The Anarchic Consort of the Prince

Chapter 843

Cloud shallow moon eyebrow tiny frown, seem to ponder for a while, to string song way: "go to your family son first!"

String song think about this matter is also about Shizi, it is better to ask Shizi to come forward, nod and guide the way immediately.

Out of the gate, walk about ten miles, come to the river bank, far away to see many people repairing the dam. There is a white figure in the crowd is very eye-catching. String song to hit the horse in the past, cloud shallow moon voice stopped him, "your family son is busy, we wait for him to finish busy before we go, first don't disturb him."

Xiange looked at the officials around the prince, reined in the reins and nodded.

Although Ling Lian and Yi Xue came out in a hurry, they still didn't forget to take an umbrella when they saw the extremely hot weather today. Ling Lian got close to the cloud and handed the umbrella to her.

Yunqianyue reached out to take it, holding a horse's reins in one hand and an umbrella in the other. Looking at the busy figures beside the dam, although there were many people, the well was orderly and there was no chaos.

Rongjing was originally carrying his back. At this time, he turned to look at this side, facing the sight of shangyun Qianyue. The officials beside him also turned around to look at this side. In a moment, Rong Jing turned around and continued to talk to the officials.

Yunqianyue looked at him like that, whether it was one person, ten people, or a hundred people, a thousand people, or even ten thousand people, she was sure that in the crowd, she could see the scenery at a glance, and there was nothing about his crescent white robe.

After about a stick of incense time, Rongjing came to this side.

Waiting for the moon, the clouds did not turn over.

Rongjing came near, looked at the cloud light moon, and laughed at her, "looks good!"

"Why didn't you call me in the morning? If you call me, I'll come with you!" Cloud light moon step forward, the umbrella on the head of the scene. Cover two people.

"If you don't see, you'll wake up." Rongjing reaches out his hand to smooth yunqianyue's hair disordered by the wind to the back of his ear. He reaches out and takes her hand, slightly lifting his strength. They immediately sit on the horse. He holds yunqianyue in one hand and the horse's rein in the other.

"Gone?" Cloud shallow moon one Zheng.

"Gone Rongjing nodded.

"Are you finished here?" Cloud shallow moon looked at the dike, saw that everyone stopped their work to this side, she was surprised to ask.

"They can't do well here!" When Rong Jing spoke, he rode back.

"It's me who influenced you!" Cloud shallow moon smiles and grabs Rong Jing's hand and says, "then I'll go back to have a rest, and I won't disturb you here. When you don't have time, someone will play you a book and say you don't treat the water well. I'm making trouble. "

"As long as you come, no matter where you are, you will disturb me." Let's go

Cloud shallow moon no longer speak, will umbrella put away, rely on into the embrace.

Rong Jing didn't rush his horse. His horse was not fast. The steed takes up the gentle wind, blows two people's clothing clothing green silk, entangles together, twists and turns.

No words all the way back to the gate.

Looking at the city gate in front of her, yunqianyue suddenly turned back and said earnestly to Rongjing: "Rongjing, I want to see him!"

Rong Jing clenched the hand of the horse's reins and held the reins. He looked down at the moon.

"You should know who I'm talking about." Yunqianyue looks at Rongjing's eyes. Her eyes are very clear. There are no clouds or other feelings. She says earnestly: "it's just to see him. I don't want to escape."

Rong Jing was silent and could not see emotion in his eyes.

"Do you want to take me to see him when you come back to town with me so early? If I had guessed correctly, you should have thought it over! But I think it's up to me. I want you to know that it's not because of your magnanimity, but from my own heart, I can and dare to face it. You and I all know that this is a bar in my heart. If you can't pass this bar, you and I will always be stuck in the throat. I know that I love you in my heart, and that's why I want to break it. " Cloud shallow month serious way: "I want to love you in the future, really love you, only you in the heart, no one else."

Rong Jing still looks at the cloud and the moon doesn't speak.

Yunqianyue's eyes did not leave Rongjing's eyes. After waiting for a long time, Rongjing looked at her and didn't speak. She pursed her lips and whispered: "if you don't want to, if I guess wrong, then as long as you say you don't want to let me see, I won't see you, and then I will treat him as a stranger."

Rong Jing suddenly closed his eyes and said in a soft voice: "cloud shallow moon, how heavy is his weight in your heart? So you don't even see his face, you just hear his voice, so you are sure it's him? "

Cloud shallow moon body a shudder, serious way: "there is a kind of emotion, above all feelings. The tacit understanding between us belongs to this kind, no matter how many reincarnations and rebirth, we can not erase, even if it is a breath. "

Rong Jing's body is slightly stiff.

"I am such a person. I have known him since I was born in that world, and I have been entangled in this feeling. Later, I came to this world, and I was born with this kind of emotion, which has been rooted in my soul. This kind of feeling has already been a part of my life. Maybe everyone in the world can't understand it. Maybe you think I'm a monster. But what to do? This is me! Without him, there would have been no cloud moon. " The cloud is shallow and the moon is soft."Cloud shallow moon, you know, love you very tired?" Rongjing suddenly whispered.

Cloud light moon face color a change, suddenly reach out to catch Rong Jing's hand, looking at his slightly closed eyes, voice a little trembling, "do you feel tired? Do you want to give me up? "

Rong Jing suddenly opened his eyes and was silent.

"You said that you would not give up me that day Yunqianyue bit his lip and looked at him. He suddenly seized the reins, turned the horse's head, and returned to the river bank. He was angry and said, "it's gone! Who I love is not as important as you. I'll follow you to build the river bank, which will cause trouble to you and your generation. If you don't agree, you can't do it. " , the fastest update of the webnovel!