The Anarchic Consort of the Prince

Chapter 819

"I miss you! What else can you think about? " Cloud shallow moon looked at the dim figure behind the screen and glared. Think of Rongjing said well, tossed about such a time, she is some popular bar! It's mainly the man who makes her popular.

"Even if I think about it, I should have something special to think about!" Rong Jing listens to the tone of cloud shallow moon and laughs.

"There is no special place to think about!" Cloud light moon take back sight, close eyes.

Rong Jing seemed to smile and stop talking.

Outside the heavy rain is still under, the sky is dark, the crackling raindrops practice into a line, it seems to want to wash away the dust of all things in the world, but also to wash away the miscellaneous dirt in the bottom of people's heart. Suddenly, I don't want to do anything in my mind. I feel very quiet when I listen to the rain.

I don't know how long after that, the voice came out again after the screen, "cloud light moon, give me a dress!"

Yunqianyue then recalled that Rongjing's clothes were all wet, so she couldn't wear them. She remembered that he had left several clothes in her place when he lived here last time. So she pushed aside the quilt and got out of bed. She went to the closet and opened it. Sure enough, she saw several pieces of Rongjing's clothes folded inside. She took out a soft brocade robe and threw it behind the screen.

"Thought you would send it in for me!" Rong Jing caught the soft robe and murmured.

Yunqianyue was just about to answer the phone when she heard Linglian's voice outside, "Miss, the medicine for jingshizi is fried!"

Yunqianyue walked to the door, opened the door and reached for it, "give it to me!"

Ling Lian hands the medicine bowl to Yun Qianyue, who takes the medicine bowl, closes the door, goes back to the room, puts it on the table, and walks back to the bed. When she goes to the bed and lies down, she sees Rongjing come out from behind the screen. Obviously, she has evaporated her hair with her internal power. Her robe is soft, and she is as gentle as jade. She stares at him one eye, heart suddenly Bang Bang two times, say to her: "drink medicine!"

Rong scenic spot nodded, went to the table, picked up the medicine bowl, and drank it obediently. After drinking, he came to the bed. A few steps came to the bed, opened the quilt of cloud shallow moon body, slowly went to bed. Because just bathed, the body is warm, and because drink medicine, the body has a faint fragrance of medicine.

Yun Qianyue moved to the inside. When he lay down, she buried herself in his arms naturally. The bottom of her heart trembled slightly. Suddenly, she felt that she really missed her. This kind of missing became more and more uncontrollable. Even if he was around, she would miss her deeply.

Rongjing reached out and hugged Yun Qianyue. He nestled in his arms and sighed contentedly, "yunqianyue, if it wasn't for your fever today, I would certainly bully you. Who told you to torture me like that. "

Cloud shallow moon originally facial expression smoked red, low voice way: "you also can bully now."

Rongjing took her waist and tightened her hand. It seemed that her body was tense because of her words. Then she relaxed, shook her head, and sighed: "forget it, there is a long way to go. After you are good, I slowly bully you. Bullying you for eight thousand years. "

Cloud shallow month beat him with a hand, red face way: "I didn't know you can say love words."

"I didn't know it before. When I met you, I probably said all the love words I didn't say in my life." Rong Jing gave a low smile.

Cloud shallow moon to his arms squeeze squeeze, let his body's breath wrap him, light voice way: "Rong Jing, we don't fight, OK?"

Rong Jing moved his mind and looked down at the man in his arms.

"For so many years, Xiao Qi has always lived in my memory. Maybe I don't want to forget him, but I don't want to forget him from the bottom of my heart. We can say that we have lived together since we were born, never left, so many years of life, not overnight. Everlasting longing for each other, we exchange solemn vows and pledges. What we have never said is what we think of. Our feelings are between relatives, friends, lovers, lovers, partners and partners. I even thought he must be an indispensable person in my life. But it's not. " Yun Xiaoyue's voice was low, but it was very clear, "after that incident, I still pushed him out for the responsibility, responsibility and faith entrusted to me by my country. Just because he's the right person. He didn't come back. I watched him disappear. After that, I realized that one person could live a life, not only two people, but also seven. "

Rong Jing still looks at her in silence.

"When I made that decision, many people were shocked, but I still made that decision. Maybe I thought I would die with him if he didn't come back. Maybe when I jumped out of a skyscraper with a time bomb, that moment of relief was the real relief. At that moment, I found that I was not guilty of him, but could not say what kind of feelings, that kind of feelings were too complex, even if I think about it now, I still feel too complex to guess. Maybe I had expected it to end like that. We are always aware of our identity, my life does not belong to me, always ready to give it to my country when I need it most. If he was replaced by me, I think he would probably do the same. Therefore, the two of us have never thought of being together. Even if we are together day by day, the relationship is only here. That kind of dark and hazy feeling can only grow in the bud, grow out of the bud, and stop at the bud. No matter how long, it will be in the bud and will not blossom and bear fruit. " Cloud shallow moon road.

Rongjing's lips are slightly pursed."But undeniably, although I want to forget, I never want to forget in my heart, so I always remember, just want to remember. I forget that I am sorry for myself and him Yunqianyue took a look at Rongjing. Seeing that his lips were pursed up, she did not interrupt her. She continued in a low voice: "maybe this life will never be forgotten. But I know in my heart that the past is over. Even though Xiao Qi is really alive like me, she also lives in this world. Maybe we will meet one day, but what about that? We can only meet, perhaps still relatives, or friends, or Whatever it is, it can't be our relationship. Deeper than love, deeper than deep love, more unforgettable than the heart. "

Rongjing's fingers suddenly shrank, and the breath changed for a moment.

"You've been with me all my life. We have been hiding and fighting with each other for ten years, but I still haven't escaped from your palm or from my own heart, so I'm doomed to be a lifetime. Another ten or twenty years will probably lead to the same result. " Cloud light moon's voice is low, but very calm, "I've lived in this world for 15 years now, and I'm not what I used to be. I can have no principles, no faith, no longer sacrifice myself for the faith of righteousness, can use my preferences to decide a person's fate at will, can become soft, can kill people like a dog and become selfish in an instant. Most importantly, even if I have a good heart, there are conditions. Will no longer unconditionally for what righteousness faith and pay. I have told you definitely that I will not let you become my compulsion, never. That's not to comfort you, but that's what I think. Really not. " , the fastest update of the webnovel!