The Anarchic Consort of the Prince

Chapter 831

The boy frowned and seemed to be thinking about something. After a moment, he waved his hand and said, "he must be OK! Nothing can hold him back. A small valley county and a flood are nothing. "

"If you believe him so much, why do you have to rush to save him?" Cloud light moon asked quietly.

"Of course I will come to save it! Show him that I care about him, so he won't be angry with me for running away. Not at this time. When? Otherwise, if he is really angry, I will be in trouble. And it's not a little trouble. He will let me... " The young man rolled his eyes and babbled for a moment. It seemed that he remembered that the person listening to it was Yun Qianyue. He immediately stopped and said, "what am I going to tell you about this? You don't care why I have to rush to save him! I just want to help. It's none of your business. "

"It has nothing to do with me! Just remember what you promised me Cloud light moon road.

The boy snorted and did not speak.

After a while, the shopkeeper came back panting, carrying a bag of medicine in his hand, and said to Yun Qianyue with a white face: "master, don't have a taste of longqianzi. Medicine like longqianzi is very rare. Generally, small shops can't afford it. Only the two largest shops in Luoshui city have it. But the shopkeepers in the two largest stores said that they had ten catties of dragon money, but they were bought by a masked man at noon today

Cloud light moon complexion a cold, turn eyes to see to juvenile, "do not have dragon money son how to do? Can I change it to something else? "

"Longqianzi is an essential medicine!" The young man frowned, looked at the medicine bag in the shopkeeper's hand, and then took a look at Ling Lian and Yi Xue's pale face, and suddenly waved his hand, "forget it, forget it, I'll take out the remaining two precious medicines on my body."

Cloud shallow month one Zheng, "you have antidote?"

The young man reached into his arms, took out a very delicate bottle, and threw it to Ling Lian reluctantly. He said, "it's not the antidote to this poison, but it's better than the antidote. It's a life-saving medicine. It's hard to find one in the world. I really can't give it up. But I'll give it to them for the sake of saving me

Ling Lian reaches for the bottle and looks at the moon.

Seeing the young man's reluctance to give up, Yun Qianyue thought that what he said should be true, otherwise he would not be reluctant to take it out. But in her opinion, no matter how good the medicine is, no one's life is precious. She said to Ling Lian who looked at her: "in this case, you should take it quickly!"

Ling Lian nodded, opened the bottle, and suddenly a fragrance floated out. The familiar taste is Tianshan snow lotus. The cloud is shallow and the moon is stunned. Ling Lian and Yi Xue are also stunned. They both look up at the young man and wave their hands. Then Ling Lian and Yi Xue pour out the medicine inside. One of them takes one and swallows it into his mouth.

"I'm starving! I want to eat! " The boy sat down at the table, picked up chopsticks and began to gobble.

Cloud shallow moon see Linglian and Yi Xue eat Tianshan snow lotus, it must be OK. To Sanren: "you should rest early after you have eaten! We'll leave at three o'clock tomorrow. "

"Yes, miss!" Ling Lian Yi Xue Qi nodded. I feel guilty. I didn't help the young lady on the way. In the end, she added trouble to her. They were too tired all the way, and because they lived in zuixiang building in Fengge, they were too relieved and careless for a moment, so they got to the road. But also learned a lesson, no matter where next time, also dare not be careless.

"Don't blame yourself, just learn from it!" Cloud shallow moon throws down a word, turned to walk out. After all, Ling Lian and Yi Xue are trained by Hongge. Usually very careful, but people can not not have wet shoes. What's more, the other side is in the dark, they are in the light.

The shopkeeper followed Yun Qianyue to withdraw from the first room of Tianzi and said in a low voice: "master, do you want to thoroughly investigate this matter?"

"Check!" Cloud shallow month voice is slightly cold, "find out that person who bought medicine, and then follow the vine to feel melon! Report it to me immediately after it is found out. Don't make any moves and try not to startle the snake as much as possible. "

"Yes The shopkeeper answered immediately.

Yun Qianyue returns to Tianzi room 2 and takes a look at the room. Apparently, she has been thoroughly investigated by the shopkeeper's leader. She goes straight to the bed and lies down. The bed is still lingering with a touch of familiar breath, although she is so tired, but not sleepy. It was not until after a long time that she gradually fell asleep.

At the third watch hour, yunqianyue wakes up and pushes open the door of Tianzi room 2. Ling Lian and Yi Xue, as well as the three teenagers, are waiting at the door. She looked at three people one eye, the vision falls on Ling Lian and Yi Snow's hand, as expected already good. She didn't speak and went downstairs. Three people followed her.

Out of the zuixiang building, yunqianyue turned over and got on the horse. Just as he was about to hit the horse, he grabbed her arm, stood under the horse and looked at her and said, "I want you to carry me."

"You haven't had enough rest after such a long rest?" Cloud shallow moon pick eyebrows.

"No!" The youth is resolute.

"No! Ride your own horse Yunqianyue refused.

"Yunqianyue, I will give you two maids to eat the two precious medicines that I have treasured for a long time! That's how you treat me? I didn't want to take it out. At most, we'll go all night to the next city. If the next city doesn't exist, then your two maids will die. But I did. I didn't mean it. It was just for your sake The young man looked up at the cloud and said, "and I slept a lot in the daytime yesterday, but I couldn't sleep at night. Now I'm sleepy again. Very sleepy! You can't rideCloud shallow month looked at the youth, as expected he was a little tired, she looked at Ling Lian and Yi Xue, see two people have turned over the horse, she helplessly stretched out her hand, "come on!"

Young one Xi, put the hand in the cloud shallow moon hand.

Yunqianyue stretched out his hand and pulled him to his horse. He adjusted his posture, leaned against yunqianyue's arms, closed his eyes, and was really ready to go to sleep. Cloud shallow month looked at him, legs a clip horse abdomen, steed left zuixiang building.

Ling Lian and Yi Xue follow behind.

After a night's rest, not only people but also horses came to rest. The speed of the three horses was extremely fast, the wind and lightning were fast, and the horses did not stop running. At noon, they came to the boundary of Meiling Mountain Valley County. , the fastest update of the webnovel!