The Anarchic Consort of the Prince

Chapter 826

"Luoshui city!" Cloud light moon road. As for the secrets of the youth, she thought it was better not to say so and to respect his privacy. Rongjing is now in Luoshui City, and she will not be doubted if she goes. After all, her relationship with Rongjing is there. If she doesn't look for it, maybe people will find it strange that she is so peaceful.

"I thought you would go out of town with him that day! I didn't expect you to stay at home for a few days. Now it's too much to sit on? " Night light dye a pair of true such look.

Cloud shallow moon rubs forehead, put out a pair of distressed miss the feeling, honest way: "is can't sit still! One day apart seems three autumns. It's been a couple of autumn now

"Not promising!" Night light dye rebukes cloud shallow moon one sentence.

Cloud shallow month put down a hand, smile to him, "say a happy! Let me out of town

"Do you still use me? The soldiers guarding the city will not open the gate as soon as they see you. " Night light dye half true and half false tunnel.

"I don't know! In the past, I might see me open the gate immediately, but now you are the general of the four cities in the East, West, north, South, and West plus the Xishan military aircraft camp. You are strict in governing the army. It's not so easy for me to get out of the city. Maybe I need blood to get through. " Cloud shallow moon smile way.

Night light dye hums, be regarded as acquiescence. Looking at the youth around Xiangyun Qianyue, he said coldly: "you can go out, you can't take him out!"

"Niggard!" The young man glared at the night. He looked at his hand and laughed: "are your pig's feet ready? Do you want me to turn you into a pig's hoof again? "

Ye qingran is furious at hearing the speech and is about to break out. Yun Qianyue stops him immediately, looks at the young man with a warning and says to him, "he is just a child. What do you do with him? I really have something to do. Give me an instruction and let me out of the city. He has something to do with me. He has to go with me. "

"Who is the child?" The young man glared at the moon.

"Don't want to get out of town, do you?" Cloud shallow moon slants head to look at youth.

Some of the boy was unwilling to shut up, and he was angry that day. He was holding a picture and asked the man in the painting that he had seen before? Who is it? At first, he was very good at talking. He looked at the picture for a long time. But when he asked him what you wanted to do with this man, he said he liked it, and he immediately turned over his face. So he started fighting. At last, he had nothing to do. He was thrown out by the cloud. Later, Rong Jing was shut into the study of the Rong Wang mansion. She stayed for several days. She still felt depressed when she thought about it. He secretly thought that Liang Zi had grown up. He swallowed it first, and sooner or later he would find the place.

"Do you really want to take him out of town? Is it he or you Night light dye nature is not stupid, not only not stupid, but also very smart. Even if yunqianyue wants to go to Luoshui City, why take a teenager? The origin of the young man was checked when he returned from the ceremony of adoption in the cloud that day, but he did not find out why. There is no name of Luo Yu in the world. Obviously, this name is fake! The real identity is very suspicious. And this person seems to come out of Cloud City all of a sudden. After making a mess of Cloud City, he is thrown to Rongjing after being met by yunqianyue. After that, he has been under Rongjing's palm. He wanted to check, but was shunned by the weak beauty of Rongjing. He came to the capital these days in addition to contact Rong Feng, others are not close. He can't get close to him, let alone others. It's not so easy to snatch food from the weak beauty. Therefore, he does not know the identity of this young man, but looking at his manner and appearance, he must have come from a very complicated background.

"Don't ask, it's not bad for you anyway!" Yun Xiaoyue waved her hand and urged: "hurry up, I'm in a hurry to get out of the city! Bring the instructions

"You little girl! Don't be sold Night light dye lenglenglengleng looked at the juvenile way.

The boy naturally did not have a good face for him and snorted.

"It's not easy for others to sell me." Cloud light moon to night light dye hand.

Night light dye beat cloud shallow moon's hand, suddenly tiptoe lightly, immediately sat on the horse's back behind cloud shallow moon, to her way: "I send you out of the city!"

"That feeling is good!" Cloud shallow month a smile, see him promise, double leg a clip horse abdomen. The horse left the army.

"If it's a beauty, it's a disaster! Rotten peach blossom. " The youth mumbles a, also legs a clip horse abdomen, follow cloud shallow moon behind.

Cloud shallow moon when did not hear, night light dye naturally lazy to pay attention to what the youth murmured, riding on a horse to talk to her. Most of them are about this year's heavy rain, which has caused serious damage, and many local grain depots have been flooded. Rongjing's ten grain hoards were put into use early, but they were used so early. When winter came, the grain was still in short supply. We still have to find a way to store grain.

Yunqianyue thinks that when it is winter, it's not easy to recover from this big flood. It takes half a year. This half year is enough for the old emperor to be busy for a while. But I don't know whether he can live through the winter this year, and whether he can wait for the scenery to crown her and his hairpin.

Soon came to the east gate, night light ran ordered people to open the gate, let cloud shallow moon four people leave.

"No thanks!" Cloud shallow month feels that she and night light dye say thank word again words are too polite and distant."Come back and invite me to zuixiang building for a big meal! Well, play me another song. " Night light dye proposed conditions.

"Deal Cloud shallow moon nods happily.

Night light dye turns over to dismount a horse, looked at the youth one eye, to cloud shallow moon charge way: "be careful on the way!"

Cloud shallow moon nods, no longer more words, the first out of the city gate, young and Ling Lian, Yi snow follow behind.

Watching the four people leave, night qingran's eyes have been following the pale purple figure until there are a little black spots left. Then she takes back her sight and takes a look at the refugees gathered outside the city. Her eyes show a look of pity and sigh. It seems that every time you look at them, you will lose the strength to close the door. You can't help but wave your hand. The soldiers who guard the city immediately close the gate.

After leaving the gate of the city, Yun Qianyue saw the landscape outside the city. From the gate to ten miles, there were lines of refugees, all dressed in rags, old and young, skinny and thirsty. She knew that the old emperor had ordered people to open storehouses for porridge, but only once a day. Even if not an average person, perhaps a person can average so small bowl, is also not enough to eat.

There are so many refugees gathered outside Beijing. How many refugees are there to live? Her heart suddenly raised a kind of compassion, this imperial dynasty has been riddled with holes, ups and downs to such a situation?

For the first time, she was disappointed and had a vague desire to overthrow the emperor!

Even if Rongjing and ye Tianyi separately control the water, they have the ability, talent, skill and strength to make this water control successful. But what about the next heavy rain and heavy water? Or the next big snow? Or the next natural or man-made disaster? How many times to save, it is better to shake fundamentally. If the corruption and filth of those officials are not eliminated, they will continue to decay and decline. It's like a rotten thing, which can't be cured inside. Only when the emperor is clear and honest, and there are many honest and upright officials, can the people be peaceful. Even if there are natural disasters and man-made disasters, we can mobilize the people to work together as soon as possible, instead of waiting to be rescued and relying on one or two people to save them. , the fastest update of the webnovel!