The Anarchic Consort of the Prince

Chapter 815

Rong Feng took the medicine bowl from Ling Lian's hand and put it on the edge of cloud shallow moon's lips, and said softly: "open your mouth!"

Cloud light moon cooperatively opens mouth.

Rongfeng control force, the liquid medicine gently into the mouth of the cloud shallow moon. Yunqianyue drank very slowly, and he was very patient until a bowl of medicine was finished. He handed the empty bowl to Ling Lian and took out Juan PA to wipe the corners of her mouth. See her shut her mouth, and the water cup to her lips, the tone is gentle, "come on, drink some more water."

"No more." The cloud shallow moon shakes her head, does not have the strength to speak. Feel like a circle of cotton wadding, soft.

"Bitter in the mouth." Yung Fung Road.

"If only I felt bitter! I know it must be bitter, but I can't feel it! " Cloud shallow moon shakes head again, seem to want to open the corner of the mouth to smile, but can't laugh.

Rong Feng a Zheng, looking at the cloud shallow moon.

Cloud shallow moon no longer talks, seems to be unconscious general to sleep.

"In that case, don't drink it!" Rong Feng hands the cup to Ling Lian.

Ling Lian reaches out to take over the water cup and looks at the cloud on the moon, thinking about what happened to Jing Shizi and miss? How could it be like this? Didn't you have a good time before you went back to the shallow moon Pavilion today?

Rong Feng will cloud shallow moon again put down, let her lie on the bed, looked at her for a moment, stood up.

"Rongfeng, would you like to stay here a little longer? Miss, I'm afraid I'm serious. Those doctors in too many hospitals don't let me believe it. " Linglian see Rong Feng to go, quickly make a voice, the relationship between her miss and Rong Feng, she as a red Pavilion people naturally know. Otherwise, you will not go to the doctor, but will bring him after seeing Rong Feng.

"I don't want to go. I'll give her another prescription and fry another prescription. She had not overheated for many years, but this time the fever came too quickly. I'm afraid a pair of medicine won't work Yung Fung Road.

Ling Lian nodded.

Rong Feng went to the desk, took up the pen, just wrote a word, suddenly stopped again, and said to Ling Lian: "you go to Rong Wang Fu for a visit! Maybe Jing Shizi doesn't know about her fever yet. If he comes, he will be better than me, and will make her better faster. "

"This..." Ling Lian looked at the bed and hesitated.

"What's the matter?" Rong Feng asked.

"King Shizi must know! If he had wanted to come, he would have come before you. Now I don't come. I don't care about Miss. I'm afraid I'll go to the Rong palace for nothing. I'd better give you a prescription. " Ling Lian said softly. She is in cloud shallow moon side this period of time, sensitively discovers this shallow moon pavilion has a master secretly, that master breath is extremely secret, she also does not know his invisible place. But he thought that person must be Jing Shizi's. If so, Jing Shizi must have got the news of Miss's fever. It hasn't come yet, probably not. In addition, the last time miss wanted to go to the sky cliff, the third young master was robbed and changed his appearance on the way. The affair of the shallow moon Pavilion should not be concealed from Jing Shizi.

Rong Feng nodded and didn't speak, but she obviously acquiesced to Linglian's words and began to write prescriptions.

Ling Lian stood by and waited, and soon Rong Feng finished writing the prescription. She took the prescription and hurriedly went down.

Rong Feng put down the pen and looked back at the bed. She seemed to be very restless. His brows were tight and his face was dark. From the expression of her face, we can see that there are innumerable things in her heart. It has been suppressed, but there is a breakthrough. Now it is booming, and the consequence is that she can't bear the heat physically and mentally. His eyes stained with heartache, he walked slowly to the bed. See cloud light moon on the quilt outside the hands of force curled up, nails have been sneaking into the skin. He reached for her hand and said to her, "sleep! Don't think about anything. I'll stay with you and have a good sleep. "

His voice is not high, very light, such as Susu snow, light falling on the plum branch, with a trace of clear frost color, frost but not cold, driving away the burning heat. People have a kind of gentle comfort, light cool, light warmth.

Cloud shallow month finger moved, did not speak, eyebrow heart tight twist gloomy but scattered some.

Rong Feng sat beside the bed and held the other hand of the moon. Break off her curled fingers one by one. His cool fingertips gently brushed the pinched marks on the palm of her hand. For a moment, it seems to have a calming taste.

Cloud light moon breath gradually stable, even, tight frown scattered, dark face also gradually fade.

"No matter how strong and tough you are, you are just a woman. How much do you carry on your back, Jing Shizi How can you bear to let you suffer like this without asking? " Rong Feng sighed in a low voice. But in the quiet room, his sigh never stops.

It seems that after a long time, Ling Lian appeared in the room with a bowl of medicine. She saw Rong Feng gently staring at the cloud and the moon. That look was quite different from his present status as the son of Wenbo Marquis, a new official in the imperial court, and an important position in the military department. She has seen Rong Feng countless times, but he seems to have always been indifferent, calm and lofty as clear snow Expression, that is to see the expression of the beloved woman. However, his expression is different from that of Jing Shizi, which is pure and does not contain half silk impurities and desires. She couldn't help but stop, and a thought that she couldn't bear to disturb suddenly rose in her heart.Rong Feng found Linglian's feet, face and expression Dun Shou, looked back at her one eye, tone light and slow, "bring it!"

"But the young lady is asleep! Do you want her to sleep a little longer, this medicine Reheat heat? " Ling Lian asked tentatively.

"It doesn't work after reheating! Bring it Yung Fung Road.

Ling Lian nodded and took the medicine bowl to the bed. See Rong Feng release cloud shallow moon's hand, hold her sleeping body in the arms, his action is natural, not half silk deliberate and nervous and Yinian. Let her can't help admiring, what kind of feelings can you do like Rongfeng Shizi? Including Jing Shizi, ran Xiaowang and qihuangzi, I'm afraid they can't?

Rong Feng took the medicine bowl from Ling Lian's hand, put it on the lips of Yunqian moon, and said softly to her, "yue'er, drink the medicine first, and then sleep after drinking the medicine. You'll be better soon. "

The cloud is shallow and the moon is moving. It seems that she is sleeping soundly.

She clapped her hand and drank it

Cloud shallow moon is photographed wake up, closed eyes do not open, very clever open mouth.

Rong Feng also in accordance with the previous appearance to the bowl of medicine a little push into her mouth, action gentle.

A bowl of medicine to drink half, cloud shallow moon suddenly shut up mouth, frown way: "do not drink, good bitter!"

Rong Feng breathed a sigh of relief and said with a smile, "knowing that suffering is perception! Drink it all! After drinking, I'll give you water, and then a candied fruit

"I want sour plum!" Cloud light moon closed her eyes and did not mumble.

"OK, here you are." Rong Feng will respond to every request. , the fastest update of the webnovel!