if you cry, King Shizi will come and settle with me." Yu Zishu looked at the new stain on his body and said with a smile.

Yunqianyue rolled her eyes, but her eyes were swollen. She realized that she couldn't cry any more. She took out Juan PA to wipe her eyes and wiped them in front of yuzishu. Then she sniffed her nose and said, "no more crying. It's a waste of emotion."

Yuzishu chuckles at the appearance of the moon.

Yunqianyue opened her eyes and was shaken by yuzishu's smiling face. She turned her back and muttered, "you can't boast about your long appearance." She said, "no wonder the midwife regards you as a princess. The prince of the vassal state wants to marry you. It's really a crime to give you this look."

"You know?" Yu Zishu was stunned.

"It was Luo Yu who told me." Cloud shallow moon turns back, spit out tongue to jade son book, sneer way: "you are really embarrassed!"

"He said it. I said that the news of Donghai kingdom would not be introduced to Tiansheng. How could you know?" Yu Zishu laughed, nodded and admitted, "it's quite embarrassing!"

"Although the news of Donghai kingdom will not be transmitted to Tiansheng, will the news of Tiansheng be transmitted to the East China Sea? Don't you suspect I'm here? Didn't you want to come to me? I have a great reputation. " Yunqianyue looks at yuzishu and thinks that two people are just separated by a piece of East China Sea. How can they meet for so many years!

"Your reputation is great, and it has spread to the East China Sea. Almost everyone in the East China Sea knows that there is a lady of shallow moon in the cloud palace of emperor Tiansheng. But miss moon Ah, it's so different from your previous temperament. Where did I expect that? " Yu Zishu sighed again, "besides, I didn't think you were Here we are. "

"Since I was born, I have been carrying the daughter of Lord Yun's residence into the palace as my ancestor's instruction. I have to disguise myself. This is a decade of disguise. The old emperor was too smart. At that time, I was so small and weak that I could only rely on camouflage as a weapon and run after night sky's buttocks, which made him think that I wanted to marry Ye Tianqing and become a Phoenix. Only then can he be careless to me, can I grow up safe and sound, and I will have time to be fully prepared, and when I am not disguised or seen through by him, can he be helpless. " Cloud light moon mentions old emperor, facial expression becomes a little ugly.

"So it is! I know the ancestral precepts of the cloud palace, but I didn't expect it was you. Yun'er, you've had a hard time these years. " Yuzishu has some kind of love and heartache.

"It's not hard to get there. It's always fun to play with the old emperor. I'm very happy to play around with him. The only thing I'm not happy about is that there's someone who's always bothering me. I don't want to see him, but he appears in front of me. When I want to see him, he just avoids seeing him. It's really annoying. " The moon shakes its head."Is that man Jing Shizi?" Jade book picks eyebrows.

"Well, who else could he be? When he was seven years old, he was nearly saved by me. After ten years, he still ate me to death. It's a bad guy who takes bullying me for pleasure. If he doesn't bully me, it's hell. " Cloud shallow month side says, while reaching out to hold jade son book's hand, walk toward Green Wave Pavilion.

"If he doesn't bully you one day, you are not used to it. Isn't it? " Yu Zishu keeps up with the moon with a smile.

Cloud shallow month hums a smile, "I offend base Bai! I never know I like being bullied. "

Yu Zishu chuckled, "yue'er, you love him very much."

Cloud shallow moon footstep a meal, silent for a while, turn round suddenly to jade son book to nod seriously, "yes, I love him very much."

Yu Zishu laughed warmly, "it's not easy to find someone who really loves you and you really love them. Since you love him, you should cherish him. Try not to let him sad, use your life to interpret your love. He will be happy, and so will you. "

Cloud shallow moon looking at the eyes of jade book, there is only full of warmth. Her eyes once again agglomerated with water, but this time did not let tears flow down, she nodded with a smile, very heroic dry cloud way: "I want to use life to burn him."

Yu Zishu suddenly turned his head and said with a smile, "yun'er, you are shameless!"

Cloud shallow moon face a red, took his hand to continue to walk forward, "I have done many shameless things, later you laugh at me heartily. By the way, how to say a word? Yeah, two, you know? I feel like I'm quite two sometimes. Moreover, he has spared no effort to forge ahead bravely on this word, without any self-consciousness. " , the fastest update of the webnovel!