The Anarchic Consort of the Prince

Chapter 814

Cloud shallow moon body a shudder.

Rongjing suddenly let go of her, stood up straight, straightened out the folds of the crescent white robe, no longer looked at her, and walked out of the room, as always gentle and elegant, the back as always cloud high sun, Zhilan Yushu.

The cloud light moon body lightly trembles, even the fingertip and each hair seems to have a thick shudder. For a long time, she murmured, "from poor to poor, down to the netherworld..."

What is the last sentence?

Is it a promise of life and death?

Rongjing told her plainly that he would not give up her in any case. Just when she wants to give up herself, Rongjing still doesn't give up on her

She suddenly closed her eyes again, originally powerless, helpless, hopeless, decadent It seems to be better.

The room is quiet, there is a wind outside the window, open the window into a trace of orchid breath. The bead curtains flutter and collide with each other, making a Ding Dong Ding Dong sound. Her loose bun was blown open by the wind, and the green silk was flying, covering her cheek, casting a touch of light and shadow.

Her heart suddenly calmed down.

At this time, a footstep came into the courtyard. It was very familiar with the sound of footsteps. Soon, he came to the door. The visitor seemed to take a look inside through the bead curtain, and then quietly walked in. He came to Yun Qianyue and stopped walking. He spoke softly and tentatively, "miss?"

"Well!" The moon answered.

"The boy named Luo Yu is now under the care of the maid and Yi Xue. You Are you going to ask him something? Will your servant bring him? " Ling Lian asked in a low voice. Although she and Yi snow came to the small Lord's side is not long, but still some understanding of her. Small Lord at that time to her and snow that look is to them to look at the young. There must be something to cross examine or deal with.

"There's nothing to ask, don't bring it!" Cloud shallow moon closed her eyes and did not open her hand lazily, "you and Yi Xue will send him to Rong Wang Fu! Just give it to Rongjing! "

"Yes Ling Lian answered.

Cloud shallow moon no longer talks. Maybe at the moment when she knew it was a chemical reaction, she wanted to explore it, but in the end, when Shangrong Jing asked her what chemical reaction was, she gave up the idea. Since you can't touch it, don't touch it!

"Are you tired, miss? Go to bed and have a rest! Now it's cloudy outside, and the clouds are gathering. I think there should be rain soon. In any case, there is nothing you can do on such a day. You can have a sleep! " Ling Lian was going to leave, but she saw that yunqianyue's face was not very good, and her lips were slightly red and swollen, and her clothes were a little messy. She was so weak that she was like a bright young leaf. She was smart and naturally knew what happened when she and Yi Xue were away, but she said considerate instead of asking.

"Well!" Yunqianyue nodded and stood up. Perhaps because she sat too long, she fell to the ground.

Ling Lian immediately reached out to help her and asked anxiously, "Miss, are you ok? Do you want me to invite the grand doctor

"No! Just a little tired. " Cloud shallow moon shakes head, want to step, the foot is stiff, also have no strength, she says softly to Ling Lian: "you help me to the bed."

Linglian should a, supporting the cloud shallow moon to the bed. Come to the bed, hold her on the bed, squat down, take off her shoes, and help her lie down, cover her with a quilt.

Cloud shallow moon closed her eyes, tired way: "you go!"

"Do you want me to accompany you here and let Yixue go to Rong Wang's house by himself?" Ling Lian is worried about the appearance of the moon. Stand still in front of the bed. Looking at her anxiously. She hasn't seen her appearance for such a long time since she came to miss. It's heartbreaking to see her.

"No! I'm fine. Just lie down for a while The moon waved her hand.

Ling Lian sees that Yun Xiaoyue insists, but she doesn't disobey her. She nods and tucks her in. She turns to the door and remembers that the window is not closed. She comes back to close the window and drops the curtain. Then she goes out. As she walked out, the door was closed from the outside. Cut off the wind from outside.

The house is quiet, the cloud is shallow, but the brain is not calm. She does not understand why the heart is calm, but the brain is not calm. She thought, can human brain and heart be separated? What you think in your head is not what you think in your heart? Or is it what you think in your heart, not what you think in your head? The memories that had already been forgotten came in waves. The laughter, the fighting, the fighting, the fighting, the dying Play it back like a movie.

Fifteen years of time, the past is still as clear as yesterday. Even clear to her can remember Xiao Qi's eyebrows and eyes, his habitual expression and tone, as well as the graceful figure. How about forgetting?

I don't know when the brain is in a mess. She seemed to be in a daze, and she didn't seem to be asleep.

I don't know how long after, she seemed to hear someone talking around, someone anxiously yelled at her, someone pushed her, she was very tired, and it took a lot of effort to open her eyes. See Ling Lian and Yi snow stand in front of bed, are a face flustered anxiously looking at her.

"Miss, are you awake? You are having a fever. Can I get you a doctor? " Ling Lian wakes up to see the cloud and the moon, anxiously tunnel."Yes, I'm going to find the doctor. You are really having a fever. The two of them are not deep in medical skills and dare not open prescriptions Yi snow even busy way.

Cloud shallow moon opened her eyes for a while, and her eyelids were very sour. She closed her eyes and answered vaguely.

Ling Lian seems to let Yi snow take care of the cloud and shallow moon, but she runs out in a hurry.

How long has yunqianyue thought about her? Why did you suddenly get a fever? But she just felt too tired and wanted to sleep, but she couldn't sleep very much. She only felt her head was heavy, but she didn't feel how hot or cold she was.

I don't know how long later, there were people talking in the room, someone came to give her pulse, she felt a pair of slightly cool hands on her wrist, the feeling of this hand is a little familiar. She felt as if she were shivering with the chill, and then she fell asleep again.

I don't know how long it took, it seems that someone picked her up and patted her gently. The breath on her body was as pure as snow, which made her chaotic brain slightly awake. She opened her eyes again, and the facial features of the people who came into sight were somewhat blurred. She asked in a low voice, "Rong Feng?"

"Well!" Rong Feng should a, tone light slow, "you are in the chest, and accidentally dyed cool, hair hot! It's a little heavy. I've given you a prescription. You'll feel better after taking the medicine. "

"Well!" Cloud light moon misty should a, hard to open her eyes, want to see the shape of Rong Feng, but in front of her eyes as if covered with a dark film, so she gave up to see. , the fastest update of the webnovel!