The Anarchic Consort of the Prince

Chapter 847

Yu Zishu's eyes flashed with thousands of emotions. He also looked at the face of Yun Xiaoyue for a moment. He seemed to be awakened by her laughter. He suddenly turned his head and said in a melancholy way: "I didn't think that you would laugh at this appearance."

Cloud shallow month suddenly burst out laughing, regardless of ground sneer way: "true woman!"

Yu Zishu turned back, and suddenly stood up. He walked two steps to yunqianyue. He held out his hand and knocked her on the head. He said angrily, "are you forcing me to destroy this look?"

"No! Dare not Cloud shallow moon forced to bear a smile to shake his head, covered his head and complained: "all two lives, how can you still not change the problem of hitting my head?"

Yu Zishu suddenly stopped, her eyes were a little happy, almost melancholy, a little warm, a little trance, a little complicated looking at the cloud shallow moon, and her body was frozen again because of the sentence.

Cloud shallow moon eye socket a sour, suddenly step forward, stretch out his arms to embrace the man in front of him, arms tightly, the whole person stuck to his body, choked: "small seven, you live really good!"

Yu Zishu's body trembled slightly, and Jue's face moved slightly.

"I've thought about countless kinds of things, but I never dare to think that you can come back to me alive." "It's not a dream, is it? It's not a dream, or you pinch me. Pinch it hard. Don't be soft. But I know you're never soft on me. That time, I was injured and didn't take good care of it. I ran out of the bar on my back and drank the strongest wine on my back. I was almost insulted. Didn't you nip all my legs? It's not going down for weeks

"Yun'er, it's really you!" Yu Zishu's eyes are the same astringent, holding out his arm to hold the cloud and the moon.

"Well, it's me, it's me!" Cloud shallow moon sucks nose to nod, she does not want to shed tears, but tears seem to involuntarily along the eye socket to flow down.

"I thought I'd never see you again." Yuzishu's voice is hoarse.

Cloud shallow moon does not speak, originally very shallow tears surge out. Maybe when I don't see them, I will think of all kinds of meeting situations, I will think of countless reasons to make my mood calm. I will compare the years that have passed by and feel that the mood will be flat without waves, which will make that kind of memory and emotion deeply buried in my heart. But until this moment, all defense lines are easily destroyed. She wanted to cry bitterly, cry bitterly, and it seemed that only in this way could she realize the feeling that she could also feel when she met.

In this way, yunqianyue did. The turbulent tears soon wet the robe on yuzishu's chest.

Jade book no longer speak, only holding cloud shallow moon, did not stop, let her cry.

The whole Cuiwei mountain is floating with the cry of cloud and moon, faintly and far away.

After two cups of tea, cloud shallow moon's tears still kept on. Yu Zishu sighed helplessly, reached out and pushed her and said, "yun'er, if you cry again, I will be flooded with your tears."

"It's going to flood you." Cloud shallow moon cries badly, can't stop for a moment, sobbing.

"This sounds so wrong. Don't you want me to be a eunuch?" Yu Zishu asked with a smile.

Cloud shallow month "Puff Chi" a laugh come out, hum a way: "you this joke is really cold."

"You're too low Yuzi's calligraphy.

"I haven't cried enough! Let me cry a little more. " The cloud shallow Moon said words and again buzzing to cry.

"You'd better not cry! Even if I don't pity my clothes, I have to worry about jingshizi. When you go back to see him with your eyes and nose red, he thinks I have bullied you Yuzishu seems to be very helpless, stretch out his hand in the cloud shallow moon's body to pat.

Cloud shallow month did not expect him so easy a word to put forward Rong Jing, hum a, "you originally bullied me."

"I am wronged!" Yuzishu raised his hand.

Yunqianyue pushed him away and looked at the fine robe on his chest, which was made a mess by her. She saw the way he raised his hands and his appearance was very strange. She gave him a smile and glared at him, "I wronged you!"

Yu Zishu put down his hand and looked at his clothes with a wry smile.

"Is it expensive?" Cloud shallow moon takes out handkerchief, wipe tears way.

Yuzishu gave her a look you said.

"Anyway, you are the prince of Donghai state. You have money. Do you care about a rag? Just take it off and throw it away for a new one. "

"It's worth your tears! But of course, you can't throw it away. You should show it to Jing Shizi and let him compensate me. Although there is money in Donghai, I love the people like a son, and money can't be wasted like this. " Yu Zishu said with a smile.

"You are really a good prince!" said Yun

"Well! I am a good prince. " Yuzishu must be authentic.

"I won't pay you! We will not let Rongjing pay for it. " Yunqianyue wiped the tears on his face and stepped forward to wipe the water stains and stains on his chest which were wet by her tears with Juan PA.

"Jingshizi said that if you cry and spend a piece of my clothes, he will compensate for the value of ten pieces." Yu Zishu looks at the hand of Yun Qianyue with warm eyes and a smile.Cloud shallow moon hands pause, "he really says so?"

"Well! This is what he said when he sent a message to me Yu Zishu nodded.

"This loser!" Cloud shallow month indignant a, forcefully wiped in jade son Book chest two times, some ferocious way: "he compensated you also do not want."

"I really want it." Yu Zishu said with a smile.

"You can't want it." Cloud shallow moon wipe finished, put the Juan PA in the hand into the bosom.

Yu Zishu took a look at Juan PA with white crescent moon, and looked at the domineering appearance of cloud and shallow moon with ridicule, and said with a smile: "Yun Er, if I remember correctly, you are not the princess of Rongwang's mansion, and have not married the prince Jing? That's starting to save him money? "

Cloud shallow moon face red, "this proves that I have the potential of a good wife and good mother."

Yuzishu smiles, looks at the cloud shallow moon red face no longer to speak. Cloud shallow moon raises an eye to see him, two people four eyes opposite, suddenly silent. A moment later, yuzishu reached out to take yunqianyue back into his arms and sighed in a very serious and low tone: "yun'er, I thought you would not recognize me for the sake of jingshizi. Fortunately! I'm happy... " , the fastest update of the webnovel!