The Anarchic Consort of the Prince

Chapter 823

I don't know how long I slept. I heard footsteps coming to the shallow moon Pavilion. After a while, the door was pushed open from the outside, and a lighter footstep came in.

Yunqianyue wakes up when the visitor pushes the door open. He opens his eyes and sees the scene walking towards the bed with cool air. It is rare that it rains outside. He has no raindrops on his body. She looked at him and said lazily, "I'm back so soon!"

"Quick?" Rong Jing looked at her face and laughed, reminding him, "I stayed in the palace for half a day, is it quick?"

"I had a good sleep Yunqianyue took a look at the sky outside, or it was still raining heavily. She almost couldn't see how long it would sound. She yawned and asked, "what does the old emperor want you to do? Do you want to prevent and control the flood? "

"Well!" Rongjing nodded.

"How to treat it?" Cloud shallow moon pick eyebrows.

"Tiansheng's territory is divided into two parts: thirty six states in the East and the west, 18 states and counties in the East belong to me, and the 18 states and counties in the West belong to the seventh prince, who control the water separately. Leave now. " Rong Jing reached out and brushed his sleeves, as if driving away the cool air.

"So?" Cloud shallow moon frowns, "so say ye Tianyi to leave Beijing? What about prison? Who will be in charge of the country? "

"The emperor ordered the fourth prince to supervise the country and the second prince to assist him." Yung King Road.

"The old emperor began to use his two sons again! I'm not afraid that it's easy to hand over the power and it's difficult to take it back! " Cloud shallow month chided a, "he is dare to put night Tianyi out to control the water, not afraid that these two sons take the opportunity to mess up the super program?"

"The emperor has been recuperated by the seventh Prince recently. He is in good health and mental health." Rong Jing gives a reason, "besides, there are also Prince de and night light dye."

"It turned out that they were under the control of the old emperor. The lean camel was bigger than the horse. Yetianqing and yetianyu grew up under the old emperor's influence for many years. Now he is in good health. Even if ye Tianyi is released to control the water, they naturally dare not stab him. Prince de and night light dye are definitely a big resistance. " The cloud is shallow and the moon suddenly appears.

"Well!" Rong Jing felt that the air-conditioner was almost dispelled, and he came to hold the cloud in his arms.

Cloud shallow moon remembers that he just said to set off immediately, frowning and asking, "is it still raining now? Will you leave Beijing immediately? "

"Go one day earlier, save the people from disaster." Yung King Road.

Yunqianyue thinks that it is also a matter of urgency. Now it is uncertain how many people have been displaced. Although it still takes up the tail of summer, the temperature difference at night has increased significantly. The people are cold, hungry and cold. We can imagine how serious the consequences are. She raised her face and said to Rongjing, "I'll go with you too!"

"No way!" Rongjing didn't want to think about it, and quickly rejected the cloud moon.

"I am in good health! It's not that delicate. " Yunqianyue didn't expect him to refute so quickly.

"Now it's still raining outside. Even if you're just better, you can't bear it." The scenery is also a way.

"I can bear to have you by my side. It's raining outside, but it's already light. " Cloud shallow moon rubbed her head against Rong Jing and asked in a soft voice, "are you willing to let me go? Where is water control so easy? Besides, eighteen States and counties! You're going for a long time. Don't you miss me? I'm by your side, so you don't have to think about it. "

"It's not easy, so you have to stay in the capital." Rong Jing still shook his head and was not moved.

"Rongjing!" The cloud is shallow and the moon is glaring.

"Good, I don't want you to go with me to suffer. This time, the flood was very serious, and we lived in the open air. You're just getting better, and I'll be distracted to take care of you Rongjing reached out and patted yunqianyue's body, revealing a reluctant mood, "even if I go for a few days, but if you want to miss me, at least you have to wait for no rain. The weather is good, and you can find me when the road is clear."

Cloud shallow moon frown, "I am not so weak! I've stayed in places where the environment is not good. It's nothing for me to live in the open air. I'm not a stranger! Where can't you eat bitterness? You can rest assured that I won't have to be distracted. Maybe I can share some of them for you

"No way!" Rongjing still shakes his head.

Cloud shallow moon is angry, stare at Rong Jing Nu way: "good words and evil words, how can you be so wooden? The oil and salt will not enter

Rong Jing laughs and kisses the moon. The moon reaches out to open him. Rongjing grabbed her hand and put his lips firmly on her lips. After that, he let go of her and said in a hoarse voice, "listen! Some sufferings are unnecessary, so why should they be suffered? It will rain for two days at most, and it will clear up after two days. The road will not be so slippery in another two days. Will you go to see me then? I haven't seen you for a few days. "

Cloud shallow moon gasps to hum a, do not speak.

"Good, will you?" Rongjing kisses her lips again in yunqianyue, enjoying her delicate breath in his arms. When he comes back from the palace, he thinks that once she knows that she wants to treat the water, she will propose to go with him. He constantly persuades himself countless times to refuse her to go with him. Only if you know how much effort he has put into it. Regardless of the spread, or reluctant to bear with her to bear hardships. Although he knew she wasn't that weak."Well! All right Yun Xiaoyue compromised and mumbled, "who are you willing to go! I'll just talk about it. "

Rong Jing chuckles and points the pen tip of the cloud light moon with his finger. His expression and tone are extremely spoiled, "what is right and what's not true!"

Yunqianyue's face is a little red. She admits that she is really clingy now. Before she was independent, she became more and more clingy after she was really with him. But she didn't want to control her stickiness and let it be. If there is a person willing to let you stick, is a kind of happiness, there is nothing bad. The two men stopped talking and lay quietly hugging each other.

Half an hour later, Rongjing finally reluctantly got up and left under the reluctant eyes of yunqianyue.

Looking at Rongjing's figure leaving the pavilion, yunqianyue sits in front of the window with a quilt in her arms and murmurs: "I really don't give up! If you want to go after them, what should we do? " , recited for a moment, remembering the sentence that Rongjing said when he left, "if you leave the shallow moon Pavilion, I must know." Then she gave up some indignation.

For several days, Rongjing lived in the shallow moon Pavilion, sharing the same bed and sleeping together. On the first night of Rongjing's departure, yunqianyue lost her sleep unadaptedly. She tossed and turned, rolled back and forth in bed, still awake at night. At last, she looked at the roof angrily and said, "sure enough, habit is a terrible thing."

About her voice is too loud, wake up has been paying attention to the room of Ling Lian and Yi Xue. They rushed out of the room and came to the door. They asked, "what can I do for you, miss?" , the fastest update of the webnovel!