The Anarchic Consort of the Prince

Chapter 817

Cloud shallow moon and Rong Feng are surprised, look at the door together.

Rong Jing was standing at the door. His white robe was wet, and his whole body was covered with water stains. He could even clearly see the water dripping down his forehead. After he opened the door, he leaned lazily on the door frame. He seemed to ignore the heavy rain outside and his body was too wet to have a dry place. His warm eyes looked straight at the cloud Month, the mood is inexplicable.

Cloud light moon complexion a change, tengdi got up from the bed and got off the ground, and staggered for a while, but still came to the door with the fastest speed, pulled Rongjing into the room, and said angrily to him: "are you crazy?"

Rong Jing was pulled into the room by the cloud and looked at her angry face and nodded, "I'm crazy!"

"You..." Cloud shallow moon gas to the chest, looking at his drenched appearance, a time to scold the words stuck in the throat.

"Cloud light moon, I am crazy!" Rongjing looked at her and stressed again.

Cloud light month wants to reach out a slap to wake up this man, he is now all wet, can imagine how long in the rain. Just stretched out his hand to touch his body, suddenly stopped again. Instead, he reached out to pick up his clothes. In his mouth, he said angrily, "you're a madman!"

Rongjing looked at her movement and nodded with affirmation, "you're right. I'm a madman!"

"You'd better shut up! Otherwise, I'll throw you out and drench you to death. I'll make you crazy to the end Cloud light moon glares at Rong Jing fiercely. She can't imagine such a heavy rain, he was so drenched, see his moment her heart is pulled up. No matter how good his body and bones are, he can't help being so troubled. What's more, although he has been cured by her for ten years, he still has a weak constitution. Now it's raining. It's strange that you don't catch a cold.

"You won't give it up!" Rong Jing looks at cloud shallow moon, see her angry face, rudely pick up his clothes action, eyes light slightly warm.

"Who said I would not give it up?" Cloud shallow moon can't untie the button, simply remove his clothes, the white robe was torn by her rudely. She threw it to the ground.

"If you are willing to throw it away! If I'm in the rain, maybe I'll wake up and not go crazy Let Jing sigh.

Cloud shallow moon action a meal, angry way: "you must torture me, don't you?"

Rong Jing picked his eyebrows. With the movement of his eyebrows, there were drops of water on his forehead, which flowed down his face like jade. The water drops were crystal clear. He suddenly laughed, "cloud shallow moon, is it I who torture you? Or are you torturing yourself? Are you torturing me

Cloud shallow moon breath suddenly stopped, heart suddenly a pain, it seems that the whole heart because of this sentence all pulled up.

"Cloud light moon, you clearly love me! Why don't you let yourself go? " Rong Jing sighed again, "I was cruel to leave today. I want you to miss me for ten days and a half months. I want to see whether you are in a hurry or not. You're sick. I thought hard, but I couldn't control my legs. All the way from Rong Wang Fu to Yun Wang Fu, I thought, how can you be so cruel to me and yourself. What can I do? I think it's necessary to learn from you and be cruel to you. Then I should be cruel to myself first

Yun Xiaoyue clenched his hands tightly, and his fingertips were almost buttoned into the meat. He looked at Rongjing's appearance. Even though he was drenched in the soup at this time, he was elegant, warm, sunny in the clouds, and Zhilan Yushu. No one would treat him as someone else. He could only be Rongjing. Her heart aches tight, suddenly can't help but burst the vulgar words, "learn a fart! If you dare to have another time! I... "

"How are you?" Rong Jing looks at her with her eyes.

Cloud shallow month said half of the words were stopped, if he had another time, how about her?

"Don't you want me? Or give me up completely? Don't love me any more and dislike me Rong Jing looked at the cloud and the moon, and every time he said it, his voice was hoarse and dark.

"You dream! I gave you everything and my first kiss. You don't want to be responsible, do you? " Cloud shallow month glared at him, stretched out his hand to continue to pull his clothes, wish to take off all his clothes now.

Rongjing suddenly laughed, and her faint eyes turned. Suddenly, he stretched out his arms and hugged Yun Qianyue, tightly encircling her in his arms. Regardless of the wet water on his body, he said in a low, warm and soft way: "yes, yunqianyue, your first kiss has given me, everything has been given to me, and I have not been how you are! How could you have suffered without me? You're not a loser. "

Cloud shallow moon face a red, want to break away from the scene, but he was trapped motionless, she was shy and angry way: "you know good!"

"Yes!" The voice of Rongjing is very low.

"Let me go! It's full of water! Do you want me to get sick with you? No good intentions Cloud shallow moon reaches out to push him. Think of a person in the house, dare not look at Rong Feng, face a little red.

"You are sick! It doesn't matter if you are more sick. " Rong Jing holds the cloud and the moon does not let go.

"Peel off your skin before you talk to me. If you get sick, don't think I'll take care of you." Cloud shallow moon glared at him, dare not push him hard. Just remembered that he was sick and feverish! But as soon as the man appeared, she almost forgot about her illness. She was really in debt to him for some life."If you want to pick me up, you have to wait until someone else goes out." Rong Jing raised his head and looked at the people in the house, holding the cloud and the moon, and picking his eyebrows, "Rong Feng, do you think so?"

Rong Feng looked at this scene with some gaping eyes. It was about from Rongjing pushing open the door to yunqianyue running out. Two people argued at the door. He was in a daze. I have never seen such a scene, and I have never seen such a cloud and shallow moon. Looking at the two people holding each other together, the originally worried heart suddenly dispersed, and his heart was clear. He woke up with a faint smile, stood up and nodded, "yes, I'm going out now!"

"Rongjing, are you human? It's raining hard outside Cloud shallow moon red face stare at Rong Jing, to Rong Feng way: "don't listen to him, you stay here."

"He can use his internal force to separate the rain, or he can take an umbrella to leave." Rong Jing said, "Ling Lian, take an umbrella to Rong Feng Shizi and send him back to the house by car."

"Yes, jingshizi!" Ling Lian is next door. She has been paying close attention to the movement of yunqianyue's room. She has long known that Jing Shizi is here. Now, seeing that he and the young lady were reconciled, he was naturally overjoyed. He answered in a hurry and took an umbrella to the door.

"That's going to get a chill too!" The moon is still staring at the scene.

"Do you want him to see you and me here? I don't mind. But you don't blush, are you sorry? " Rong Jing bowed his head and asked the moon. , the fastest update of the webnovel!