The Anarchic Consort of the Prince

Chapter 839

"His letter to me didn't say it." The cloud is shallow and the moon frowns.

"The son of heaven will not tell you, for fear that you will worry. I won't let my subordinates say that, but I think I still want you to know. Don't pretend that you will tell me The string song is discreet.

"Good! I pretend I don't know Cloud light moon smile.

Xiange scratched her head with her hand and seemed to want to say something else. But seeing that the moon was not so good, she thought that she was tired of travelling day and night. She said, "you should take a bath first. The son of heaven has already ordered people to prepare dinner, so I will bring it to you."

Yunqianyue nodded and watched the figure of string song leave. The bead curtain swung. She withdrew her sight, got up and stood up. After walking into the screen, she buried herself in the water.

Ling Lian and Yi Xue found the courtyard and called out softly outside the door, "miss!"

"Come in!" The cloud and the moon sound behind the screen.

Ling Lian and Yi Xue came in and went straight to the screen. Ling Lian said, "Miss, Luo Yu, the young man, was taken away by the jade prince."

"Well!" The cloud is light and the moon is low.

"Miss, have you seen Prince Yu?" Ling Lian has a strange tone.

"No!" The moon shakes her head.

Ling Lian suddenly laughed and said in a low voice, "I guess you haven't seen it. The beautiful man, Jing Shizi, certainly won't let you see it. Even the maidservant and Yi Xue are stunned

"He Is it better than Rongjing? " Cloud shallow moon voice pauses for a moment, ask a way.

"It's not better than Jing Shizi. It's not the same feeling. Jing Shizi's appearance is like poetry and painting, which skillfully captures the sky. It is elegant, gentle and elegant. To sum up a word, Jing Shizi should be elegant. And the appearance of the jade Prince is like heaven and man. The four words of jade cover China are absolutely right, which is the kind of amazing and gorgeous. To sum up, one word is "Yi." Ling Lian said with a smile.

Cloud shallow moon seems to smile, did not speak.

"The jade prince gives people a warm feeling, but he is definitely an unusual person." Ling Lian said again.

"Of course he is not an ordinary person. He is the prince of Donghai." Cloud light moon smiles to remind Ling Lian.

Ling Lian nodded and suddenly said, "but I think the jade Prince is strange."

"What's strange?" Cloud shallow moon asked with a smile.

"I feel that his breath is very familiar, but I can't tell where it is. It's the vague feeling that is different from others. It's very similar to the breath that Miss sometimes sends out." Ling Lian hesitated for a moment and told the truth.

Cloud shallow moon buries in the water the body tiny trembles, the smile of the corner of the lip closes up, the tone is a little slow, "is it?"

"Yes, I feel it! The Seventh National Congress of the Communist Party of China specially trained us on the identification of smell and breath. So ling Lian and I are more sensitive. " Yi snow also took the words to nod, the words fall, and realize what, even busy way: "perhaps the feeling of the two servants is not right, after all, it is that kind of things that can't be said."

"Well!" Cloud light moon again low should a, as if do not smell.

Ling Lian and Yi Xue take a look, suddenly feel that Miss seems to be something wrong.

"Are your clothes still wet? Hurry to change it! Make some ginger soup and drink it yourself, so as not to get cold. " Cloud shallow moon is silent for a moment, command to two people.

"Yes Ling Lian and Yi Xue answered and went out.

The room is quiet down, the water is full of fragrant petal fragrance, cloud shallow moon looks down at the petals, is the fresh orchid. Orchid is the flower of gentleman. She reached for a petal and looked at it. Then she put it into the water. Because of her actions, the petals floated in the water, drawing circles and ripples. After a while, the water was still and the petals were still. She got up, got up, put her clean clothes on her, and walked out of the screen barefoot.

It seems to hear her out of the movement, Xiange came in with the meal, and gave the house a lamp.

"Has your son eaten dinner yet?" Cloud shallow moon sits on the chair to ask.

"After he came out of the capital, he ate with the officials in the government office these days." The string song says.

Cloud shallow moon nods, string song retreats, she picks up chopsticks, slowly taste the meal on the table. The dim yellow light hit her, and the lavender Ruan Yan Luo was covered with a layer of halo. Eat most of the food on the table, until it can't eat, then put down the chopsticks, lazily nest in the chair.

"Miss shallow moon, the son of heaven said that he would not come back until later. He was held up by the affairs in the government office. Let you go to bed after eating!" The sound of a string song spreads from the outside.

Cloud shallow moon looks to the outside, saw outside the sky completely dark, she frowns, "he said later is when?"

"The son of heaven didn't say it!" String song shakes her head.

Cloud shallow moon suddenly stood up and said to string song, "you take me to the government office!"

"Miss moon, are you going to the government office?" Xiange seemed to be surprised and even said, "you must be tired when you are on the road day and night. The son of the world has asked you to rest. The son of a generation is like this these days. There are too many things to do by himself. That's why... "Cloud shallow month came to the door, to string song way: "I am not tired, you take me to go!"

"This..." String song hesitates.

Cloud shallow month says with a smile: "he does not come back, I also can't sleep, and it is better to see him here, can help."

String song see cloud light moon insist, nodded, hurriedly went to the room not far away to take out a lantern, head lead the way. Yun Qianyue followed him and went out. Ling Lian and Yi Xue come out of the room to keep up with her. She waves her hand, and they stop immediately.

Out of the courtyard, yunqianyue saw that the streets were dug with ditches, and there was still water in the ditches. By playing lanterns with string songs, we could see that there were collapsed houses in every street, and some people were busy rebuilding in front of the houses. Obviously, the heavy rain in Valley County was more severe than any other place. She looked at the collapsed houses and asked, "did a lot of people die?"

Xiange shook his head at the smell of the speech, and sighed in a sigh: "a lot of people might have died, but when it rained, the jade Prince of Donghai Kingdom just arrived at Valley County. He helped the people here do all the relocation and relief work, and there were almost no deaths. "

"Cloud shallow moon step suddenly stops," such

"That's it Xiange admires the way: "Shizi said that if according to the current house collapse and flood situation, at least half of the people in the Valley County will die, and now there are almost no deaths, which is a miracle. The son of heaven never praises others. It's the first time I've heard him praise others in that tone! "

Cloud shallow month pursed lips, smile to nod, "it is a miracle indeed!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!