The Anarchic Consort of the Prince

Chapter 809

Cloud shallow moon some funny looking at the youth, think who will light dye night look at the words, it is a big mistake.

"Rongfeng! Are you dead? Don't come out and save me The youth suddenly shouts to Rong Feng.

Yun Qianyue followed the young man's eyes and saw Rong Feng sitting on the seat not far away. Although he has become the son of Wenbo Marquis's mansion, a new nobleman in the imperial court, he is highly respected by the old emperor. Although all the civil and military officials do not compete with each other, they will greet him with a three point smile. But he was still the same as before, as if nothing had changed. He was still dressed in blue and white, as he had seen in Rongjing's study of Rongwang mansion on the day he came to the capital. At that time, however, his eyes were entangled with pain. Now his eyes are clear and his appearance is more elegant and pure. She sighed at the bottom of her heart, whether Rongfeng is Rongfeng or that Rongfeng will not change because of the change of environment and identity. Her heart is warm.

"Don't look at him like that!" Rong Jing holds the hand of cloud shallow moon tightly, dissatisfied tunnel.

Cloud shallow moon takes back sight, glares at Rong Jing one eye, low voice way: "niggard!"

Rongjing is acquiescence and does not refute it.

Yunqianyue continues to look at Rongfeng, but Rongfeng doesn't seem to hear him. He doesn't get up and doesn't answer. He doesn't pay attention to this side.

"Rongfeng, if you don't save me, I'll tell you what happened that day!" The boy yelled again.

Rong Maple face color slightly changed, did not move.

"Tell me! I'd like to hear from you and Rongfeng what's the matter with you! " Night light dye to the interest, although it is so to speak, but the action of the hands is not stopped, still forced the youth to be in a hurry.

"How can I tell you?" The young man glared at the night.

"If you don't believe it or not, I stripped your clothes and hung you to the south gate?" Night light dye learned a trick that someone once threatened him. Make a show to pick up young people's clothes.

"Are you ashamed?" The young man scolded ye qingran. Seeing that he really wanted to pick him up, he immediately yelled, "Rongfeng, I really said Ah I broke in at midnight that night... "

The young man said half, a flash of light, a thing along the direction of Rong Feng toward the direction of night light dye, that thing was poured into the internal force, and the speed is very fast, night light dye had already grasped the young man's skirt, had to be forced to let go, the body at the same time back two steps, to avoid the thing.

The thing fell to the ground, "pa" a broken, is a wine pot.

The youth suddenly burst into laughter, and was not frightened. Instead, he looked at Rong Feng with pride on his face, "I knew you would make a move!"

Cloud shallow moon mouth corner smoked, this whose child, is really light dye than night also small demon king.

Rong Feng's face was not good. He looked at the young man's laughing face and said in a cold voice, "only this time!"

The young man raised his neck and snorted. Obviously, he didn't pay for it. He looked back at the night light dye. A shrewd color flashed in his eyes and said to him, "Hello, does your hand itch?"

"Do you care if I itch?" Night light dye frowned, looked at his hand, saw half of his hand turned black, even the fingertips are dark, immediately opened his eyes, angry way: "what did you give me?"

Cloud shallow moon smell speech also see to night light dye hand, a Zheng.

"This is called black pig's hand. I invented it. Ha ha, how are you? Good looking? Let you touch me, and I'll turn your hand into a pig's hoof The youth looked at the dark face of the night and laughed triumphantly.

"Give me the antidote Night light dye a step forward, reach out to catch the youth.

"Do you want to become a black pig's hand?" Young people do not hide, looking at night light dye, "you just that hand touched my collar, now this hand again touch, two hands can become pig's feet."

Night light dye immediately stopped and drew a sword from his waist and put it on the young man's neck, "hand over the antidote!"

"No cure!" The boy said it very simply.

"Then you die!" Night light dye wrist moves, the sword that stands on juvenile neck cuts to her neck.

The young man still did not hide, but looked at yunqianyue. When yunqianyue saw him, something flashed in her eyes. She thought that he did not know what idea he had made. The idea flashed away. She only heard the young man say: "yunqianyue, do you watch me killed by him? Did you forget that we had a good time that night? "

Cloud shallow moon body suddenly a shiver.

Night light dye startled to let go, "bang" to a sound, the sword fell to the ground.

The killing effect of this sentence is so great that all the guests are shocked and can't believe it.

"Ha ha, you like cloud moon!" The young man seemed to have no idea how much effect his words had made. Seeing his sword "bang" falling to the ground, she suddenly pointed at him and laughed.

Night light dye face a black, but did not refute.

"Tut! It turns out that the evil king of the heavenly sage Dynasty also likes the dandy little lady of the cloud mansion Young tut tut two times, look to the cloud shallow moon, "I am not wrong, you are really a rotten peach blossom."Cloud shallow moon rolled a white eye, frown way: "what are you talking about?"

"But the little devil's martial arts are not bad!" The young man did not seem to hear the words of yunqianyue. He looked at Rongjing and looked him up and down again. Then he said, "you look like a man. How can you stop her peach blossoms?"

Rong Jing's eyes flashed slightly and did not speak.

"I'm starving! I'm going to have a meal! Eat The boy waved his hand and went to the nearest seat. Regardless of people's eyes, he sat on a chair, reached for a chicken leg and stuffed it into his mouth.

Yunqianyue looks at the seat and sees that it is the seat made by Ye Tianyi and other princes. There are yetianqing, yetianyu and several younger princes. In addition to yetianyi, including yetianqing and yetianyu, they all looked at the teenager and seemed to guess his identity.

Yun Qianyue noticed that the night sky tilted. Except that he was no longer wearing clothes representing the prince's identity, it seemed that a prison disaster had left no trace on him, and even more indifferent and casual than before. He sat beside Ye Tianyu, who was the same as usual. Looking at the two people sitting very close, it was obvious that they had reached the same camp in private. And ye Tianyi sits opposite to each other, just like facing each other across the mountain, which is also two boundaries. However, there are two other princes who sit very close to Ye Tianyi. It's the eleventh Prince and the twelfth prince.

"You want to eat if you don't hand over the antidote? No way Night light dye some indignation, raises the foot a kick, falls on the ground the sword flies to the youth.

Cloud light moon suddenly hands to intercept, night light dye sword light floats to hold in the hand. , the fastest update of the webnovel!