The Anarchic Consort of the Prince

Chapter 825

"You can arrive in two and a half days? Now it's hard to walk. I say three days is the limit. "

"I said we could get there in two and a half days." Cloud light moon must be tunnel.

"Good! As long as you can arrive in two and a half days, I'll let you see him Young see cloud shallow moon is not like a joke, immediately way.

Cloud shallow month no longer speak, went to the mirror to see their own one eye, think for a while, from the mirror to see a teenager, want to change the mind to eliminate. It's nothing to go out like this. Now that Yunli is in charge of the palace, she turns back to Ling Lian, who is cleaning up her things and says, "go tell Yunli that I'm going to go far away. If he can't do the things in the mansion, he will go to see the bad old man, and give the cloud King's house more waste heat before he sits down. If there's something big that he can't handle, and the old man can't handle it or don't care about it, just tell the people around him, and naturally someone will send me the news. "

Cloud away from the people around are wind Pavilion people, naturally credible.

"Yes Linglian should a, hurriedly out of the shallow moon Pavilion.

After a while, Ling Lian came back and said to Yun Qianyue, "Miss, Yunli's son is not here. The Emperor gave orders to him two days ago, and now he is studying in the ritual department with Wang Ye. It was about in the Ministry of rites, and I passed the message to the people around him

"Well!" The moon nods.

Ling Lian continues to pack things up with Yi Xue. After a while, she will pack up the things to go out. The young man can't wait long. He goes out of the house first. Yunqianyue gives an account of Zhao's mother, tingxue, Tingyu, and so on. She also goes out of the shallow moon Pavilion. Ling Lian and Yi Xue follow Yun Qianyue with their bags.

A group of four soon arrived at the gate of the cloud palace, where four horses had already been prepared.

The four men turned on their horses and were about to leave when a carriage came from the corner of the street. The curtain of the carriage was lifted, and the people inside called out, "sister Yue!"

Cloud shallow moon turn head to look, see is night sky incline. She raised her eyebrows slightly and did not speak.

"Sister Yue is going out?" Night sky inclines to look at the cloud shallow moon, the eye slightly passes the youth and takes the luggage Ling Lian and Yi snow.

"Well!" Cloud shallow moon nods, see night sky incline carriage seems to want to come cloud palace, she should a, also did not ask.

"I had thought that for a long time I had not reminisced with sister Yue. I wanted to find sister Yue to stay for a while. Now it seems that it is not possible." Night sky inclined to smile, looking at the youth around the cloud shallow moon, the eye light flashed what, and then said: "but sister Yue is afraid it is not easy to get out of the city. After Jing Shizi and his seven younger brothers left the city, the emperor ordered people to block the gate. You can't go out of the city without special circumstances or holy will. "

"So?" Cloud shallow moon pick eyebrows.

"Yes! You should know that Tiansheng is suffering a large area and many refugees are pouring into the capital. Inevitably caused chaos in the capital city, the father emperor then issued such a decree. However, the soldiers inside and outside the capital are under the charge of yeqingran. If sister Yue has the instruction of yeqingran, he can go out of the city without the will of his father. He is very kind to her, and he must be able to sell her the face. " Night sky inclines again.

Cloud shallow month smell speech partial head looked at the youth, the youth hum a, obviously is knows this. She thought of the youth and night light dye that day the knot Liang Zi, can not go out of the city. That must be one of the reasons why he came to her. A faint smile, the night sky tilt way: "such as tonight light dye where?"

"In the army!" Night sky inclines way.

"Thank you very much! Please have tea when I get back to Beijing Cloud light moon thanks the night sky.

"Then I'll wait for sister Yue's pot of tea! Be careful on the way. " Night sky inclines face a warm, smile way.

Cloud shallow moon no longer speak, legs a clip horse abdomen, originally want to go to the direction of the east city gate, turn horse head to the military department and go. Although she can break through the city gate, but in order to avoid causing trouble for night light dye, or say good to him.

The young man didn't look at yetianqing at the ceremony of Yunli's adoption on that day. He only paid attention to fighting with night qingran. Now he looked him up and down in the time of talking to him. After that, he picked up his eyebrows and didn't speak. He followed Yun Qianyue to the military department. Ling Lian and Yi Xue naturally kept up with them.

The night sky inclined to watch a line of four people leave. His eyes are fixed on the young man's body, which is a bit deep and difficult to understand. Until the figure of four people and four riders walked away from the end of the long street, he dropped the curtain and told the coachman, "go back to the mansion!"

The coachman waved his whip and went to the former Prince's house, now the second prince's house.

Just after the carriage was not far away, the voice of night sky tilting came from the car, "go to the prime minister's house! I haven't seen Miss Qin for a few days. "

"Yes The coachman answered. The prince's house and the prime minister's house were in the same street. He didn't have to change lanes.

Yun Qianyue and her party of four soon came to the military department. Instead of turning over and dismounting, she said to the soldiers guarding the door: "I'll find night light dye and let him come out."

There are a lot of people who don't know the emperor, but few people don't know yunqianyue. Whether old or weak or women and children. Naturally, the soldiers guarding the door of the military department knew that the woman was Miss Xiaoyue of the cloud palace, so they quickly answered and ran from a soldier to the inside."Do you still have a good time in the capital city?" When the boy saw the guard's soldiers, he went in and called people without saying a word, which also showed the personal deterrence of Yun Qianyue.

"If everyone is afraid of provoking me, I will go to dig his ancestral grave." Cloud shallow moon smile.

The boy said, "you have a bad reputation! Everyone in the world shouts and scolds, and Rongjing is respected by everyone in the world. I don't know how you got him! "

"Why don't you say he cheated me?" Cloud shallow moon white youth one eye, remind him, "you are not very anxious to go to Valley County? Are you still in the mood to joke? "

"It's very urgent, but if I can get there in three days, I won't be in a hurry! I believe he can make it! " The young man changed his urgency when he rushed into the pavilion of light moon. Now his tone and look are relaxed a lot.

"Are you going to save people?" Yun Qianyue is sensitive to the purpose of the youth's speech.

"Well!" The boy answered.

Cloud shallow moon also no longer asked, no matter who he went to save, it has nothing to do with her, she just need to send him to become. Her purpose is Luoshui City, and the person she wants to see is Rongjing.

As he spoke, a man stepped out of the Ministry of punishment. It was night qingran. He was dressed in the military general's uniform. He came to the door a few steps later. He took a look at the four people. His eyes sank when they were young, and Ling Lian and Yi Xue frowned when they saw their bags. Finally, he guessed her purpose and picked her eyebrows Ask, "little girl, are you going out of town?"

"Well!" Cloud shallow moon nods.

"Where to go?" Night light dye asked. , the fastest update of the webnovel!