The Anarchic Consort of the Prince

Chapter 830

Ling Lian took her hand and saw that her whole hand was swollen in such an instant, and the ground where she was bitten was black. Although Yi Xue's arm was separated from her clothes, the cloth also printed black poison tired things.

"Poisonous!" The cloud is light and the moon is pale.

Ling Lian and Yi Xue run Gong in a hurry.

"You can't use Kung Fu. This kind of poisonous scorpion should be specially raised and fed with a kind of extremely powerful poison. The more you use the power, the faster the poison will go. " Cloud shallow month side said while reaching into the arms, took out a bottle, poured out two pills to Ling Lian and Yi Xue, ordered: "take it quickly!"

They took the medicine immediately.

"This kind of medicine can only inhibit the toxin, but it is not the antidote. I have no antidote in my hand, so I can't solve this poison. It seems that we are going to leave all night to catch up with Rongjing. He must have a way. " Cloud light moon road.

They immediately nodded with white faces.

"Are you all three dead?" At this time, the young man woke up and took a look at the poisonous scorpion shot dead on the ground. He frowned and said, "how many years should a poisonous scorpion of this size be raised? It's outrageous to let you die like this. "

"Didn't bite you, did you?" Cloud shallow month smelled speech to stare at the youth one eye, some angry tunnel: "hurry to set off!"

"Even if he bit me, I'll be fine. Why don't you ask me where I grew up? I grew up in this kind of poison, and I'm afraid of a scorpion? " The boy scoffed.

Cloud shallow month originally want to lift a foot to leave, smell speech a joy, looking at the youth, "can you solve the poison on their body?"

"Yes The young man glanced at the cloud and gave a positive answer, "I grew up in the poison since I was a child. This small poison can't help me."

Ling Lian and Yi Xue are happy together.

Cloud shallow moon also breathed a sigh of relief, "that is best, you quickly detoxify them, we also need not continue to rush to set off!"

The young man did not speak, languidly got out of bed and went to the table. He took a look at the Xuan paper on the table and said to the cloud and the moon, "you come to grind the ink for me."

Cloud shallow moon walked past according to the speech.

The young man looked at the cloud light month skillfully sharpens ink, he appreciates her movement way: "did not expect you such a woman also know the tea adds fragrance elegant matter son. It looks really feminine

Cloud shallow moon white his one eye, will grind good ink back to him, urge a way: "faster!"

Take up your sleeve and write.

At this time, the shopkeeper ran up from the downstairs in a hurry. It was about hearing Ling Lian's scream. After coming up, he saw Yun Xiaoyue standing in the room with a sigh of relief, and asked her carefully, "master, but what happened?"

"A scorpion!" Cloud shallow moon hand a finger.

The shopkeeper saw the huge scorpion lying on the ground, and his face changed. He couldn't believe his voice, "this How can there be scorpions here? "

Cloud shallow moon looked at him, "I also want to know what is going on!"

"Although this room has never been occupied, it has been ordered to clean it every day. It was only cleaned this morning..." The shopkeeper said with a white face: "this kind of thing has never appeared in this zuixiang building..."

"Someone should have let it in while you were not paying attention." Cloud light moon road. She believes that Fengge and zuixiang Lou are her own people with one heart and one mind. Moreover, her own organizational mechanism is a mutual supervision system, and she is convinced of her in private. It's impossible for this kind of internal anti her thing to happen. So it can only be someone else's premeditated persecution.

Moreover, every time she went out, she lived in the Tianzi No.1 room of zuixiang building, and she did not deliberately hide it. Therefore, it is not impossible for some people with ulterior motives to put such things in the No.1 room of zuixiang building. Today, because of Rong Jing's relationship, she lived in the second room of Tianzi, so she hurt Ling Lian and Yi Xue.

Combined with the ambush that we met last night, we should be the backhand of that ambush.

"My subordinates are negligent! Let the master be frightened, please punish him! " The shopkeeper's smell speech immediately kneels to the ground. It was really his dereliction of duty. Master son is obviously tired of running, need to rest, but such things happened. He is to blame.

"I don't blame you! Saints sometimes neglect! From now on, he ordered people to check up and down the zuixiang building. If there is any suspicious person, do not let go. " The moon waved her hand.

"Yes! I'll go now! " The shopkeeper stood up immediately.

The young man put down his pen at this time and pushed the prescription to Yun Qianyue, "well, now go to fill the medicine, fry it and take it right away!"

Yunqianyue took the prescription and looked at it. She nodded and saw that Ling Lian and Yi Xue couldn't get the medicine by themselves. She called out to the shopkeeper and handed the prescription to him, "now go get the prescription first! Be quick

"Yes The shopkeeper took over the prescription and went down in a hurry.

The young man turned to the poisonous scorpion and went to the front of him. He squatted on the ground. His eyes regretfully said, "a good big scorpion is so destroyed. This thing is a treasure. The scorpion in my treasure house is not as big as this one. What a pity, a pity. "Cloud shallow month looked at him one eye, light vomited one mouthful of turbid gas, "who told you to sleep not to wake up? If you're awake, they don't have to be hurt to save you

The youth hums a, the tone complains, "if is not you don't want to rush to the road, I as to sleep dead?"

"If you don't want to save people, I can go on my way without dying?" Yun Xiaoyue refutes him.

"By the way, where are we now?" Hearing the speech, the young man asked immediately.

"Luoshui city!" Cloud light moon road.

"It's Luoshui city! What about the scenery? " The youth did not see the scene, can not help but wonder.

"Not in Luoshui city!" Yun Xiaoyue shakes her head and turns to sit on the chair.

"How long did I sleep?" The boy took out a Juan PA, wrapped the dead scorpion with Juan PA, and asked again.

"One day!" Cloud light moon road.

"So we've been walking from the capital for a day and a half and a night?" The young man stood up and looked at yunqianyue. Seeing her nodding, he took another look at the sky and said: "rest here tonight, then we can go on our way tomorrow. In the evening, we can definitely reach Valley County?"

"So to speak!" Cloud light moon road.

"It's really two and a half days. It's very accurate. Cloud light moon really has you. " The young man praised happily.

"It is said that the River Valley County has suffered more serious floods than here, with landslides, blocked roads and floods everywhere. Almost all contact with the outside world is cut off. You'd better worry about the person you're trying to save. " Cloud shallow moon see him happy smile can not help but hit him.

As expected, the boy's body was stiff, and his face was white, "so serious?"

"Well!" Cloud shallow moon nods. , the fastest update of the webnovel!