The Anarchic Consort of the Prince

Chapter 820

Rongjing still does not speak, the breath of slight change is slightly stable.

"You are Rongjing, Rongjing. You dare to kiss me at the age of five at the age of eight. I have been poisoned by cold for ten years, and I dare not come near me, but I can see you everywhere. I can feel that I have been living under your gaze for the past ten years. You have made a big net all over the sky, which has caught my heart. I can't help but influence you and stir my mind. But you are still standing outside the net watching me struggle. I had no choice but to start the Phoenix robbery, just to give you and me a chance to pour out the memory of 15 years. Do you know that you have someone in your heart that you want to catch? Grasp a lifetime, even feel not enough, still want next life, next life. If there are generations, I want to catch you all the time. " Yunqianyue raised her head to meet Rongjing's eyes, "I thought my soul may never fall in love with someone again, but there is one you. You say, what poison have you put on me

Rong Jing eyes light staring at cloud shallow moon, still do not speak.

Cloud light moon also no longer speak, eyes fade dim, gaze at him equally.

Four eyes relative, inside in addition to a thick spring like warm accident is endless love.

For a long time, Rongjing's lips rose up and pulled out a crescent shaped arc. In a moment, his smile was blooming, and the moon was shining. He laughed softly at the cloud and the moon. "It turns out that love words are really good."

Cloud shallow moon face a red, where she used to say so explicit, such analysis of the conscious heart of words, now is really forced by him. Angry way: "do you just think the love words are nice?"

"More than that!" Rong Jing shakes his head, the smile in the eyes how also cannot hide.

"What else did you hear?" Cloud shallow moon raises a face to ask.

Rongjing bowed his head and gave a light kiss on the cheek of yunqianyue. He said in a soft voice: "at least I really feel your heart. You feel very important to my heart for the first time."

Cloud shallow moon looks at him, ask softly, "what kind of feeling is that?"

Rong Jing looked at her tenderly, her eyes were dazzled and drunk, "very happy!"

Cloud light moon smile spread, a little bit of expansion, and finally spread to the corners of her eyes and eyebrows, let her originally some flush face also because of his gentle eyes and dyed the same drunk color. "I feel happy too!" she whispered

Rong Jing holds cloud shallow moon's body tight, as if to rub her into the body.

The two people no longer talk, and yunqianyue thinks that maybe only after experiencing the feeling of the earth shattering in the early days, and then the feeling that the world is dark, and then experiencing the appearance of the scene drenched with water, and the pain in her heart and lungs when she appears at her door in the torrential rain, can we realize the happiness of such a close relationship, which is really very happy.

"Sleep Rong Jing pats the body of cloud shallow moon.

Cloud light moon gently "um".

Rongjing also closed her eyes.

The rain outside the window is still falling, but the house is not cold, and even the curtain curtain curtain is warm. The rain kept raining until late at night. As expected, as Rongfeng said, yunqianyue may be repeated. In the middle of the night, she starts to get hot again. Rongjing takes Rongfeng's prescription and looks at it, and slightly changes several strokes. Ling Lian and Yi Xue immediately go down to decoct.

Cloud shallow moon drinks medicine when to Rong Jing way: "not so bitter!"

Rong Jing gave her a gentle smile, "I changed Sophora flavescens and Gentiana into something else."

Cloud shallow moon purses lips to smile, suddenly feels Rong Feng and Rong Jing are really lovely. At that time, she said she didn't feel bitter, so Rong Feng added the two most bitter drugs. But now Rongjing is about to give up her bitter, so the two most bitter medicine to change. She reached out to touch Rongjing's forehead and mumbled, "your temperature is normal, when is your physique so good? It's raining so hard that you don't get hot? "

"I can't take care of you when you get hot!" With a smile, Rongjing smoothed some thin sweat hair of the cloud light moon.

Yunqianyue felt a thin layer of sweat on her body, so she planned to withdraw from Rongjing's body, and Rongjing clamp was fixed to prevent her from moving. She frowned and whispered, "I'm sweating all over. Don't you feel uncomfortable holding me?"

"No pain!" Rong Jing shakes his head.

"All right, then." Cloud light moon no longer move, continue to close your eyes.

Rong Jingxi stopped the lamp. After drinking the medicine, yunqianyue fell asleep again. Rongjing watched her lying in his arms, fragrant and sweaty, extremely weak. The whole person felt as light as it could be. He sniffed the fragrance of her hair and the faint fragrance of her body. Even though there was some herbal flavor, it was more fascinating. How could it be uncomfortable?

He just wanted to hold her, and no one could understand the feeling of recovering after the collapse of the earth. The feeling of helplessness, powerlessness, heart tugging and decadence at the bottom of his heart, but all the entanglement, darkness, obscurity, decadence, care, jealousy and other emotions became less important in the twinkling of an eye Let him feel happy, all the efforts are worth it. The moon is fine, and the mood is clear. It's just like pulling out the clouds to see a sunny day. He thought that he was really into the realm of magic barrier, but he was willing to reincarnate in the evil way, even if he could not live beyond life.

The next day, the rain was still falling. The shallow moon pavilion has accumulated a lot of water, but the ancient gaomen courtyard has drainage ditches. The water naturally accumulates from the drainage ditch and flows to the blue lake in the mansion. The water in the blue lake rises three feet in a short half day and one night.Both inside and outside the capital are shrouded in heavy rain. The water from the street went into the moat, and the water in the moat also rose three feet.

Until the next night, the rain continued. The heavy rain is just like the river being cut apart. It seems endless.

Yunqianyue had fever repeatedly for several times. She woke up in the middle of the way and woke up. In addition to taking medicine, she still took medicine. Her body was soft and soft without a trace of strength. She really responded to that sentence. Her illness came like a mountain and went away like a thread.

Rong Jing has been in the room with cloud shallow moon, even if he has extremely high medical skills, but also can not let cloud shallow moon cure the disease in an instant. Can only watch her awake and sleeping, dizzy, weak, do their best not to let her too uncomfortable.

On the third day, the rain was less, but it was still raining. Although it is no longer a torrential rain, but the raindrops string into a line, or extremely dense, patterned. This kind of rain makes people feel that it will not stop soon.

In the evening of the third day, yunqianyue finally stopped heating, but she was soft and weak. She was lounging in Rongjing's arms and asked him to study for her. Rongjing's voice is good to listen to, with low magnetism in the gentle. Floating in the room, clear and moist, low and shallow, winding in the heart strings of the moon and clouds, combined with the patter of rain outside the window, she felt that it was the most beautiful note in the world, so that she only listened to the voice of the scenery, and did not hear a word about what was said in the book. , the fastest update of the webnovel!