The Anarchic Consort of the Prince

Chapter 811

Night light dye can't be a person of no importance. How can he not know that today is the inheritance ceremony of Yunli and is full of guests and friends. If he hadn't been extremely provoked, he would not have fought with the people's Congress in the cloud palace and stirred up the banquet.

"He took a picture and asked me who I was. Without telling him, he shot at me. I'm still playing dirty tricks. I can't bear it. I'll do it. " Night light dye takes a look at the cloud and the moon. When it comes to the portrait, the tone is a little heavy, and that one eye also means deep.

Cloud shallow moon pulled the corner of her mouth and gave him a dry smile. Night light dye naturally knows that the person in the portrait is her. Because in recent years, most of her outings were the appearance of the man, and she met with yeqingran several times. Although she avoided night light dye at that time, she did not face to face. However, when she talked to night qingran some time ago, yeqingran said that she deliberately kept away from her. Obviously, he recognized that the man dressed as a man was her. Naturally, I know the portrait in Luo Yu's hand.

"Sure enough, it will provoke peach blossom!" Night light dye low voice to cloud shallow moon hum.

Cloud shallow moon face red, "I didn't mean to!"

Night light dye suddenly natural and unrestrained smile, close to cloud shallow moon ear, low voice way: "you more can make peach blossom better! Let that weak beauty be jealous

Cloud shallow month stretched out his hand to push him, "do not gloat!" Words down, she no longer pay attention to night light dye, to Rong Jing. Regardless of all the people in the courtyard, he reached out and took his hand and said softly to him, "I'm so tired that I'll go back to the shallow moon pavilion to have dinner. You'll come with me."

Rong Jing glanced at the night, but did not speak. He let the cloud and the moon pull him to the moon Pavilion.

Night Tianyi looked at the back of the two people left, and suddenly said, "moon!"

Cloud shallow moon step a meal, look back to the direction of night Tianyi, light pick eyebrows, "seven prince what?"

Ye Tianyi looks at the cloud and the moon is silent.

"But the reception is not good?" Cloud shallow moon asks again. On his strong eyes, as if he was an ordinary guest.

"It was a week of hospitality!" Ye Tianyi shakes her head, suddenly a faint smile, soft voice, "it's OK! Just thinking about you, I haven't been lying on the wall for a long time! As expected, I'm getting older and less interesting. "

"I used to be a jerk! Now that he is old, the seventh Prince still remembers what it does! It's not worth mentioning. " Cloud shallow moon smile, carelessly dropped a word, do not want to say more, also no longer look at night Tianyi, pull Rong Jing to turn around.

Ye Tianyi's face was pale and did not speak again.

There was no one to speak, and many of them thought about the entanglement between the seventh Prince and the young lady of the moon. Now see two people language disharmony, both think is born gap. Looking at Rong Jing and Yun Qian Yue's departure, the man is elegant and elegant, and the woman is elegant and refined. Leaving behind a figure of the back hand in hand is like a picture scroll. Even jealousy is unnecessary. It is inevitable that some people praise, and some people sigh.

"Seven brothers, you don't know women! Sometimes a woman's heart is as soft as water and sometimes as hard as iron. You have done things that I'm sorry for sister Yue several times. It's not delusion for her to say nice words to you again? I see your affection in the future, just like this cup of water, gone forever. " Night day Yu takes up tea cup, not like to drink in the mouth, but a shake hands to pour on the ground.

"The fourth brother seems to know women well!" Ye Tianyi recovers her look and picks her eyebrows to night Tianyu.

"I don't know much about women, but I don't know much about sister Yue! I know a lot about it. After all, you haven't been in Beijing for five years, but I watched sister Yue grow up. " Night day Yu smiles, "she chased after too Ten years after his death. If you say it's heartless, it's hard to turn it over. I don't think anyone's experience is as deep as that of him. If you are free, you can ask the second brother for advice. I think you can make a good point. "

Yetian leaned forward slightly stiff, but for a moment, she looked at Ye Tianyi with a heavy smile, and said, "I'm different from my seventh brother. Although she has been chasing me for ten years, it's just a disguise. She didn't want to marry me, and it's not really nice to me. But she was different to her seventh brother. She has been sincere to her seventh brother these years. Now seven younger brother let her cold heart, she belongs to that knife to cut off the temperament. I don't think I can learn anything from my experience. Seven younger brothers, you'd better take care of yourself

"If it's because I love her, it makes her cold! I'd like her to be cold to me Ye Tianyi ignores Ye Tianyu's and ye Tianqing's verbal attacks, and does not deny his feelings for the moon. A faint smile, "always better than she has never been sincere to others."

This sentence a, to let night day Yu and night day pour out the language.

All the guests were speechless for a moment.

"It's boring!" Night light dye suddenly hummed, and called out to Rong Feng who was sitting there, "Rong Feng, my hands are itching badly now. You just hit me with a wine pot. Let's go out and have a fight."

"Good!" Rong Feng promised happily and stood up.

Ye qingran stopped talking, and walked out of the house in a big stride. After two steps, it seemed that she was too slow. Her toes were light and she used her lightness skills. After two steps, Rong Feng sees that night light dye exerts his lightness skill. He also exerts his lightness skill and follows him to the house.After they left, the jade bracelet and the green branch have ordered people to clean up the battlefield that night qingran and the youth had made a mess of because of the fight, and put on the banquet again. Yunwang ye and Yunli quickly welcome people to their seats. The interrupted banquet started again. Within a moment, people forgot the episode and replaced the cup. For a while, the cloud palace was again lively.

At this time, Rongjing and yunqianyue have already returned to the pavilion of light moon. Mother Zhao knew for a long time that the young lady of her family would not join the party in the front hall. She had already prepared the meal, and when they came back, they immediately put the table.

After leaving the banquet until half of the meal, yunqianyue didn't hear Rongjing speak. Moreover, he ate very little today. He hardly ate half of the dishes she took. She finally found out that it was wrong. She looked up at him and asked, "what's the matter?"

Rong Jing looked up at the cloud and the moon. Wen Sheng asked, "what is chemical reaction?"

Cloud shallow moon blinks an eye, smile to him, "with you so long do not speak is thinking about this?"

"Well!" If not, Rong Jing responded, not light or heavy, and could not hear any emotion.

Cloud shallow moon looks at him, he still looks like a picture, looks like jade. In other people's eyes, his expression is very normal, nothing, but because she understands, she can clearly see his two eyebrow peak breath faintly condenses into a line, which is a symbol of his bad mood. This symbol is different from his anger at her cold face, but a gloomy emotion from his heart. She knew that although Rongjing was indifferent to foreign objects, she was always sensitive to her affairs. She also understood where his sensitivity came from. She suddenly sighed, "Rong Jing, what do you want to know? Just ask me. For you, I said I would not hide it." , the fastest update of the webnovel!