The Anarchic Consort of the Prince

Chapter 840

There are about tens of thousands of people in Valley County. With such heavy rain, houses collapsing and landslides, it is not a miracle that all people can be moved in time without being harmed and almost no casualties?

"What's more rare is that Prince Yu is a native of Donghai state. It is very difficult for the officials and people of Tiansheng to believe him in such a short period of time, and to help others regardless of the interests between countries. Now the people of Valley County are very grateful to the jade prince. They all want to build a temple for him to enjoy incense and sacrifice, but he declined The string song says again, and the tone is full of admiration and admiration.

Cloud light moon mouth outline a smile, smile: "since ancient times, there are two kinds of worship, either God or ghost. He's a man, and naturally he doesn't want that. "

Xiange Chuchi chuckled and looked back at Yun Qianyue and said, "that's what the jade prince said at that time. If you have not just come here and haven't seen Prince Yu, I think you and he have known each other for a long time! They said the same thing. "

Cloud light moon lips smile suddenly close.

Xiange didn't notice the change of yunqianyue's smile. She turned back and continued: "fortunately, the jade Prince caught up with this heavy rain in Valley County. No wonder he was loved by all the people of Donghai. In the past, I should say that respecting the crown prince's order is equivalent to respecting the emperor's order. It turns out that there are such people. "

The cloud is shallow and the moon is silent.

Xiange seems to realize that he has a lot to say, and the person is the prince of the East China Sea. If his son knew that he had been talking about other men in front of miss Qianyue, he would be in a bad mood and stopped in a hurry.

They walked forward one after the other.

"Miss shallow moon, there is the government office in front of you!" After a long walk, Xian Ge looks back at the cloud and points to the way.

Yunqianyue looks forward along the direction of the string song. Not far ahead is a high gate courtyard. The gate tower is higher than that of ordinary people. There are two stone lions in front of the gate. The words "Valley County Government Office" are written on the plaque. The government office is full of lights. She nodded. "Come on! What are your sons doing? "

"Although the jade prince saved the people of Valley County, the flood disaster in Valley County is too heavy. The jade Prince is the prince of the East China Sea. How can he take charge of the files of Tiansheng people and the subsequent settlement? All this can only be done by the sons of heaven. " String Song said: "the son of heaven has never been idle since then, and can't drink a sip of water for half a day. The houses need to be rebuilt, the victims need food and clothing, the roads need to be repaired, and so on. All my subordinates are worried that the son of heaven will not be able to bear it any longer. "

Cloud shallow moon Cu frown, "the thing also is not a day and a half can finish!"

"Yes! Miss shallow moon, you will go in a moment and take the son to rest! I don't understand. The son of heaven will miss you every day. I wish you were around. Now that you are here, what is he doing here? Some things can be left to others. It's a day and a half. " The string song also does not understand the way.

The cloud is shallow, and the moon's steps are halting. Other people don't know Rongjing. Doesn't she? This man! In his eyes, although the common people in the world are heavy, they can't weigh her. Now that she has just arrived, he has come to the government office. She can't understand some things. She nodded. "OK, I'll pull him back."

Xiange no longer talks, and feels that there is something wrong with Shizi after he has been in Valley County, but he looks normal and can't see what's wrong. He couldn't figure it out.

When they came to the government office, all the soldiers guarding the government office knew string song. When they saw him coming in with cloud and moon, no one dared to stop him. Either of them went in.

There are bright lights inside and outside the hall of the government office.

As soon as yunqianyue entered, he could clearly see about a dozen or so people in government offices sitting or standing in the hall of the government office. Among them, a man in white robe with crescent moon stood in the middle. All the people around him were three feet in size with him. He bowed his head and said something. Ruyu pointed to the table, on which was a hand-painted map of the terrain of the Valley County Listen carefully. Tired as they were, they were respectful and cautious. There was no sound.

Yunqianyue's steps are very light. Those ten officials like people naturally don't find the government office coming. Rongjing's head is low, but she looks up to the door. When he saw the cloud light moon, his eyes broke out a light.

People have been looking at Rongjing, at this time also with his eyes to the door, when the cloud shallow moon, eyes are showing amazing. It seems that I don't know when such a beautiful woman came.

Yunqianyue did not go in immediately, but leaned lazily at the door, smiling at Rongjing and not speaking.

"Why are you here?" Rong Jing also did not come over, a change in front of the people's gentle and sparse, the face showed warmth. Ask about the moon.

"Come and see you!" Yun Xiaoyue waved her hand with a smile and said naturally, "you go on, I'm waiting for you here. Don't pay attention to me. "

Rong Jing took a look at her, and her eyes swept around again. All of them immediately woke up and withdrew their eyes. He reached out and rubbed his forehead. He continued to look at the table. In a light voice, he continued, "we continue!"

The crowd nodded and hastily pulled back the doubts and guesses and listened respectfully.

While holding out his hand, Rongjing pointed to the topographic map of the Valley County on the desk, and continued to arrange, just as before when the cloud and moon did not appear. How to drain water, how to build dykes, how to repair and how many people are arranged in each place. Through his shallow voice, they are all arranged properly and there is nothing wrong.People don't have to interrupt, they just need to listen and execute.

Yunqianyue looks at Rongjing and looks at his face. From her point of view, he is standing on his side, gentle and elegant. She remembered how she felt when she woke up to see him for the first time when she started the Phoenix robbery. At that time, his face was covered by an umbrella. Let her think of "strangers such as jade, childe world unparalleled." If you want to. This person no matter when and where, there is a kind of innate dignity and elegance, this kind of grace, every time see let her heart. Especially at this time, although in front of him is a small map of River Valley County, but let her see the feeling of pointing the river and mountain, this feeling let her heart.

Perhaps cloud light moon's eyes are too crazy, Rong Jing looks up to her again.

Cloud light moon face some red, long eyelashes droop, cover the eyes.

Rongjing suddenly gave a low smile, which was especially pleasant in the silence. He looked at the cloud moon, and his smile was warm and his tone was gentle. "Cloud shallow moon, you stare at me for half a time. Tell me what you can see from my face?"

When they heard this, they all looked at Xiangyun Qianyue in surprise. The rumors about the young lady of the cloud palace spread all over the world. At this time, they saw her in person. I can't help but think that the rumor is really deceiving. This woman is clear and elegant, gentle and delicate. Where does she have the appearance of half silk arrogance? If Jing Shizi didn't say so, most of them thought that the woman was the princess of Donghai. , the fastest update of the webnovel!