The Anarchic Consort of the Prince

Chapter 821

On the fourth day, it was still raining. Even if the doors and windows of the pavilion are closed these days, the air in the house is still contaminated with the smell of moisture. It seems that even the utensils in the room, tables and jade tiles on the ground are covered with a layer of moisture.

After a few days of rest, Yunqian's body finally relaxed a lot. She looked out of the window, the window was white, and the light moon pavilion was shrouded in the rain, and everything was washed away. She could not help but look sad between her eyebrows. Although she likes to stay with Rongjing for a few days, she can't help worrying about the people outside. "I'm afraid the rain will last for a few days."

"Well!" Rong Jing should a, between the eyebrow heart faintly also shows the worried color.

"There must have been a lot of water outside! Although the rain is good, it is the irrigation of farmland, but the extreme will reverse. If such a heavy rain goes on, it will become a flood. Tiansheng is now in the wind and rain, and now this heavy rain is adding frost to the snow mountain. " Cloud shallow moon road.

"It's a flood!" Rong Jing also looked out of the window, "the emperor has received memorials from all over the country last night. In many counties and prefectures, levees burst, and countless farmhouses and fertile fields have been flooded. Even if the rain stopped at this time, half of the people of Tiansheng would collapse. "

"If you think about the heavy rain like this, it will be very serious." "Cloud shallow moon way," but here many prefectures and counties dykes are unqualified, if qualified, also unapt to lose too much. "

"Heaven has been at ease for too long, and official corruption is prevalent. What's more, it's too late to wait for rain due to the continuous drought, so how can we prevent the whole dam? But who would have thought that the sudden heavy rain would never end, and the emperor was wise and wise. Now I'm afraid he will be in a hurry. " The scenery is slow and leisurely.

"Be prepared for danger in times of safety, and take precautions in advance. He didn't understand. He only knew how to plan and calculate his subjects. He only knew how to centralize power, which made his servants cold hearted, disintegrated and finally became a lonely family. " Cloud light moon chided.

With a faint smile, he did not answer.

"Which places are not affected? Or is it less affected? " Asked the moon. Although Rongjing is in the Luzhong, although she has been with her for several days and has not even stepped out of the shallow moon Pavilion, she knows that there will be messages from outside every day. He can also sit and watch the world. She felt that he knew more about the world than the old emperor.

"Except for the northern Xinjiang, almost all the prefectures and counties covered by Tiansheng's territory have suffered from floods, but some places are light and some places are heavy. The area of this heavy rain is too wide to avoid. " Rong Jing glanced at the cloud and the moon, warming his voice. But when it comes to northern Xinjiang, it means a lot to see the cloud and the moon.

Cloud shallow Moon receives the vision of Rong Jing, opens the corner of her mouth and smiles. When Tianyi went to northern Xinjiang alone on the first night, and then slowly gathered it in her hands, she helped him build it step by step. Especially about the reclamation of barren mountains in Northern Xinjiang, dikes, good farmland, mountain water diversion and so on, she used all the things she had learned in her previous life in Northern Xinjiang. It is even more strict with dams. Despite the drought in Northern Xinjiang these years, she advocates excellence. Try to be perfect everywhere. As expected, the northern Xinjiang was not affected.

"What is the virtue of night nature?" Rongjing snorted.

"In fact, he is still talented! Although I proposed those things, he was the one who put them into practice, and ordinary people without talent could not do them. " The cloud shallow moon embraces to embrace to allow the scenery, rubbed in front of him to rub, coax way: "800 years ago's dry vinegar, we don't eat ah!"

Seeing her appearance, Rongjing couldn't help laughing and patted her on the head, "since it was dry vinegar 800 years ago, I won't eat it!"

Yun Qianyue nodded again and again, and said in a pertinent way: "in a word, countless people in Northern Xinjiang benefited from this flood, and I have accumulated virtue and done good deeds. If I start all over again, I think I will still help him

"Well!" Rong Jing answered, if not.

"What about Nanliang, Xiyan, Nanjiang and other countries?" Cloud light moon holding the scene does not loose, and asked.

"Nanliang and Nanjiang have moderate rainfall, and this year is about a good harvest year. Xiyan also suffered some heavy losses, even as much as the disaster of Tiansheng. This time, the king of Southern Xinjiang can really live more than half a year. The king of Nanliang loved his people like a son, and he was a blessed emperor. " Yung King Road.

Yunqianyue breathed a sigh of relief, as long as Nanliang was ok, because of his father, mother, brother, cousin, uncle and grandfather. She was kind to Nanliang from beginning to end. Naturally, she didn't want Nanliang to be flooded. And because of its geographical location, it's nearly August. It is the rainy season in the north, while the rainy season in southern Xinjiang and Nanliang has already passed in May and June. Nanliang and Nanjiang are not affected.

They stopped talking.

After a while, a familiar footstep came from the shallow moon Pavilion.

Yunqianyue looked out of the window and saw Yunli come in with an umbrella, followed by Brunei with an umbrella. She took a look at them. Both of them were in a hurry. Obviously, there was something urgent. She thought for a moment, looked back at Rongjing and said, "the old emperor can't sit still."

"Well! I can't sit down for a long time. " Rongjing nodded.

Elaine no longer looks at the door of the light cloud, and the umbrella comes out.Yunli stopped and took a look inside the house. Although the curtain was falling down, the doors and windows were stained with water because of the rain. He could not see the situation inside the house clearly outside. He said to Ling Lian: "my father-in-law of Brunei went to Prince Rong's house to find King Shizi. He knew he was not in the house, so he came here. And I brought him

Ling Lian takes a look at Brunei, nods and turns to the door.

"What can I do for you? But what is the emperor's intention? " Ling Lian has not yet opened her mouth, the voice of Rong Jing rings in the room.

"Return to King Shizi! The emperor sent a servant to deliver a message to King Shizi. Please enter the palace immediately. The emperor has something important to discuss with him. " Brunei is busy.

"Good! I'll be there now! My father-in-law, please go back to the Palace first and get the order back! " Rong Jing answered.

When Brunei got a reply, he turned to look at Yunli and said, "the emperor also asked the son of cloud to enter the palace."

"Good! My father-in-law will go first, and I will go into the palace with Jing Shizi. " Cloud from the bow.

When Brunei saw that they both agreed, he turned around and left with an umbrella in a hurry. After a short while, he left the pavilion of shallow moon.

Yunli took a look at the room and didn't go in. Instead, he walked out with an umbrella. He stopped at the gate of the pavilion and looked ahead with his back to the direction of the pavilion. He was obviously waiting for the scene.

In the room, the cloud shallow moon hummed a, hate hate way: "a encounter a thing to think you are a sweet cake! Once settled, I would like to remove you as a thorn in the flesh. The dead emperor , the fastest update of the webnovel!