The Anarchic Consort of the Prince

Chapter 845

Rong Jing's eyes flashed, "really?"

"Of course Yun Xiaoyue nodded affirmatively and looked at Rongjing's picturesque face and said, "so, please don't doubt and question your charm. Do not doubt and question my heart for you. I'm poisoned! And it's deep. "

"So I can rest assured," she said

"Well! You can rest assured. " Cloud shallow moon nods.

The smile at Rongjing's lips bloomed, reached out to push away the cloud, and said to her, "you go quickly! I had already sent him a message in the morning. Let him wait for you at his bed

Cloud shallow moon one Zheng.

Rong Jing turned his back and looked at the city gate. His tone was warm and depressive, "although you haven't seen it for a long time, you'd better not take too long. Otherwise, I'll run to get you back

The moon blinked and stood still.

"From birth to now, he is the only one I can admire." Rong Jing suddenly laughed, "you have a good eye!"

Cloud shallow moon reaches out to knead forehead, some muddle.

"By the way, after you see him, you'd better ask him to cancel the engagement between Donghai Kingdom and Rong Wangfu. You must know that Princess Luoyao is here now. She was very careless. She saw me one day Rong Jing also said: "in case there are autumn peach blossom in August, you should handle it carefully."

Cloud shallow moon face suddenly black.

Rong Jing gave a low smile. He still carried his back and didn't turn around. There was a faint smile in his voice, "Donghai kingdom is worthy of being a beauty. The jade Prince's appearance is worthy of the four words of jade quality gaihua. Princess Luoyao is indeed as beautiful as heaven. Be careful, don't be bewitched! You have enough peach blossom

Yunqianyue's face has turned black into ashes at the bottom of the pot, and her voice says: "have you seen Princess Luoyao of Donghai kingdom?"

"Well, I met by accident." Rongjing nodded.

"Beautiful?" Cloud light moon tone more yin.

"It's beautiful indeed." Rongjing nodded.

"It's true that we can't open autumn peach blossom again in August! It's time to cut it. " Cloud shallow moon stares at Rong Jing's back for a moment, and suddenly turns around with hatred. Hearing Rongjing's low and happy laughter, she stops and asks, "don't you go with me?"

"In case I don't see Princess Luoyao again, I'd better not go." Yung King Road.

Yunqianyue hummed, went on walking forward, took two steps to display her lightness skill, and floated down the wall.

"Open the gate Rongjing did not immediately go down the wall, but stood on the wall to command. The soldiers guarding the city immediately opened the gate. He was also frightened at the gate. The half loud string Song said, "take miss Qianyue to the place where the jade Prince is staying! She can't find it. "

"Yes, Prince!" The string song saw that they were reconciled, wiped the sweat on his forehead, and immediately answered.

Yunqianyue landed on her toes. She looked back and saw that Rongjing was still standing on the wall. She took back her sight. She saw the gate open, and Xiange led a horse in and looked at her with a sad look on her face. She raised her eyebrows, reached for the reins and turned over.

"Miss moon, don't scare your subordinates! You and my son-in-law are scared out of their souls just now. " String song in low voice. There is still some fear after saying a word. She had seen Miss shallow moon and his family son quarrel fiercely every time, but this was the first time.

Cloud shallow moon suddenly funny, angry and laughing way: "he provoked me!"

"My son is gentle and gentle to everyone. He is indifferent to you. You can be tolerant The string song says.

Cloud shallow month "um" a, such a quarrel will open two people's heart, let her mood also relaxed. Thinking that sometimes it's good to fight. She said to the string with a smile, "lead the way quickly!"

The string song nods and leads the way.

Cloud shallow moon hit a horse to follow behind him, Ling Lian and Yi Xue just also scared, at this time immediately hit a horse to follow behind cloud shallow moon.

After walking a street, Xiange can't see her son in the family. She can't help asking Yun Qianyue, "miss Qianyue, you and the jade Prince of Donghai country..."

"An old friend!" Cloud light moon road.

String song looks at Yun Qianyue suspiciously, looks back and continues to walk, no longer asking. She had a lot of secrets about her, and he didn't think it strange that he didn't know. But I can't believe that the jade Prince is actually miss shallow moon's old friend.

After walking two blocks, I came to a courtyard. The courtyard was almost the same as the courtyard of rongjingluota. The street at the gate was very clean. At this time, the gate is open, there are a few begonias in the courtyard, and a few chrysanthemums. The crabapple is still in bud, and the chrysanthemum is opening beautifully.

String song reined in his horse's reins and said to Yun Qianyue, "Miss shallow moon, this is it!"

Yunqianyue nodded and was about to turn over and dismount. A door was opened and a woman came out. The woman's clothes were gorgeous and she wore light pink gauze, which covered her face. However, she could see that she was tall, slim and graceful. Even if she did not see her appearance, she was a top beauty. Her eyes darkened when she thought of Rongjing's words.When the woman came out of the door, she saw several people standing at the door. A maid came out behind her. She looked at Yun Qianyue's face for a moment, and whispered to her maid, "cui'er, go and ask what's the guest?"

"Yes, Princess!" The woman named cui'er immediately answered and came to the door.

Yunqianyue has martial arts skills. Even if she has no martial arts skills, she can understand the words of the woman and the maid. She was about to get off the horse and sat on the horse in silence.

The maid went to the courtyard, and another door was opened from inside, revealing a young Luo Yu's face. When he saw the cloud shallow moon, he was stunned, and then he cried out, "cloud shallow moon, what are you doing here?"

After a pause, cui'er turns back to see the boy.

The woman was obviously stunned. She turned her head to look at the young man. Seeing that the young man did not look at her, she turned her head, and her eyes fell on Yun Qianyue. This time look at cloud shallow moon's eye light in addition to examine outside a trace of what, but did not speak.

Cloud shallow moon eyes light slightly turn, think of her and Rong Jing's rumor that the world knows, she glanced at the woman and said with a smile to the youth: "listen to your advice in the morning, and now come to see the person you should see."

The youth smelt speech to hum a, "you are not stupid."

The moon does not speak.

"If you don't walk, you can't come. I'm kind enough to ask you not to come. Now you're not invited." The young man was also early to eat cloud shallow month, angry, angry way: "you come late, son Book brother is not in."

"Where have you been?" Yunqianyue doesn't care about the anger of teenagers.

"Where am I to tell you?" The boy snorted, turned back and slammed the door. , the fastest update of the webnovel!