The Anarchic Consort of the Prince

Chapter 827

"Miss?" Linglian see cloud light, the horse speed from out of the city to slow down, face changes again and again, voice light call.

Cloud shallow moon return to God, this just found the youth discontented to look at her, obviously if Ling Lian does not speak, he will definitely urge. She calmed down and asked Ling Lian in a low voice, "two days ago, I told you to send a message to the third young master to help the disaster stricken areas. Did you do it?"

"The young lady told me to do it naturally! However, there are too many refugees, too many places affected by floods, and they are not well cared for. We can only do our best to save as many people as we can. " Ling Lian said in a low voice: "the Red Pavilion has done it secretly."

"It's always good to do your part!" Cloud light moon nods to speed up the horse.

The young man saw that Yun Qianyue soon surpassed him. What he wanted to say, he stopped talking. Naturally, his equestrian skills were excellent, but he was not as good as Yun Qianyue. He was struggling to follow her.

From the capital to the River Valley County, eight cities of large and small are passed. Four big cities, four small cities, the rest is negligible village stores.

The road out of the city is not easy to walk. There are water stains and potholes everywhere. But fortunately, the heavy rain has stopped for a day. There are three or five groups of refugees walking on the road from time to time, and there are also marks made by carriages. Moreover, all four people ride BMWs every day, so the speed of horses is not slow, the road is not easy to walk, and it has little impact.

What is shocking is the fertile fields on both sides of the official road, which is full of water. Grain and wheat seeds were supposed to be scion time, but they were all buried in the water, where there was more water, no grain could be seen, and the place with less water collapsed, and there was no drainage, so the water in the field could not be drained out. From a distance, it was bleak.

Yunqianyue has seen too much from the way out of the city. After a hundred Li's journey, she felt numb. When she left, she did not intend to rush in and sleep in. So she came to the next city without making a stop. She took out a token of Rongjing that she had snatched from nanlingrui last time. Some soldiers guarding the city gate naturally opened the door, so she took the three men and went straight to Huai'an, the next city.

The boy also wants to get to the destination quickly. Naturally, there was no comment, and he did not even say a word after the moon.

At 10:00 in the evening, a group of four people came to Huai'an City. Huai'an City is a big city, about 250 miles away from the capital. The flood situation in Huai'an is more serious than that in qucheng, but it is obviously better than that in qucheng. At night, officials lead soldiers to dredge roads and drain water. In the farmland outside the city, soldiers and people are busy digging ditches to drain water. It is obvious that Rongjing took measures to control the water along the way to Luoshui city. The first priority is to treat human life first. This can be seen from the fact that she did not see a scene of wailing and wailing and the crying of the dead. If there is no good land to plant again, people can't live after death.

"Can you stand it? I can stand it. Let's eat some dry food and keep on going Yunqianyue turns back to ask the youth.

The young man took a look at all the shops in the city were closed, and the biggest restaurant zuixiang house was in front of the charity porridge rice. The people were waiting in line with big bowls, and no one was fighting for it. The curtain at the door of the restaurant was lifted open, and there was no guest inside. It was obvious that the heavy rain on the seventh day and the seventh night made even the noble guests have no intention to go out to eat, drink and have fun. Even if he wants to go in and eat, people don't do it. He nodded. "I can stand it!"

Cloud shallow month looked at Ling Lian and Yi Xue, two people immediately take out dry food and water.

After a meal, they went to Jingzhou County, the next city.

The road is full of water, and it is difficult to travel at night, so the horse speed is naturally not as fast as in the daytime. After the heavy rain, the weather is still overcast. Naturally, there are no stars and the moon at night. Ling Lian and Yi Xue are illuminated by night pearls, making them bright within a few meters around the four people.

After a period of official road, the cloud shallow moon turned on the mountain road of a barren mountain.

"In the dark are you going to take the mountain road?" The boy finally made a voice. After all, he is not as light as the clouds, so the ceaseless running has shown the color of fatigue.

"It's the fastest way. You can walk one hundred miles more on the road one night. Do you want to go Cloud shallow moon looked back at the youth.

Young words suddenly choked, a bite of teeth, "then go!"

Cloud shallow moon no longer speak, to the mountain road. Naturally, you don't need horses on mountain roads. You can only lead them. At night, the barren mountain is quiet, and the cool wind is penetrating into the bones, but all four of them are courageous, and there is nothing to be afraid of. However, the mountain road itself is not easy to walk. In addition, after the heavy rain, the rocks are soft, and sometimes the soles of the feet slide. But because the four have martial arts skills, ordinary people may not be able to walk on such a night, but they are not slow.

After walking in the middle of the night, the young man began to count the mountains, but in the end, he did not have the strength to count any more. But they did not cry tired, did not shout to rest, still bite teeth to follow behind the cloud shallow moon, Ling Lian and Yi snow also have leg pain and foot pain, but they were brought into the Red Pavilion by the seven elders since childhood, after strict training, they are much better than the young. But see in front of the cloud light moon body posture has been straight, panting, not hush, compared to their already lack of breath, for the small Lord is more admirable.

At the darkest time before dawn, yunqianyue suddenly stops. Ling Lian is about to make a sound. She waves her hand behind her. Ling Lian immediately wakes up and pricks up her ears. Yi Xue is also sensitive and feels that the breath is wrong. She holds her breath and concentrates. Although the youth is too tired to drag her legs and feet, her ears and eyes are still there, and she can feel something strange."Hide the Pearl of the night!" Cloud light moon command.

Ling Lian and Yi Xue immediately put the night pearl in their arms.

At this time, the sound of breaking the sky suddenly came from the front. It seemed that a strong wind came to the four people. The momentum is fierce, the speed is fast, and the force is extremely heavy.

"Don't move any of you!" Cloud shallow moon drinks a low, already fly up, the red brocade in sleeve flies out, at the same time, a gold needle has already taken off to fly out.

"Hiss, hisses!" Several sound light sound, seem to have what hit on the red brocade, was the beauty brocade refuted to go back. Then there was a scream from the front, and then there was the sound of stones and people rolling down the mountain.

Cloud shallow moon float body and fall, concentrate for a moment, to Ling Lian Yi snow command, "take out the night Pearl!"

They immediately took out the night pearl from their arms.

Yunqianyue walked forward, and the three followed her. After a short walk, they saw ten men in black lying in the bushes in front of her. Apparently dead. Around them, there were scattered people in black with stones in their arms, some with brains bursting, some with broken arms and legs, and others with gold needles in their eyebrows. One of the men in black was obviously the leader. He was hit by four arrows. The four arrows were very thick and made of special materials. They looked very sharp. One arrow was shot in the neck, one in the shoulder, and the other two in the chest. He also had a huge bow and arrow in his hand. It was obvious that he had just made the noise.

"Cloud light moon, I admire you now!" Looking at the situation in front of him, the young man obviously did not escape from the law. The cloud shallow month hand quick firm accurate, has not reserved the leeway. He looked at her with bright eyes.

"Can you still walk?" The moon glimpsed the youth's feet.

"Yes The young man gnawed his teeth.

"Let's go, then." Cloud light moon over those black corpses, forward.

"Just go away? Who are these people? Don't you look into it? " The young man was stunned.

"I can't find out. Maybe I know who it is." The cloud light moon head also does not return, these black clothes person's breath is similar to the hundred hidden guards who assassinated her and Rongjing. On that day, she and ye Tianyi met the men in black who were secretly assassinated when they went to Lingtai temple. She was not unfamiliar with their breath, or even familiar with it. That's why she knew from a long distance that there was an ambush and a preemptive strike.

"Who is going to kill you?" The young man took a few steps to keep up with the moon.

"More people are going to kill me!" Cloud light moon road.

"If I had known I would not have asked you to come with me. I don't know if there is such an ambush in front of me. You are really a trouble." The boy muttered. Although said so, but the tone does not really regret the meaning.

"If you can't even get out of the capital. Even if you can get out of the capital, you can't walk a hundred miles. " Cloud light moon road.

"You look down on me!" The young man was not satisfied.

"Is it that I despise you? You know it yourself. Since you have stepped into Tiansheng's capital and appeared around me and Rongjing, how many people pay attention to who you are and what identity you are. Once you are out of our protection range, you will fall into other people's net. Who will let you go? " Cloud shallow moon looks back at the face of the young man not convinced, light tunnel.

The young man snorted, as if to refute, but thought it was the truth, so he stopped talking.

The moon is no longer talking. Thinking that someone got the news so fast, I'm afraid that she had just left the city when someone sent a letter to arrange it here. Moreover, the person calculated so accurately that he knew that she would take the shortest way. This shows that the person knows the topographic map of Tian Sheng very well and knows that there is such a shortcut.

She thought of the topographic map that night Tianyi dedicated to the old emperor.

The four hiked another hill and came to the plain. The youth's physical strength has reached the acme, and finally had to compromise. He said to Yun Xiaoyue with a bright face: "I can't walk any more. Let's have a rest."

"Can you ride a horse?" Asked the moon.

"There's no strength for the reins of the horse!" The boy breathed heavily.

"Once you stop, you don't want to go!" Cloud shallow month turns over to mount a horse, hand hand hand to youth, "I take you!"

The young man sat on the ground and did not stop when he saw that the moon was still on his way. He said angrily, "yunqianyue, are you still not a human being?"

"If you stay here, you won't be there for two and a half days. You can't save anyone. Don't blame me. " Cloud shallow moon looks at the young man's angry face, leisurely tunnel. The young man immediately stood up, gritted his teeth and put his hand in the hand of Yun Qianyue.

Cloud light moon gently pull, pull him to sit in front of the horse. Looking back to Ling Lian and Yi Xue, although the two girls are pale, they are much better than the teenagers. They immediately said, "Miss, we are OK. We can go!"

"Good!" Cloud shallow moon nods, legs a clip horse abdomen, steed forward. The youth is held in the arms by cloud shallow moon, soft and prone with a big shrimp rice like. Let yunqianyue think of nanlingrui. When nanlingrui is tired, she looks almost the same as the teenager. She can't help but be funny.

Just when her mouth was slightly raised, the young man suddenly opened his mouth, and his voice was gnashing his teeth and saying, "yunqianyue, I must marry you. No, I will marry you. " , the fastest update of the webnovel!