The Anarchic Consort of the Prince

Chapter 846

Cloud shallow moon looks at the door tightly closed, thinking that this is the legendary closed door bar! She laughed.

The woman who had been standing at the door suddenly came down the steps with her skirt and came to the door. Cui'er sees the woman coming, looks at the cloud shallow moon one eye, hurriedly walks back to help the woman.

"Miss shallow moon, this woman is princess Luoyao!" The string song is close to the cloud and the moon and whispers.

"Well!" Cloud shallow moon should a, she already guessed this woman's identity. Although did not see the face, but this ethereal noble Shuya gentle water posture, than she has seen all the women are beautiful. Princess Qingwan, Qin Yuning and even LAN Yi, the head of LAN's family, are not as good as they are.

"Hello, Miss shallow moon. Luoyao has heard a lot about her name. When I saw her today, she really deserves her reputation." Princess Luoyao walked to the door and kept a certain distance from the horses of Yun Qianyue. Although she looked at her slightly with her face raised, she did not see any discomfort from low to high. The voice is not particularly delicate, but beautiful.

"It's Princess Luoyao! I've heard so much about it Cloud light moon did not get off the horse, sitting on the back of the horse with a faint smile, and her voice was as clear as water, "the beauty of the princess is so beautiful that it deserves its reputation."

Princess Luoyao laughed and was about to say something more. The door closed by the boy suddenly opened from inside. Standing at the door, he said to Yun Qianyue with a bad face: "brother Zishu went to the Bibo Pavilion in Cuiwei mountain. You can go there if you want to find him."

"Good!" Cloud shallow moon nods.

The boy slammed the door again.

I'm sorry that Princess Cuiyun didn't catch up with Princess Huo. Another day. "

"What can I do for you Princess Luoyao didn't seem to hear yunqianyue's farewell and asked with a smile.

"There are some things." Cloud shallow moon out of courtesy, naturally can not leave a word.

"The prince and his brother have been enjoying the scenery of Cuiwei mountain for the past two days, so he will stay for an hour and a half every day." Luoyao said gently, "is it that miss Qianyue just came yesterday? I saw Jing Shizi that day, but I didn't see you with him. "

"Yes, I just arrived yesterday." Cloud shallow moon smiles and nods.

Princess Luoyao looked at the moon and her eyes were fixed on her clear and refined face. She seemed to be very serious and said, "jingshizi is very good."

Cloud shallow moon thought move, shallow smile, "is good!"

Princess Luoyao lowered her head and stroked her dress. The nutmeg nails on her white and slender fingertips were glistening. She moved slowly and seemed to brush her carefully. Yun Qianyue did not rush to leave, but looked at her lightly. In a moment, she suddenly raised her head and laughed at Yun Qianyue, "it's not early. Miss Qianyue wants to find the prince and brother. Go as soon as possible! The road of Cuiwei mountain is not easy to walk. You should be more careful. In addition, the prince and his brother are not very close to our sisters, except yu'er. "

"Thank you for your advice." Yunqianyue turned the horse's head and left the courtyard.

Xian Ge takes a look at Princess Luoyao and keeps up with the moon with her heart. Ling Lian and Yi Xue also took a look at Princess Luoyao. Qi Qi beat his horse to keep up with Yun Qianyue. The four of them soon left the street.

Luoyao has been watching the shadow of the cloud light moon leave, until the light purple figure disappeared, she did not take back her sight, turned to walk to the hospital.

"Princess, you..." Cui'er follows Princess Luoyao and peeps at her face.

"She is the lady of the cloud palace! I've always wanted to see her, just like Jing Shizi in the Rong palace. " Luo Yao turned her head and looked at cui'er in a low voice.

Cui'er looks at the princess anxiously, "princess, jingshizi and miss Qianyue..."

"Go and pick some chrysanthemums, wash them, and make a pot of chrysanthemum tea for Jing Shizi. Jing Shizi is tired these days. There are chrysanthemums in our yard. " Princess Luoyao interrupts cui'er and orders her.

Cui'er was stunned and nodded, "yes, I will go now!"

Luoyao stopped talking and walked to the room with her skirt. Cloud shallow month hit a horse out of this street, reined in his horse, stopped and looked back at the courtyard. Thinking of the words of Princess Luoyao just now. The last word to her was really meaningful. She suddenly laughed and said, "I know where Cuiwei mountain is. You don't have to follow."

"Miss shallow moon, the son of the world asks his subordinates to show you the way." The string song immediately said.

"He asked you to lead the way only because I couldn't find the courtyard where the jade Prince stayed. Now the jade Prince is not in the courtyard, but has gone to Cuiwei mountain. I can find Cuiwei mountain, so you don't have to go." Cloud shallow moon shakes head, see string song still want to say what, say to him: "you go to inform your family son, say I went to Cuiwei mountain."

String song see cloud light moon insist, can only live, nod.

Cloud shallow month looked at Ling Lian and Yi Xue one eye, two people all nod together, she hit a horse to go to the north city.

The direction of the river bank is the south gate. Cuiweishan is in the north gate. Yunqianyue soon left the North City and walked along the river channel of the river valley to Cuiwei mountain. The road in the Valley County has been repaired for a long time, but it is hard to avoid some silt from the river. The horse's hooves have deep footprints on them.On the road, several officials who met in the government office yesterday are leading the soldiers to clear the road. Seeing the cloud and the moon, I hastened to see you. Cloud shallow moon sat on the horse and nodded, bypassing these people and walking up the mountain road of Cuiwei mountain.

At the foot of Cuiwei mountain, yunqianyue can see the pavilion on the hillside at a glance, which is the so-called Bibo Pavilion. In the Bibo Pavilion, there was a figure with his back to this side. He couldn't see his face, but he could see the luxurious robe and a little brilliance. She gazed at the figure for a moment, rolled over, dismounted, and hiked up the mountain.

The rocks on the mountain are really soft, but the cloud is shallow and the moon's feet are very light, and they don't step on the stones and slide down to make movement.

I don't know what's going on in my head all the way, maybe nothing. When the moon returns to God, she has already stood outside the Green Wave Pavilion. She stopped and saw that the man was still sitting with his back on his back. She didn't seem to know that someone was coming.

Cloud light moon looks at him, green silk such as ink, ink jade hairpin and green silk color fusion together almost. His whole body breath seems to blend with the sunshine on the hillside, which is very warm. She took a deep breath, opened her mouth, her voice was hoarse, "Xiao Qi, is that you?"

The man was stiff.

"The colorful sleeves are very attentive to the jade bell, but they are drunk when they fight. Dance low willow tower heart moon, singing peach blossom fan bottom wind. From the farewell, I remember meeting each other. I have a few soul dreams with you. I'm afraid we'll meet each other in a dream The moon is as light as smoke.

The man suddenly turned back and looked at the moon.

Cloud shallow moon saw a piece of unique beauty. As extraordinary as if done by the spirits of the jade, the eyebrow is like a daisy, such as the immortal hand, the supernatural work, and the supernatural work of the distant mountains, and the essence of the flowers of the spring and autumn. Except for a pair of eyes, she couldn't find the past. She was shocked and suddenly chuckled, "I never thought you would be a beautiful woman again. Tut , the fastest update of the webnovel!