The Anarchic Consort of the Prince

Chapter 838

"Yan Tang!" Yu Zishu called out the man's name.

When the man woke up, he stopped.

Yuzishu continued to move forward, just like when he came, he was warm and his breath was warm, but there was something different in the end.

Although Ling Lian and Yi Xue were reminded by Yu Zishu, they stood by the bank with their heads down until he left. They raised their heads and looked at each other, and they all relaxed.

Ling Lian said: "as expected, he is the jade Prince respected by the great elder. His aura is the same as that of King Shizi."

Yi Xue said: "yes! The feeling of King Shizi is similar to that of jade prince. Both of them are close to each other, but they are not easy to get close to. "

Both of them sighed for a moment. Seeing that there was no one here, they gently followed the direction of Rongjing's departure. Two shadows cover the night.

Since the meeting with yuzishu, Rongjing has been holding yunqianyue forward, without speaking, and never looking at her. Yuyan can't see her mood, and her eyes are so warm and cold. I don't know what to think.

Yunqianyue is still buried in Rongjing's arms. Her body is soft and her breath is light and shallow. Her hand has been touching the fine cloud lines on his chest. Her eyes are closed. Her long eyelashes are slightly shaken by the occasional breeze. Her face looks light and shallow.

The journey was not too long, but not too short. It was very quiet. Only the sound of footsteps was heard.

Rong Jing came to a courtyard with yunqianyue. Yunqianyue heard an old man calling respectfully, "childe!"

"Well!" Rongjing should be a, holding the cloud into the moon.

"May I look up?" Cloud shallow moon asks drearily.

Let the scene step a meal, this just lowers the head to look at the cloud shallow moon, saw she has been burying the head, the eye light flashed a way: "today pour is obedient!"

"I've always been obedient? When did you stop being obedient? " Cloud shallow moon raises a head, white Rong Jing one eye.

"If only I had been so obedient in the future!" Rongjing no longer looked at her, holding her forward.

Yun Qianyue saw that he took her to a courtyard. The courtyard was small but clean. The courtyard was paved with bluestone slabs without flowers and plants. Instead, there were several Begonia trees with small red pink flower buds on the trees. It seems to be contaminated with water vapor in the air. She always feels a special tenderness. She asks Rongjing, "is this Begonia?"

"Well!" Rong Jing answered.

"Didn't the heavy rain destroy it?" Cloud shallow moon asks again.

"Housekeeper Wei covered it with something before it rained heavily." Rong Jing explained.

Yunqianyue nodded, thinking that such a delicate Begonia flower could not bear any wind and rain, and the Begonia flower itself was a delicate flower. Now it's August, when the Begonia will open in September, it's not strange to see such budding Begonia bone. She looked away at the yard. There was a drainage ditch, which was the reason why the courtyard was not flooded.

Came to a main house door, Rongjing opened the bead curtain, holding cloud light moon into the room.

The room is also clean and tidy, and the windows are bright and clean. The utensils and decorations are also very exquisite, but naturally they can't compare with the purple bamboo courtyard in the Rong palace.

Rong Jing puts the cloud shallow moon on the soft couch. The cloud light moon reaches out to hold his arm and asks softly, "tired or not?"

"You are light!" Yung King Road.

"I'm talking about whether I'm tired of harnessing the water?" Asked the moon.

Rongjing looked at her, searched her face for a moment, and suddenly whispered, "what do you want me to say? I'll say I'm tired, but I can do something even more tired after I see you

Cloud shallow moon face a red, stretched out his hand to beat him, smile scold way: "shameless!"

Rongjing sat still and let her beat her. Her strength was not heavy. He felt his chest vibrate and gazed at her face, but there was no smile on her face. He just gazed deeply.

Cloud light moon meets his eyes, and is attracted by the look in his eyes involuntarily.

Rong Jing suddenly lowered his head, an inch close to the cloud shallow moon, the cloud shallow moon does not hide, let his lips steady heavy cover on her lips. The kiss on the surface of the water was not enough to express my missing. Now, missing is like a vigorous fire, which is ready to explode and burn.

Yunqianyue felt the heat on Rongjing's body and thought that it would burn down in his arms. Rongjing tossed and twisted for a moment, then suddenly raised her head and still gazed at the cloud and the moon. Her eyes were full of longing and desire.

Cloud shallow moon looks at the eye son of Rong Jing not from palpitation.

Rong Jing suddenly moved away from her eyes, patted her head, hoarse voice, "really good!"

Cloud light moon blink eyes, unknown so.

Rong Jing got up and stood up and told the outside, "string songs, prepare water bath, prepare dinner."

"Yes, Prince!" The string song answered outside.

"I've just left something to deal with because I went to pick you up. I'll take care of it first, and you'll have a bath and dinner first. I'll be back later. " Rong Jing is on the moon.

Cloud shallow moon immediately put on a sad face, "where are you going to deal with things? You just left me when I came"It's not far to go to the magistrate's office here." Rong Jing sees cloud shallow moon not to give up mood, seem to smile, eyebrow slightly curved an arc, "some things others can't do, can only I go."

Cloud shallow moon bit a lip, compromise way: "people for the day, OK!"

Rongjing reached out and touched the face of yunqianyue. He felt infinite love at the fingertips. In a moment, he withdrew his hand and walked out.

Yunqianyue looks at Rongjing's back and leaves. Her face is a little hot. She reaches out and touches her face. Her fingertips slide down and touches her lips. She suddenly thinks of something. The heat on her face fades, her fingertips curl up, and her eyes show a trace of ethereal.

The bead curtain at the door shakes and makes a crisp sound. Xiange brings in a wooden barrel which is full of steam. After putting the barrel into the screen, she comes out and gives a salute to yunqianyue. She says happily, "Miss shallow moon, you are here at last! These days, the son of the world doesn't sleep at night. After you come today, he can have a solid sleep. "

Cloud shallow month looks at string song, smell speech frown, "he does not sleep every night?"

Xiange nodded, "at that time, when Shizi and I went out of the capital, the rain was too heavy, and there were too many disaster areas along the way. Shizi organized people to control the water every day and night. Where can I sleep? Every night I take a nap for an hour or two. At first, I thought it was the prince who was in a hurry to control the water and couldn't bear to rest. Later, the water management in Luoshui city was so bad that he still didn't sleep at night, so I knew he couldn't sleep. "

"He doesn't look very well." Cloud light moon road.

"What's more, it's not good looking? The prince came out of the capital and was infected with cold. He has been using medicine for several days. Now he is better. " The string Song said: "the son of the world's physique is poor, even the rain on the road, naturally can not hold." , the fastest update of the webnovel!