The Anarchic Consort of the Prince

Chapter 816

Yunqianyue opened her mouth, frowned and continued to drink the remaining half bowl of medicine. Ling Lian heard that Miss wanted to eat sour plum, and ran out like a gust of wind.

After a while, Yun Xiaoyue finished drinking all the remaining half a bowl of medicine. She spat out her tongue and returned to her consciousness, complaining: "Rongfeng, what medicine did you give me to drink? It's too hard! "

"I added bitter ginseng. If you say that your mouth is tasteless and not bitter, I will let you suffer. " Yung Fung Road.

"You mean it! It's too hard! " Cloud shallow moon think more than Sophora flavescens? There is also gentian grass, which is very bitter when used as medicine.

"Sophora flavescens and Gentiana both have antipyretic effects. The effect is good. " Rong Feng said with a smile.

Cloud shallow month acquiesces, she originally has no strength, lazy to speak, then shut up the mouth no longer speech.

Ling Lian came back with a jar and handed it to Yun Qianyue. She said happily, "Miss, the maid has brought sour plum. You're half done with what you want! I've been scared to death

"Half a day has passed?" Cloud light moon opened eyes, eyes or some fuzzy. Looking out of the window, she saw that the weather was gloomy. She frowned and asked, "has the banquet in the mansion come to an end?"

"It's been a while since it broke up!" Ling Lian Dao.

"Well!" The moon nods. I think there should be a rain soon.

Ling Lian picked up a sour plum and handed it to Yun Qianyue, who opened her mouth and ate one. Suddenly the bitterness in her mouth went to half, but she also gave the tooth half acid. When Ling Lian had to pass the second one, she shook her head.

Ling Lian takes the jar away and takes the empty bowl in Rong Feng's hand.

"I've been with you for a long time, haven't you? I'm all right. Go back to the house Cloud shallow moon to Rong Feng a smile.

"I'm not afraid of the medicine. I'm not afraid of it. I will accompany you here! There's no need to do anything about this weather anyway. " Yung Fung Road.

Cloud shallow moon nods, also does not insist, regarding Rong Feng, she does not have to be polite, in front of Rong Feng, she has always been relaxed. "How do you know I have a fever?" she asked? Did Ling Lian look for you

Rong Feng laid Yun Qianyue on the bed and said softly: "night light dye asked me to practice martial arts. In the middle of the day, the old prince of Deqin palace sent someone to call him back. I remember that today is a happy day for the cloud palace. It's not good for me to go back to the palace without saying a word, so I came to the cloud palace again. When I came to the door, I met your maid. She saw me and said that you had a fever and a disease, which seemed to be very serious. So I followed

"Well!" The moon nods.

"Sleep! I'll be with you. " Rong Feng covered her with a quilt.

"It's hard to sleep. I don't want to sleep any more. Tell me a story! Or you can read. " Yunqianyue thinks that it is very good for her to have someone to talk to her at this time. I don't know when she was so vulnerable. Maybe from the years before her life, to the death of Xiao Qi, and finally to her own death, she came to this world. The death of her mother, the departure of her brother, and many other things had already pressed her out of breath. Now the nerve line collapsed, and the illness was so urgent and threatening.

"Good! Then I'll read you a book Yung Fung Road.

Cloud shallow moon nods.

Rong Feng stood up and went to one side of the bookcase and looked for a folktale of anecdotes and anecdotes. Start to read it from page 1. His voice was light and pure, like snow. Although he did not have both voice and emotion, he was very comfortable to listen to.

Yunqianyue closed her eyes and listened with ease. Her mood gradually relaxed and she couldn't help laughing when she heard something interesting.

After a while, the big raindrops outside crackled and fell on the window, on the bluestone bricks on the ground, and on the roof of the house, making a very clear sound, disorderly. After a while, the heavy rain became dense, and in the twinkling of an eye, it was pouring down. The crackling sound changed into a clatter. It's like someone standing in the sky pouring down. It makes people feel that Tianhe has opened the gate. The water came from heaven to the world. Cloud shallow moon looks out of the window, look some Zheng Zheng.

"Do you want to hear more?" Rong Feng asked.

"Take a rest!" The moon shakes her head.

Rong Feng nodded and put down the book. At this time, a large light suddenly flashed across the dark room, and then a big thunder thundered, as if hitting the top of the head, even the house seemed to tremble.

Cloud shallow moon frowned, the body shrinks to the quilt inside.

"Moon, are you afraid of thunder?" Rongjing is sensitive to the slight tremor of the cloud and the moon.

Yun Xiaoyue shook his head to him, "I was afraid when I was a child, but I was not afraid later. Now the thunder reminds me of some past events, but it's just a little bit scary. "

Rong Feng nodded, and did not continue to ask.

Two people no longer speak, looking at the outside, it seems that the water and the sky connect into a line, the sky and the ground are all covered in the pouring rain. The world is still in the rain.

For a long time, the cloud shallow Moon said: "Tiansheng has been dry for a long time, and now this heavy rain has come into use. Unfortunately, the rain is too heavy, I don't know it will not return. How many farmlands and houses suffered. I'm afraid the thatched cottages of the poor people are even worse. I hope the rain will stop soonCloud shallow month words fall, Rong Feng does not speak, he and she think the same, between the eyebrows and eyes can not help showing a sad color.

"Cloud shallow moon, you pity the people all over the world, and your heart is pure and kind. Why don't you pity me?" A low voice suddenly sounded outside the door, and then the door was pushed open from outside, revealing a crescent white figure. , the fastest update of the webnovel!