The Anarchic Consort of the Prince

Chapter 841

"You have a big peach blossom on your face!" Cloud shallow moon red face angry Rong Jing one eye. This person said this, apparently to tell people her identity and their relationship.

"Is it? What do I think of your face like a big peach blossom? " Rongjing looked at the pink face of Yunqian and Yunxia, smiling and picking eyebrows. He didn't care about the presence of more than a dozen officials. Such words were spit out from his thin lips at will.

Cloud shallow moon glanced at the face, tone some shame indignation, "I don't know you."

"I know you enough!" Rongjing also gave a low smile. He took away his hand pointing to the map of Valley County on the table, and said to the crowd, "that's all for today's arrangement! Do you all understand? "

"I understand!" The crowd quickly returned to their senses. Thinking of Jing Shizi's coming, they have not seen him a smiling face, warm and light. Although they look close, they are very estranged. Think he can't laugh, there is such a side.

"Now that you understand, let's do it like this! Try to do it better. " Rong Jing reached out and brushed the sleeves of the clothes that were not stained with fine dust, and walked towards the cloud and the moon.

They made way for him in a hurry.

Rong Jing came to the cloud in front of the moon, reached out and took her hand, and walked out. Cloud shallow moon eye light swept everybody one eye, the face some red ground lets the Rong Jing pull to go out.

When he came to the hospital, Rongjing took a look at the red face of yunqianyue with a smile and said, "I didn't know that peach blossom is still blooming in this season."

"That's what you don't know about!" Cloud shallow month glared at him, "can have Begonia, why can't have autumn peach blossom?"

"Ah That's right Rong Jing smiles and nods, smiling from the chest, although no sound, but real pleasure.

Cloud shallow moon lift eyes to the sky, looking at the dark sky, half ring spit out a vague words.

"Well?" Rong Jing raises her eyebrows.

Cloud shallow moon takes back sight, suddenly turns over the body to embrace Rong Jing, some childish way: "Rong Jing, you are really lovely."

Rong Jing pulled the corners of her mouth, looked at her raised face, laughed and raised eyebrows, "are you praising me?"

"Yes Cloud shallow moon nods.

"Then I'll take it as a good word." Rongjing does not push away the cloud and shallow moon, and continues to walk forward. The two people seem to be twisted into a rope. Although the journey is difficult, it is incomparably harmonious.

"What is a good word? It's a good word. " Cloud shallow moon some discontented, put another hand into his arms.

"What? Are you going to insult me now Rong Jing reaches out and grabs Yun Qianyue's hand and reminds him with a smile: "it's not out of the government office yet!"

"My hands are cold and warm." Cloud shallow moon rolled a white eye, in the end or will withdraw the hand back.

Rong Jing laughs and doesn't speak any more. He holds the hand that yunqianyue pulled out, one big and one small, with five fingers intertwined.

Xiange walks in front with a lantern, thinking that Miss Xiaoyue has a way. When she comes to the government office, she doesn't say anything. The son of heaven follows her back obediently. It's really a blow to him, who reminds him to rest every day.

"How many days can the rectification and repair of Valley County be completed?" Cloud shallow moon see at night there are still people working day and night, quietly asked.

"Half a month as soon as possible!" Yung King Road.

"So you'll be here for half a month?" Cloud shallow moon pick eyebrows.

"It should be! Other places should be properly drained to appease the refugees. The houses here are almost destroyed. It's the heaviest part. I can't do without it if I don't handle it well. " Yung King Road.

"Well, the scenery here is beautiful and the environment is excellent. It is far away from the noise of the capital. I will stay here with you for half a month." Yunqianyue thinks it's so serious that Rongjing can't walk for a while and laughs.

"Well!" Rong Jing nodded with a smile.

Cloud shallow moon no longer speak, two people returned to the courtyard of Rongjing lodging.

When she entered the room, yunqianyue saw that she took a bath after entering the screen. She lounged on the soft couch, listening to the sound of water from time to time behind the screen, and her heart beat faintly. Close your eyes and enjoy the silence of this moment.

After a while, Rongjing comes out from behind the screen. Yunqianyue opens her eyes and sees him take off the white robe with only a loose soft robe and two buttons on her neck. Her eyes blink and she reaches out to accuse Rongjing, "you seduce me!"

Let the scene step a meal, to cloud shallow moon picked pick pick good-looking eyebrows, "tempt you?"

"Yes, you tempt me!" Cloud light moon must be tunnel. What is this beauty's appearance of bathing, not temptation?

Rongjing walked up to yunqianyue and looked down at her on the soft couch. Her face was red and her eyes were staring at the place where he didn't fasten the two buttons. His eyes flashed. Suddenly, he bent over to hold her and walk to the big bed.

Cloud shallow moon heart thump and jump.

Rongjing put her on the bed, bullied her and covered her. He looked down at her, and Yun Xiaoyue also looked at him. After a while, Rongjing suddenly turned over and lay down beside her, took her in his arms, and sighed, "I can have a good sleep today."Cloud shallow moon side over body, see him close eyes, ask in a low voice, "you still can be more tired?"

Rong Jing Wen Yan reached out and patted her, "I really can be more tired, but you can't be more tired!"

"Well I In fact, you can be more tired. " Cloud light moon red face low voice.

"I don't want you to have a fever again. I have to take care of you for a few days. I'm covered with medicine." Rongjing dislikes tunnel.

Yunqianyue rolled her eyelids, adjusted her body to a comfortable position, nestled in Rongjing's arms, listened to his elegant breath, and muttered, "you don't want to deliver them to the door. It depends on when you want them. But don't put up with it... "

Rong Jing's face changed for a moment, some black, some molars said: "no! How to make you fatter, it's really no appetite. "

"You bad man!" Yun Qianyue can't help learning Luo Yu's words of scolding Rongjing. She thinks this sentence is really right! Rongjing is a bad man. Does she seem to make him lose his appetite? I can't help but be angry.

Rong Jingjian successfully pulled back a round, patted her with a smile, and her tone was gentle, "good, sleep! Too tired

"Well!" Cloud shallow month's indignation in such a gentle tone, cleverly nodded and closed his eyes.

They stopped talking.

Cloud light moon is really too tired, and soon the sound of even breathing spreads out, and nestles peacefully in the arms of Rongjing and goes to sleep.

On the contrary, Rongjing opened his eyes and looked at the people in his arms. For a short time, there was pity, love, softness and warmth in his eyes. There was also a feeling of indescribable ambiguity. After a long time, he tightened his hand around her waist and said in a low voice, "is it him?" , the fastest update of the webnovel!