The Anarchic Consort of the Prince

Chapter 844

Because of the strong stimulation of the cloud and the moon, the mount ran away. Yunqianyue, however, feels that the speed of running is not enough. She uses the reins in her hand as a whip to urge BMW to leave the city gate at a faster speed.

Rong Jing was stunned at first, and then reached out his hand to clasp Yun Qianyue's hand. With a slight tug, the horse's front hoof was raised and hissed, which was enough to stop.

"What do you do?" Cloud shallow moon looks at Rong Jing angrily.

Rongjing doesn't talk, just looks at her.

"Rongjing, what else do you want me to do? I am careful, such as walking on thin ice, afraid you are not happy. I don't dare to do anything, nothing to do, even a facial expression dare not leak out. I came to this world, rebirth with memory, the moment I was born, growing from the blood of my bones is such a complex person. That's what I am. I want to change, I want to break myself like this, but some things grow from the blood of my bones, and they can't exist until I die. What do you want me to do? " Cloud shallow month turns back to stare at Rong Jing, eye socket is aglow, "you think you love me tired, don't you think I love you love tired?"

Rongjing's lips are tightly pursed up and become a line.

"Xiao Qi is alive. There is nothing wrong with him living! Even I know how happy he was when he was alive, you don't know. I always feel that I am the loneliest person in the world. Finally, there is a person who is very important in my life who also lives with me in this world. Shouldn't I be happy? But do I dare to show this joy to you? You think I have a lot of people and things around me. You love me very tired. Not only are people tired, but also my heart is tired. But I love you no less than you love me. I'm nervous about you everywhere. I'm afraid how about you. Am I not tired? " The cloud shallow month looks at the Rong Jing tight pursed lip, in the heart suddenly like innumerable root thorn in prick, "you want to give up me, don't you? You'll be happy if you give up me. You'll be happy and relaxed. You won't have to eat wrong again. You'll feel bad in your heart, won't you? "

Rong Jing is still silent, a pair of eyes slightly dim.

"Good! Then you give up! Anyway, I never feel good about myself! A woman like me deserves to be unloved. It's easy for you, and easy for me! " Yunqianyue breaks away from Rongjing's hand, knocks him down with one hand, turns the horse's head and is about to gallop toward the city gate.

Rong Jing was unable to prevent being knocked down by the cloud, but he quickly stretched out his hand and grabbed the horse's reins.

Cloud shallow moon see Rong Jing pull the reins, don't want to reach out to cut the reins, legs a clip horse belly, horse four hoofs.

"Cloud light moon! You dare to take a step The voice of Rongjing is very deep.

Cloud shallow moon as if do not smell, not only walk, but in the horse on the body of a pat, the horse again ran up.

"Close the city gate!" Rong Jing suddenly gave a light drink.

The soldiers guarding the city gate have long seen the entanglement between Rongjing and yunqianyue. At this time, they saw Yun Qianyue beating his horse to the gate. When they heard Rongjing's voice, they closed the gate without any delay.

Cloud shallow moon face a cold, think he has this right to use her body. One man and one horse arrived at the gate of the city. Just as the gate was closed, she stepped lightly and left the horse. Her body was as light as snow, and she went up to the wall in an instant. Just on the city wall, without looking at the wall, he flew down again.

At this time, Rongjing also floated down on the city wall and put his hand on Yun Xiaoyue's arm.

Yunqianyue gives Rongjing a palm when she turns back. Rongjing doesn't hide or avoid it. She clasps yunqianyue's arm tightly and does not let go. When yunqianyue's palm wind is about to chop off, she sees that Rongjing has no resistance at all. She can't stand her hands and looks at him with a cold face, "don't you give up on me? What are you pulling me for? "

Rong Jing's face was not good, "who said I gave up you?"

"Didn't you say that?" The moon glared at him.

"No Rong Jing shakes his head.

Cloud shallow moon eye is aglow, "you say love me too tired, do not want to love."

"I mean I love you too tired, but I didn't say I don't want to love." Rongjing looked at the red eyes of yunqianyue, and his bad face changed. He sighed: "yunqianyue, you are calm and rational to everyone. Why are you so unreasonable in front of me?"

"Then why don't you talk?" Cloud shallow month heart angry, she said for a long time, heard him say love her too tired, how can she calm and rational?

"I haven't spoken, I don't know how to say it." Rong Jing looked at the angry face of Yun Qianyue, and her red eyes sighed: "I care very much, especially care about it. I almost don't think about tea and rice. But do I care what's wrong? Originally that day heavy rain you dissect to me, my heart how joyful, I do not ask for anything else, you love me well. But you know, I didn't expect that you didn't even see his people. Only when you heard his voice and felt his breath, I knew it was him. How hard is it for me? Cloud shallow moon, I don't want to compare, but I can't help but compare who I am with him in your heart. Such a comparison, I feel that maybe in this lifetime, I can't reach his weight in your heart, and I care that he never appears in front of you

Cloud light moon frown.

"But I know it's impossible not to let you see him. Do you know how determined I am to take you to see him. I have never been a magnanimous person, I am mean and care Rong Jing continued: "he is the prince of Donghai. If it's just a crown prince, it's OK. But he's so similar to you You know what he said and did every time these two days, I can't help but think that it's you who will say the same thing and do the same thing. How can I not care about you and him like this? I'm afraid I'll be nothing when you see him"Rongjing, why are you so insecure?" Cloud shallow moon suddenly a sigh.

Rongjing may never have talked so fiercely. He turned his face and did not look at the cloud and the moon, nor did he speak.

Yunqianyue suddenly stepped forward, reached for Rongjing and put her whole body into his arms. She said in a soft voice: "because we are too similar, we can't love each other. No matter in the past life, or this life. Rongjing, how clever you are, why can't you think of it? When we meet again, he is just my closer relative than my friend. "

Let the dark atmosphere change, turn back, looking at the cloud light moon.

"How can I do it before you believe it?" Cloud shallow moon gently sighed, "I also care about you, not less than you care about me. I cared about Qin Yuning when she liked you. You blame me and ye qingran for watching Qin Yuning and yetianqing perform the living spring palace together, and blame me for drawing 72 spring for yetianqing. But you don't know how happy and relieved I was at that time. She finally has no right to like you any more. You know, as long as you are concerned, my heart is also very dark. Even for you, even if the night sky tilt is not right, Qin Yuning can't say that I may not hesitate to send her to night sky tilt's bed. I hate her to death. " , the fastest update of the webnovel!