The Anarchic Consort of the Prince

Chapter 812

"Just want to know what chemical reaction is!" Rong Jing looks at the cloud and the moon again, but the voice still can't hear the emotion.

"The process in which molecules are divided into atoms, ions, atoms and ions rearranged and combined to form a new substance is called chemical reaction. The reaction is often accompanied by luminescence, heat, discoloration and precipitation, etc. the basis for judging whether a reaction is a chemical reaction is whether the reaction generates new substances Cloud light moon road.

Rong Jing picks eyebrows, it seems that some do not understand.

Yun Qianyue sighed and took out of his mind something he had not thought about for many years. He continued to explain: "today, Luo Yu's hand dyed by night is blackened. It's just a kind of camouflage. In fact, it's just a change of color. It's a reaction between something and the sweat of his hand. It's metamorphosed to form something similar to melanin His hands were black. In fact, he was dyed. But this change in color can already be called a chemical reaction. "

Let the scenic spot nod, seems to understand some.

"What else do you want to know? Would you like me to tell you about the physical reactions Cloud shallow moon asks again.

"Good!" Rong Jing took a look at the cloud and nodded.

"Physical reaction means that the state or form of existence of a substance has changed, but the nature of matter itself has not changed." Yunqianyue explained to Rongjing that she saw him looking at her. She reached out and took a glass of water, poured her hand into the bowl, and continued: "just like this glass of water, who is in the cup, and whether it is in the bowl or water, it is no different, but its shape has changed, and its essence is water."

Let the scenic spot nod.

"Another example is that our clothes are wet when they are put into the water, but they are still clothes. When the wet clothes become dry, they are still clothes. Whether it's wet clothes or dry clothes, it's just clothes. " Cloud light moon continues.

Rongjing nods again.

"What else do you want to know?" For the first time, yunqianyue felt that the man sitting in front of him looked like a child. She has the potential to be a teacher and can give him a patient explanation. She can explain as much as he wants to know.

"These things are learned together with the national languages you have learned and the Chinese Pinyin you speak?" Rong Jing asked again, in a very low voice. Although it is a question, the tone has a certain flavor.

"Well!" Cloud shallow moon nods. The long memory was opened, and all kinds of things about that world suddenly popped out of my mind like a floodgate. I never forget it. She was in a light mood. Why do teenagers have this chemical reaction? He said it was invented by himself. Is it a coincidence, or are there people from that world besides her? To him?

She saw with her own eyes that the plane exploded over Vienna, leaving little seven dead. And she jumped down the building of the National Security Bureau with a time bomb. The bomb exploded, and she came here again when she woke up. Did Xiao Qi come here as she was, or earlier than her? When the door of time and space is opened, can the same explosion be implicated?

Does Xiao Qi live and live in this world like her?

Her heart thumped at the thought. Over the years, she clearly knew that Xiao Qi was dead, but there was always a voice in her heart that he was still alive. Deep down in her heart, she was unwilling to admit that he was dead, so she could not forget him and lived in her heart all the time. I never thought that he might travel through time and space just like her, rebirth her soul and live well. Maybe live in this world.

If he's alive and in this world, where should he be?

"What are you thinking?" Rong Jing suddenly holds the hand of cloud shallow moon, with a trace of rain and fog in his warm tone.

Cloud shallow moon body a shudder, although slight, but still passed to Rong Jing's palm, his eyes suddenly narrowed, looking at her, "you are thinking of that person, right?"

The cloud shallow moon low head raises, to the face of upper Rong Jing, the breath of his eyebrow center seems to be some thick again. It suddenly occurred to her that Rongjing was such a smart person. Did he think of her chemical reaction to night light dye at the banquet? Otherwise, he would not have said a word even after half a meal, until she asked what chemical reaction was. Although she never told him about Xiao Qi, she only asked why she was so good to Ye Tianyi not long ago. She said that ye Tianyi was like an old friend, and later she said that she was a past life and this life. But how sensitive is the scene? He was gifted and intelligent. He could understand some things easily and understand some things without using them. Moreover, over the years, he knew her more than he knew himself. The things that didn't belong to the world, and her thoughts that didn't belong to the world. Even though she was very well disguised in front of outsiders, she never concealed it in front of the scenery. Now, even her face has changed I can't hide it from him

"Cloud shallow moon, I am asking you a word?" Rong Jing clenched the hand of cloud shallow moon suddenly.

"Yes Cloud shallow moon confessed. I didn't want to hide it from her. Those memories that she used to dust up, the memories she wanted to forget, but they could not be forgotten in any case, are still buried in the bottom of her heart. Perhaps because they have been buried for too long, they have become a part of her heart. As long as there is a little involvement, they will surface and grow like vines.Although Rongjing knows the result, the word "yes" of yunqianyue still makes him tremble.

Yunqianyue looks at Rongjing and opens her mouth to say what she wants to say. However, some things have been buried for too long, but she doesn't know how to say them. Now, under the impact of Luo Yu's actions, she doesn't want to think about it or want to think about it, but she has to. She thought that this moment's mood, should be no one to understand, I'm afraid it is Rongjing, also can't understand.

Rongjing looked at yunqianyue and looked at her face. She lowered her head slightly and covered her whole body with mist. It was clear that her hand was still in his hand. However, it seemed that he and she were separated by tens of thousands of mountains. He was on the side of the mountain and he was on the other side of the mountain. In the middle are numerous mountain streams and cliffs. His heart was suddenly cold.

"Cloud light moon, for such a long time, can't you forget him?" Rongjing opened his mouth again, and his voice was as light as smoke.

Cloud shallow moon lips tight, silent.

"You and I have been living for such a long time. I think that if I live for 360 days a year, I can spend 360 years with you in one year. Maybe we can live it for a hundred years, that is 36000 years. Those in the future do not count, even if we from the date of love to today, three months and ten days, then that is a hundred days, equal to a hundred years. We've been 100 years! Do you still remember him? " The voice of Rongjing is very low.

Cloud shallow month heart a tight, such voice, such words, suddenly sour her eyes.

"Cloud shallow moon, you tell me, how many years will it take for me to make you forget him?" Rong Jing asked low again, staring at the face of Yun Qianyue, and his eyes did not blink.

Cloud shallow moon lips close, seems to be something stitched on, she wants to open, but it is motionless, like thousands of years of ice to seal the general. She also wanted to ask herself, how many years to forget him? Can you forget?

"Is he still alive?" Rong Jing asked again.

Cloud light moon fingers curled up, still silent.

"You talk!" Rongjing's voice suddenly increased.

Yunqianyue suddenly closed her eyes, shook her head, and finally opened her lips. Her voice was so hoarse that she said, "I don't know. Maybe he is still alive, like me, came to this world, in a corner of the world to live well, maybe not, just because I am too thoughtful, then That chemical reaction was just a coincidence... "

Rong Jing holds the cloud light moon's hand again is tight.

Yunqianyue felt the pain from her hand, which was transmitted from the palm of her hand and seemed to reach her heart directly.

"Cloud light moon, does your hand ache?" Rongjing suddenly asked in a low voice, the voice at this moment unspeakable tenderness.

"Well!" The moon's face is not open.

"Do you know that my heart is more painful than your hand, tens of thousands of times?" Yung King Road.

Cloud shallow moon again purses up the lip, do not know how to answer. She always knew that whenever she touched the bottom of her heart, she and Rongjing were separated by mountains. Maybe the mountain was not only one layer, but also many mountains. Her heart is endless ice, and his heart is full of sharp thorns. Those pricks in the heart, how can not pain? He hurts, so does she.

Rongjing suddenly released his hand and stood up.

Yunqianyue opened her eyes suddenly with her eyes closed. Instead of looking at her, Rongjing turned and stood in front of the bed with her face facing out of the window. She could not see his face, such as the back of Yu's hand behind her. Crescent white robe in this short period of time as if formed a layer of ice, the whole body is permeated with cold breath, the temperature in the room because of his breath, suddenly cool. She looked at him, her face suddenly a little stunned.

How long have they not been estranged by Xiao Qi? Has it been a long time?

As he said, every day is like every year. It's not the hardship of living like a year, but trying to make two people love each other longer. Xiao Qi has been in the bottom of two people's hearts by coincidence, the dust in her heart can not be touched, Rongjing will help her no longer touch. She thought there had been a profound conversation, and she was willing to try her best to forget and never remember, but some things suddenly came to her before she forgot them.

For example, Xiao Qi may really live in a corner of the world.

Rongjing suddenly turns around and looks at shangyun Qianyue. All the emotions in yunqianyue's eyes are absorbed by him. Suddenly, his eyes sink, and for a moment, he smiles miserably. He no longer looks at yunqianyue and walks outside the door.

Cloud shallow moon does not want to, in his passing by her side, clasped his hand, tight, incomparable force. , the fastest update of the webnovel!