The Anarchic Consort of the Prince

Chapter 813

Let the scene step a meal, do not look at the cloud shallow moon, shake off her hand.

Cloud shallow month tightly clenched, seemed to use a lot of strength to let his hand in her hand motionless.

Rong Jing seems to want to get rid of the cloud shallow moon, the palm of the hand comes the internal force, such as a cluster of light, will cloud shallow moon's hand to the outside.

Cloud light moon tightly pursed her lips, but also moved on the internal force, fingertips with a faint cyan, shining by the brilliance, as if the touch of green on the bluestone, as long as a fraction of the strength can be split, the green into jade, or broken to pieces.

Rong Jing suddenly withdrew internal force, motionless, Ren Yun shallow month grasp hands, still did not look at her.

The strength of yunqianyue's whole body seems to be relaxed at this moment. Her sitting body is stiff and looks up at Rongjing. Rongjing gives her a profile. Even if it is a profile of the side, she can know his expression now. It must be dark, obscure, unspeakable and bleak. These expressions reflect his heart, which must be innumerable sharp The prick was bloody. Should she say I'm sorry? Who is she sorry for? Is it Xiao Qi? Is it her? Or him? Rong Jing has the right to be angry with her and blame her, right? She was the one who couldn't let go all the time. Even when they were most in love, there was a closed heart and temporary forgetting, thinking that it had never happened, but it was in that corner. Once there was half a trace of the past involved, she would remember the time that had been engraved into the bone marrow, and remind that there was still a person who was sent away by her forever

She is not willing to look at herself in the mirror, not to mention how Rongjing is willing to see it?

Cloud light moon suddenly closed her eyes, decadent to release her hand, voice is very low, tone has a kind of self abandoning dark flavor, "you go!"

Rong Jing suddenly turned around and looked at the moon.

Cloud light moon will body soft back on the back of the chair, closed eyes, long eyelashes cover the eyes, but how can't wave the two strong shadows under the eyes. She thought that if a sword pierced her heart now, it would make her and him feel better than this.

Rong Jing looked at her. She was so thin that she could hardly hold her waist. Her hands are small. Her hands were originally white, but now they are faint cyan. The cardamom on her fingernails is bluish white. Women in this world like to dye their nails bright red, which makes them attractive and noble. And her nails have always been clear blue and white, like clouds. Just like her. Even though he thought he had seen through her for so many years, he felt that he had only seen the surface of a mountain. Her thoughts, her knowledge, her conduct, her beliefs, her persistence at the bottom of her heart, her goodness, her likes and dislikes, and the deep things that she buried that he could not touch. Between them, they have never been separated from the status and status of Miss Yun Wang Fu and Prince Rong's sons, but the mountains and mountains that can't be touched.

He thinks that he is full of talent and gifted. There is nothing in the world that he can't control or can't control, but only she. Can't control, can't control, can't touch, can't touch. Even holding her feels too far away. There was also a sense of frustration in his heart.

They stood and sat, one looking at the other and the other with his eyes closed. The house is quiet.

After a long time, Rongjing suddenly put his hands on both ends of the back of the chair, encircling Yun Qianyue's shoulder and bending down to kiss her lips.

All of a sudden, broken can not be prevented.

Yunqianyue's long eyelashes trembled, as if to open their eyes, but after a shudder they closed their eyes, motionless, Ren Rongjing elegant as snow lotus breath wrapped her.

The force of Rongjing's kiss seems to submerge the cloud and the moon. There is a familiar taste between the lips and teeth. Although it has been so intimate and familiar for many times, it is just like an addictive poison. After tasting it again and again, he is still willing to die, even if he is poisoned.

The moon seems to feel the lingering taste of resisting death. It seems that the earth is sinking, the earth is shaking, the sea is dry and the rocks are rotten, the high-rise building collapses, the body is dead and the bones are destroyed, and he still does not let her go. She felt the suffocation, and also felt the unconsciousness of consciousness, but more strongly felt the breath of this person, which had been firmly locked on her, so that she had a feeling that no matter whether she was alive or dead, or where she was born or died, there was such a person who imprisoned her.

She experienced the unprecedented feeling, and even this feeling caused a deep brand and impact in her heart.

This is an unusual kiss!

Not gentle, not fierce, only resist death lingering, seems to be two people into one. Not enchanted, but eroded.

The cloud shallow moon feels the consciousness floats far, far and further, she realizes the feeling of death.

Rongjing let her go at this time, and looked at her soft and prone to be imprisoned in the chair by him. The once high spirited person was lying there weakly, with her eyebrows still clear and refined, but she felt weak everywhere. It seems that the fallen leaves in the wind, as long as a gust of wind, she will be blown away, or fall on the ground, into dust. His heart ached suddenly. Hands clasped on her shoulder, and whispered, "cloud light moon!"

His voice was so hoarse that he seemed to have gravel in his mouth.

Cloud shallow moon motionless, as if not heard.He shook her shoulder violently, and his tone became more and more heavy, such as "the cloud is shallow and the moon is light!"

Yunqianyue's body was askew two times, her long eyelashes moved, she narrowed a slit in her eyes, and gradually opened her eyes. Her eyes were covered with a layer of misty fog. She looked at the people in front of her at a loss.

He is as elegant as a poem or a picture. But the elegance of this moment has a trace of urgency, anxiety and pain.

"Cloud moon, who am I?" Rongjing stares at the eyes of yunqianyue and wants to see herself in her eyes, but there is only a thick cloud. His voice suddenly dropped a little.

"Rongjing!" Cloud shallow moon spits out two words, the voice is dry and astringent.

"Are you sure?" Rongjing is still staring into her eyes.

"Sure!" Cloud shallow moon nods.

"Are you sure? No one else? " Rong Jing asked again.

"No!" The moon shakes her head.

Rongjing seemed to see the mist fade away in her eyes. At first, it was a small piece of sunny day. He saw his own eyes in that small piece. Gradually, the small piece of sunny day expanded, the clouds dispersed, and finally became his whole face. His whole face was reflected in her eyes. So clear. He clasped his hand on her shoulder again, looked at her eyes, and said word by word: "up poor blue, down the netherworld!"

Cloud shallow moon stares at him.

"I'll never let you go in my life! Even if he's alive, I won't! You remember, remember! Better remember! Otherwise, even if the earth turns upside down, even if you kill him, even if you let him become a dead man, live in your memory, never fade. I'm not afraid. " The scenery is also a way. , the fastest update of the webnovel!