The Anarchic Consort of the Prince

Chapter 822

Rongjing chuckled and held the soft body of Baoyun's shallow moon feet. He said in a soft voice: "in his position, plan for his politics. Besides, I can't ignore it for the sake of countless people. "

"It's true!" The moon nods.

"I'm in the palace! You have a good rest. You are just getting better. You are not allowed to run outside. Otherwise, I'll take care of you in the past few days in vain if I get caught in the cool wind and rain again and again. " Rongjing got out of bed, reached out and took the white robe of crescent moon. He put it on his body and told him to the moon.

"I see! Don't worry Cloud shallow moon sits on the bed nodding.

"I'm not sure!" Rong Jing takes a look at her. He knew that she was in fact a restless master. She had been in the room for a few days. Although she didn't feel bored with him around, once he left, she would be bored, and maybe she could not help running out.

"I will never run out! It's raining outside. It's cold. Running out is suffering. Don't worry. I really cherish my body. " Cloud shallow month smiles to see Rong Jing one eye, "in your eyes, I am like a child is not sensible son? Not yet! When are you such a mother

"That's the best!" Rongjing was also amused. He tidied up and went out.

The door opened, a cold wind blowing, Rongjing crescent white robe of the pendulum fluttered for a while, Ling Lian handed him an umbrella, he reached out to take it, lifted his step into the rain. His figure is picturesque as the rain curtain falls.

Yunqianyue looks at Rongjing and walks to the door and leaves with Yunli. She takes back her sight and lies back to bed lazily. After lying for a while, feeling bored, he reached out and picked up a book to read. After reading two pages, he felt bored. He put the book down and closed his eyes, but he couldn't sleep. Back and forth in the bed tossed half sound, and finally called out to the outside, "Ling Lian, Yi Xue, you come in!"

Two people answer, push the door and enter, the door opened and closed, is a cool wind.

The cloud moon poked out her head in the flighty curtain and said to the two people, "is there any news from Huasheng? Has nanlingrui returned to Nanliang safely

Ling Lian shook her head. "Sister Huasheng has sent back the news, but Prince Rui has not returned to Nanliang safely. But it's already out of the heaven saint's boundary. It's a hundred Li after Fenghuang pass. "

Yunqianyue nodded, "now it's raining so hard and there's such a big disaster. The old emperor doesn't want his life any more! As long as he has passed the heaven and earth boundary, he will be safe when he reaches Nanliang. "

Ling Lian nodded and asked Yun Qianyue, "is Miss Hua Sheng's sister and the people from the Red Pavilion back?"

"No! Send him back! The old emperor was deep in his mind. He was not afraid of ten thousand, just in case. If he's at the most slack moment, I'm not sure Yun Xiaoyue shook her head, "besides, Tiansheng has suffered from floods in large areas, but Nanliang is safe and sound. He must be angry in his heart and can't do anything. When the prince of Nanliang was cut, he was also flustered. "

Ling Lian thinks it's reasonable and doesn't talk anymore.

"It is said that Xiyan is very serious, and the responsibility of the goddess of protecting the country should be great. Is there any news from Xiyan recently? For example, about the third childe? " Yunqianyue thought for a moment and asked.

Ling Lian shook her head. "When the emperor's birthday came, the envoy of Xiyan came and left. He didn't see anyone contacting the third young master. Now there is no private action on the side of Xiyan and Tiansheng, and the country is very peaceful. I didn't find any contact between the people in Xiyan and the third young master. "

"After taking over the Fengge Pavilion, the third young master is still as usual, and he has not inquired into Xi Yan's affairs in detail." Yi Xue also said. Suddenly, he thought of something and added, "but the news came from the Red Pavilion that the goddess of the protection of the country is not in good health."

Cloud shallow moon pick eyebrow, "is the news of Red Pavilion, wind Pavilion know?"

"Fengge should not know. It came from a close friend of our Red Pavilion who was deeply believed by the goddess of protecting the country in Xiyan. It's very confidential. Outsiders don't know. Therefore, I don't think even the wind Pavilion of the little Lord can get news. Therefore, the third young master should not know. " Yi snow road.

Cloud shallow moon nods, ask again: "how a body is bad law?"

"It seems to be a hidden disease, coughing up blood, which should not be treated." Yi snow road.

Cloud shallow moon frown, "cough blood?"

"Yes Yi Xue nods.

"Miss, do you want to tell the third young master about this? That's his mother, after all Ling Lian asked in a low voice.

Cloud shallow month hesitated for a while, shake head, "still do not tell! You send a letter to the person in the Red Pavilion to send back the details of the disease of the goddess of the state. I'll see what she's got

"Good!" Ling Lian nods.

"What about ye Qian and the cold clouds? What's up? Is there any unusual news in southern Xinjiang? " Cloud shallow moon asks again.

"Princess ye and Prince Yun have been following Prince Rui's itinerary together, but after coming to Fenghuang pass, Nanliang and Nanjiang split up. Now Princess ye and Mr. Yun are on their way back to southern Xinjiang. The internal affairs of Nanliang are said to be somewhat chaotic. There was some private unrest between the government and the public. But there was little movement. It must be under the control of Princess Ye. " Ling Lian Dao.

Cloud shallow moon nods, ye Qian's wrist naturally has no words. She suddenly remembered the envoys from the East China Sea and asked, "what about the contingent of envoys from Donghai? Where are you now? Such a heavy rain, should be stopped"Miss, Hongge has never included information about Donghai kingdom! We don't have a secret post for East China Sea. Moreover, the information about the Donghai state has always been avoided, so we have no idea of the whereabouts of the Donghai troops. " Ling Lian takes a look at the cloud and reminds her in a low voice.

Yunqianyue "Oh", she forgot that the Ferris cliff never included the information of donghaiguo, not a word, naturally there is no communication network.

"Miss, although the Red Pavilion does not include the information of Donghai Kingdom, can Fengge probably receive it? After all, from now on, the envoys of Donghai should be at the boundary of Tiansheng. Fengge should have basic control over the whereabouts of envoys from the East China Sea. " Yi snow reminds a way.

"It's true!" Cloud shallow moon nods, to Ling Lian way: "go to pass a message to three childe, let him come!"

"Yes Ling Lian responds and goes out.

"Forget it! Don't go! It doesn't matter where the envoys of the east sea go. " Cloud shallow moon suddenly gave up the idea, when Ling Lian walked to the door, suddenly opened her mouth and stopped her step.

Ling Lian stopped and looked back at the moon.

"Sure enough, talking about these things makes me sleepy. I sleep. You go down Cloud shallow month to two people wave hand, hit a yawn, slant the body to lie again.

Ling Lian and Yi Xue take a look at each other and think of their feelings. The young lady calls them in and asks them to come in and ask them to go to bed as soon as possible. The two people's corners of the mouth smoke and go out in response to the voice.

With the door closed, the room was quiet, and the moon was too lazy to think about it again. She went to sleep with her eyes closed. , the fastest update of the webnovel!