The Anarchic Consort of the Prince

Chapter 829

"It was the servant who once heard from the elder Yi Xue said in a low voice: "although the Red Pavilion does not include the information about Donghai Kingdom, the seven elders of the Red Pavilion seem to be very familiar with the things of Donghai state. In particular, the great elder seems to have a high esteem for the prince of Donghai. The elder has a bad temper and never praises people. I only heard him praise two people, one is king Shizi, the other is the prince of Donghai

"Oh?" Cloud shallow moon came silk interest. She never heard of it. The whole Tiansheng seems to be shielded from the East China Sea. Although it is separated by a sea, it is no different from a world apart. The story of Donghai kingdom can hardly be passed on to Tiansheng. And she has never paid attention to donghaiguo, so she is almost blind to understand it.

"It is said that the situation of the prince is similar to that of King Shizi, who suffered a great disaster at the age of seven and stayed in the house for ten years. The prince had a hidden disease since he was born and never stepped out of the prince's house. But even if he did not go out of the prince's house, he was respected and respected by the people of the East China Sea. It is said that many of the policies of benefiting the people of Donghai state were spread out by the prince. He can know the world without leaving the prince's house. In the East China Sea, there is a legend that respecting the prince's order is equivalent to respecting the emperor's order. Although the world has never seen the prince, everyone mentions the prince as an envelope God. " Yi Xue murmured again.

"Oh, an interesting man, too!" Cloud shallow moon smile.

Yi snow is about to know these, then lived, embarrassed way: "maidservant, this is hearsay, specific how also don't know. In short, the prince is very mysterious. The world hardly knows his name. He is only called the prince of Donghai

Cloud shallow moon nods, "the hole does not come to the wind."

Yi Xue looked at the boy who was still asleep and said, "Miss, do you know who he is in your heart? The maid thought it was very difficult for him to know the name of the prince of Donghai. It should be a close person or a royal person. "

"He, of course, is not easy." Cloud shallow moon looked at the youth again, shallow smile.

Yi snow looks at cloud shallow moon with some doubts. She feels sensitively that the young lady knows the identity of this young man. Seeing that Ling Lian had come back, she stopped talking.

Ling Lian came to the front of the horse and whispered to the moon, "Miss, jingshizi really went to the Valley County."

"Well!" Cloud shallow moon nods, although guess eight nine does not leave ten, but still want to confirm.

"Miss, shall we go on?" Ling Lian asked again.

"I'm not on my way today! Let's have a night's rest in zuixiang building! Otherwise, when we get to Valley County, we'll have to scrap it. " Cloud light moon looked at the sky, at this time the sky has been dark down, she looked at the front of the zuixiang tower.

"Well!" Ling Lian and Yi Xue nod, they are also tired to the limit. But if the young lady continues to drive, they can also insist on not lying down. But when Valley County gets down or not, I don't know.

Cloud shallow moon no longer speak, hit the horse to zuixiang building to walk.

When he came to zuixiang building, yunqianyue handed out his token. The shopkeeper was surprised and respectfully invited Yun Qianyue and others to the third floor. The youth is still sleeping, cloud shallow month can only hold him upstairs, to let the shopkeeper's doubt to look at the young man several times. Obviously, I don't know what the identity of this person is, but I let the master hold it in person.

When she came to the third floor, yunqianyue took a look at Tianzi room 2 and asked, "is this room occupied?"

The shopkeeper shook his head, looked at the cloud shallow month one eye way, "yesterday is someone lives, but this morning left!"

"Ling Lian, Yi Xue, you live in room 1, I live with him in room 2." Cloud shallow moon to Ling Lian and Yi snow command.

"Miss?" Ling Lian and Yi Xue are stunned.

"If you're right, Rongjing should have lived here." The cloud shallow moon pointed to the second room road.

"That man is indeed Jing Shizi." The shopkeeper's immediate way.

Ling Lian and Yi Xue immediately understand, thinking of Miss Jing Shizi. Even where he lives. Nodding, Ling Lian looked at the young man in the hands of Xiangyun Xiaoyue and said, "Miss, there seem to be two compartments in Tianzi room 2. I'll have a room with Yi Xue. You can give him to us! Let him live in a compartment, and you can rest. "

"All right." Yunqianyue hands the boy to Ling Lian.

Ling Lian reached out to take the boy and Yi Xue together to Tianzi room 1.

After entering Tianzi room 2, the room is neat and clean. It seems that there is still a faint fragrance of snow like lotus in the air. Yunqianyue takes a sip and feels a lot of exhaustion after entering this room.

The shopkeeper carried the cask and put it in the room. He also brought hot dishes and hot rice. He also prepared a pot of tea and a pot of wine. Everything was done in an orderly and thoughtful manner. She hardly ever had to ask. After finishing everything, he retired quietly.

Yunqianyue came out of the capital city and had been beating horses and walking all the time. This day and a half and a night, he never stopped running, and he did not rest at all. He was already a dust in the wind. She took a look at the food on the table, or walked in front of the bucket to take off her clothes and buried herself in the water, wrapped by the warm water.

This time, she did not stay in the water for long. Instead, she quickly washed and changed her clean clothes to eat at the table. Most of the food on the table was swept away by her within a moment. As soon as she picked up the wine pot to have a drink, she heard a scream from room No.1. As soon as she changed in front of her, she immediately put down the wine pot and rushed out of the door. In an instant, she came to the word of heaven Room one, wave open the door.Ling Lian and Yi Xue stand in front of the young man's bed in terror. Ling Lian is covering her hands and Yi Xue is covering her shoulders. The teenager on the bed has already woken up and is looking at the two people in a muddle.

Cloud shallow moon will look away from the three people, look to the ground, only lying on the ground a big poisonous scorpion. Her eyes light a cold, carry step to walk in, look at Ling Lian and Yi snow to ask: "how to return a responsibility?"

Ling Lian and Yi Xue both have white faces. Seeing the arrival of Yun Qianyue, Ling Lian calmed down. Ling Lian explained: "after we came in, we put him in this room, so we went out to take a bath. We washed very quickly. After that, we wanted to eat. Thinking about whether to wake him up and eat some food, we saw a poisonous scorpion crawling on him..."

"Where did you get stung by it?" Asked the moon.

"This poisonous scorpion is very powerful and sensitive. It seems that we will attack him when we appear. I can only open it with my hand in a hurry, and I was bitten by it. Yi Xue is behind me. I don't want to hit her arm when I open it..." Ling Lian looks at Yi Xue Dao with remorse.

"I have never seen such a big scorpion. I was in a hurry, so I beat it to death with my hand, so I was bitten by it instead." Yi snow covers shoulder, white face way.

"Take away your hands and arms, and I'll see if it's serious?" Cloud shallow moon nods, to two humanity. Women are naturally afraid of such things, and it's not surprising that they are in a hurry. , the fastest update of the webnovel!