The Anarchic Consort of the Prince

Chapter 810

"What do you do? I'm going to kill this asshole! Do you really have a good time with him? Towards him? " Night light dye stares at the cloud shallow moon, also is not afraid to be pierced by the youth son, he originally likes the cloud shallow moon. The people in the capital can see some of them early. However, he was not easy in front of the emperor uncle, father and grandfather, pretending to forget the love of cloud shallow moon. The matter was a failure. Then he could not point out how much trouble was waiting for him. Even if he looked at his father's stiff face, he could see that he was angry and resentful to the youth.

"Do you want to stir up the cloud palace? The guests have to eat! There's more time in the future! No more fighting today. " Cloud shallow moon also thought of this middle connection. At that time, when the young man opened his mouth, she was scared, not to mention the night light dye. If his sword is lost, it naturally shows that he still has affection for her in his heart. Then how can Prince Yide's shrewdness not show that his love forgetting has no effect on him. For such a long time in front of people, his cold face is disguised? What's more, today's affairs in the cloud palace will soon spread to the ears of the old emperor in the palace. It must be a trouble to welcome the night light dye. In particular, he has the military power of 400000 troops inside and outside the capital city. If he has affection for her, it is not good for the royal family. She had a headache.

"Then let him hand over the antidote!" Night light dye looked at his own dark hand hate voice way.

"Luo Yu, take out the antidote!" Cloud shallow moon looks at the teenager who is engrossed in eating, thinking that he hasn't eaten for a few days?

"No!" Luo Yu chewed on the chicken leg and did not mumble.

"No?" Yun Xiaoyue went to the boy and came to him. Seeing him eating like nobody else, she lowered her voice and said, "really or not? If you don't give the antidote, I have many ways to let you say yes! "

When the boy stops eating drumsticks, he looks up at the moon.

Yunqianyue looks at him carefully, and every time he approaches, he will find that the teenager has a bipolar beauty eye. Like the moonlight in the sky, it is very clear. How can the heart of such a pair of eyes be broken? It's just a trick on the outside, right?

The boy suddenly snorted, "no is no!"

Cloud shallow moon squint eyes, "that how to let the black on his hand fade away as soon as possible?"

Young suddenly cunning smile, to cloud shallow moon way: "you kiss me, as long as you kiss me, I will tell you."

Cloud shallow moon think of this what request, she looks at the young handsome peerless face, see him a pair of complacent looking at her appearance, he and she age is equivalent, is just a child. Some angry, some funny, and did not speak.

"How about it? As long as you promise me, I have a way to make his pig's hoof hand the same. And doesn't this little demon like you? Did he do a lot of things for you? Just give me a kiss. You can't make such a small sacrifice? If you can't, I don't think you deserve his kindness The young man glanced at the dark face of the night, and walked slowly towards the cloud and the moon.

Cloud shallow moon thought also to him to stir up a method! She looked back at Rongjing, and saw that he looked pale. She looked at him and picked his eyebrows. The movement of that eyebrow was very subtle. If she was not very familiar with her and understood him, he would not have seen it. She looks away at night light dye.

Night light dye angry way: "forget it! This is my hand! Little girl, you can throw him out now

"Cloud shallow moon, you had better not blow me, otherwise you will regret!" The young man looked at the cloud and the moon, and if he had a glance at Rongjing, he warned her.

"One, throw you out! 2、 You say the way. Choose one. " Yun Xiaoyue suddenly laughed and casually said to the youth, "I am a soft ear. I like to listen to soft words. I can't get down to good words. If I warn and threaten me, it doesn't matter. My hands are hard! You won't be soft at all. "

The young man snorted and took back his sight. His eyes suddenly swept across the table not far away, and suddenly he said in a loud voice: "Leng Shao Zhuo, you write to Yun Qianyue..."

The cloud shallow month suddenly took a hand to point the youth's dumb acupoint, the young voice stopped abruptly.

"Whose child is so disobedient? Let's get out!" Yun Qianyue's voice was very light and helpless. Her words fell. She suddenly moved her hand, but she didn't see any movement. She saw her hand swing so gently. Suddenly, the young man's body was thrown to the gate of the cloud palace. A black spot disappeared from near to far, and finally disappeared. The direction of his disappearance did not even make a sound.

"Well done! It's time to get out! " Night light dye called out a good.

There was no one to talk to. Obviously, they had no idea of what happened today. They didn't know the origin of the young man. He had some disputes with yunqianyue, Rongfeng, Rongjing and yeqingran, and even got involved in Leng shaozhuo.

Leng Shao Zhuo, of course, also came to the banquet today. He had been sitting beside Prince Xiao. Obviously, he didn't expect his letter to Yun Qianyue. The young man could say it in a word. His face was a little white. When he saw Yun Qianyue stopped, he didn't even look at him. He hung his head and his breath was a little gloomy.

Prince Xiao took a look at his son, and then looked at the cloud and the moon. His eyes swept over Rongjing, night light dye, night Tianyi, and sighed in his heart. It seems that these days they are several years older."Jade bracelets, green branches! Clean it up and start the dinner again. " Cloud shallow month has been guarding in the banquet jade bracelet and green branch command.

"Yes, Miss moon!" The two quickly answered and asked people to come and clean.

Yunqianyue takes a look at Linglian and Yixue, and looks at the direction of the youth being thrown out. They immediately understand and quietly go to the gate.

"Let me see your hands!" Cloud light moon toward night light dye, to him way.

Night light dye reaches out that hand to cloud shallow moon.

Yunqianyue studied it and asked Rongjing, "do you have any way?"

Rong Jing glanced at the hand of night light dye lightly, vomited out two words, "no!"

Cloud Xiaoyue frowned and said to the night: "this should be a kind of thing formed by a certain chemical reaction. It was contaminated by you. After your sweat rapidly deteriorated, it is now this situation. This kind of thing should not harm your body, and it should fade away slowly in a few days."

"So?" What is chemical reaction

"You don't understand the chemical reaction!" Cloud shallow moon looked at two eyes again, definitely comforted way: "it's OK, but this should not hurt your body."

"I just touched the clothes on his collar. What kind of thing is he so powerful? Can it react with sweat? " Night light dye a face of curiosity. She thinks that since yunqianyue can say it, she must understand.

"I can't say what it is, it needs testing to know." Cloud shallow moon does not want to say again, turned the topic to ask, "how do you fight?" , the fastest update of the webnovel!