The Anarchic Consort of the Prince

Chapter 824

Cloud shallow month hears the sound of drowsiness outside, some apologetic, even busy way: "be all right, you go to sleep!"

They listened attentively outside the door for a moment. They were sure they were all right, so they withdrew.

Cloud shallow moon still not sleepy, also do not force oneself to sleep, so lie on the bed to count ants. This is the first time she's been sleeping ants in years. This has not happened for many years, including in previous lives. She didn't know whether she should sigh and sleep too much, or that the influence of sighing on her was really too great. It is undeniable that no matter how much sleep she sleeps, she can still sleep as long as the scene is around.

It was still raining at dawn. Cloud shallow moon finally came sleepy idea, faintly went to sleep.

On the second day of Rongjing's departure, yunqianyue slept for half a day and read a book for half a day. At night, she still had insomnia. It was another night without sleep.

On the third day of Rongjing's departure, yunqianyue still spent her reading in the daytime, and she still had insomnia in the evening, but what was better than the previous two nights was that she finally went to bed in the middle of the night.

On the morning of the fourth day, after seven days and seven nights of heavy rain, it finally stopped.

At noon, the cloud light moon woke up, opened his eyes, did not hear the patter of rain, a time is not used to, but it is a sigh of relief. If the rain continued to fall, she suspected that the world would be flooded with water, and the end of the world was coming.

After lunch, yunqianyue received a carrier pigeon from Rongjing. It said, "I have arrived at Daluo water city.". Miss you. Remember to miss me

When yunqianyue saw the letter, she couldn't help smiling, thinking that people didn't always say "well, don't read." Is that right? How can I remember thinking about him when I get to him? This man!

Luoshui city is 500 miles away from the capital city, which is similar to Cloud City. It can be regarded as the largest city in the 18 prefectures and counties in the East. Because of its low-lying location, the water in all directions converges, and there is no good dam and drainage facilities, so it is undoubtedly the most affected area in the city of 18 prefectures and counties in the East. According to Ling Lian, there is no good place there. There is water everywhere, but the water is higher than one person. Some of the stronger houses are also swaying in the water, and the people are sitting on the houses or on the top of the mountain. The dead and injured are not counted!

Looking at the familiar handwriting for a long time, Yun Qianyue wrote: "miss you, miss you, miss you, one hundred thousand thoughts." After writing, his face was a little red, and he felt that it was not reserved. Then he wrote at the end: "fake! I don't want to. "

Fold the note and tie it to qingti's leg. Qingti flies out, and she lies on the table and laughs stiffly. I think it's also good to have a taste of missing, which is more different than being together all day.

Cloud shallow moon is laughing, outside a gust of wind, and then the door is "bang" from the outside of the big bang open, in a blink of an eye will rush in a person. Ling Lian and Yi Xue have no time to stop the sound.

Cloud shallow moon stopped laughing and raised her head buried on the table. She saw that it was a young Luo Yu, slightly stunned.

"Cloud light moon, go with me to a place!" A few steps to the youth cloud shallow moon side, tone urgent, reach out to pull her.

Cloud shallow moon sits still, avoid his hand, ask: "where to go?"

"Valley County of Meiling mountain." Youth road.

Cloud shallow moon frown, looked up at the young man, see his face impatient, a little pale, although the rain stopped outside, but the day is still overcast, there is no sun, there is cold after the rain, she picked eyebrows, "where to do?"

"There's something important." Youth road.

"Do you know how far the Valley County of Meiling mountain is from the capital? Eight hundred miles! It's not such a short distance from the east to the West. " Cloud shallow moon slowly way: "you have what important matter, why want to pull me to go?"

"It's important anyway! I'm not familiar with the way. You go with me Youth road.

"I'll go with you if you don't know the way?" Cloud shallow moon shakes head, "do not go!"

"How can you come with me?" The young man looked like he was waiting for the cloud and the moon to open the conditions. "And if you had me, I think I could take the shortest route to get there faster. You have high martial arts skills, and you can protect me and be safe on the way. The other is that I can't trust anyone except you. "

"And I'm so useful in your mind!" Cloud shallow moon suddenly smile, squint at the young one eye, light way: "I promised a person to stay in the capital, not to go out. What kind of price can you give me to break the agreement with that man and come with you? "

"The man you are talking about is Rongjing, right?" The young man looked at Yun Qianyue and saw that she didn't answer, which was acquiescence. He said happily, "I helped you destroy the engagement between Donghai Kingdom and Prince Rong's house. Is this the most worthwhile price?"

"Good! Then I'll come with you! " Cloud shallow month reaches out a hand to clap the table, hammers the sound. Go to Valley County and pass Luoshui city.

Young see cloud shallow moon promise, immediately happy, reach out to pull her hand, will quickly leave.

"Wait a minute, I have to pack my bags!" Cloud shallow moon evades the youth's hand, to stand at the door of Ling Lian and Yi snow way: "pack up a few clothes, prepare dry food and water for ten days.""Do you really want to go, miss?" Ling Lian looked at the young man and felt that it was not very good for her to promise him so happily. Although he said that he would help Miss destroy the engagement between Donghai Kingdom and Prince Rong's mansion, it was a big thing. Could you do it with this young man's words? After all, the capital is too far away from the Valley County, and this road is also affected by the disaster, the road is difficult to travel.

"Well!" Yunqianyue nods. She wants to let the scenery go. Someone gives her a chance. She can also use it as a price to destroy the engagement between Donghai state and Rong Wangfu. Naturally, she would like to.

Linglian also want to say what, Yi Xue pulled her, gave her a wink, Ling Lian is not stupid, this just remembered Jing Shizi is in Luoshui city. She looked at the brilliance in Yun Qianyue's eyes and knew that persuasion was useless, so she stopped persuading. She only said, "the maidservant and the young lady will go together. In this way, there will be care for the journey. The young lady can't say that she will not take us, otherwise Jing Shizi will not be at ease."

"Well, let's go together." Cloud shallow moon smiles and nods.

Ling Lian and Yi Xue hurry down to pick up things.

"Rongjing is in Luoshui city. Don't think I don't know. You are proud! No, you can't see him in the past, so as not to delay time. When my affairs are settled in Valley County, you will be OK. Otherwise, what I just said will ruin your engagement The young man looked at the light in the eyes of the cloud and warned.

"From the capital to the Valley County, how many days are you going to arrive?" The moon glanced at the young man without answering questions.

"Three days!" Youth road.

"It will take me two and a half days to get there. Seeing Rongjing in Luoshui city will not delay you any more." Cloud light moon road. , the fastest update of the webnovel!