The Anarchic Consort of the Prince

Chapter 806

The ancestral hall was quiet, and no one spoke for a moment.

Yunqianyue thinks that the old emperor obviously likes her mother, but she knows little about each other. Her mother and her father obviously have a lot of involvement and entanglement. They love each other deeply, otherwise they will not make a move to get married. The old emperor's heart is certainly extremely angry, but also helpless. Later, she carried the blue imperial concubine into the palace, and had the night Tianyi. I don't know whether Lan's killing the family and the death of LAN Fei are not only because ye Tianyi is his chosen successor to test him, but also related to the wrong marriage that year? The old emperor's years of anger had to be paid for. He couldn't move the cloud palace, he could only move the blue house.

"Well And then? " Cloud from has not opened his mouth, see cloud shallow moon half ring did not speak, a voice asked.

"Yes, then?" Yunqianyue also wants to know. Listen to the whole story. She liked her parents. Although she spent so little time with them, she was sure that the man she saw the first time in that year must be her father, and the man who came after half a year was now King Yun. So what happened?

"According to the rules of the heavenly sage Dynasty, the sons of the four princes will inherit the throne after they get married. However, your father refused to enter the court on the ground that he was incompetent and incompetent and wanted to study for more years. The Emperor didn't embarrass him. In this way, he didn't immediately take over the throne. But I know that he has no talent and no virtue. The difference is that he is fond of playing and does not want to take over the throne so early. Fortunately, I am not old, so I let him Cloud old lord continued.

Cloud shallow moon and cloud from quietly listen.

"You son of a bitch doesn't run outside as usual. He married a daughter-in-law to control him, or he went to your mother before. They are very close and harmonious. Your mother takes good care of the palace, which is better than your grandmother. Your mother is a very talented woman. People in the mansion like her. Your aunt also likes her. She is also popular among the ladies and girls in Beijing. In short, no one said that she was not good. Everyone secretly said that she married your father and was wronged. She didn't contradict, smiling. Your father, like before, has married a good daughter-in-law, and his reputation has gone down. " "Those years were the most peaceful days in the palace of Lord Yun," said Mr. Yun

"Wait, there's something I don't understand." Hearing this, yunqianyue thought of something and asked, "what's the matter with the wind side concubine, the third aunt, the fifth aunt and the concubines? And Yunxiang lotus. She's older than me. Was it my father and my mother who married a concubine and concubine

The old king of cloud snorted, "although those years were peaceful, some people couldn't see it well. Not long after their marriage, the emperor suggested to me that the daughter of general Feng was knowledgeable and reasonable. How could your father marry a woman? So she asked her to accept the side imperial concubine. I pushed it twice. The emperor was not happy, so he tried to find a way to find your aunt's trouble in the palace. Your aunt is also a stubborn master. She kept it in silence. She thought your mother and your father were very good and envied their feelings. Naturally, she won't make the emperor proud. Even she knows the emperor's heart for you. Then your mother came forward and said she would take a concubine for your father. "

Cloud light moon blinks an eye, original concubine is her mother agree? She raised her eyebrows and asked, "does the father agree?"

"Your father didn't agree. He lost his temper with your mother in front of me. This is the first time that I saw him lose his temper like that. But your mother didn't know what to do. The next day, he went to the emperor happily and said that he would marry a side concubine The cloud old lord said again.

"And then?" Yunqianyue thinks that according to her understanding of her mother, it is impossible for her father to hand over to others. Since she has the courage to trade her husband for a young lady in the blue mansion and married her father, she is not a weak woman. How can she marry her father because of the pressure from the emperor? There must be something.

"Later, your father married the side concubine of general Feng's mansion. After a while, your mother became pregnant, and the emperor felt that there was only one concubine in the cloud palace. He wanted to point out two concubines to him. He didn't refuse to accept it. So the two concubines were carried into the door. A year later, your mother gave birth to your brother. Her woman had nothing to do, and the emperor pointed out to him the daughter of two poor ministers. Not only did he not give up, but after the emperor pointed out two, he said he was not satisfied, so he took two concubines. One of them was the leader of Hualou The old lord Yun snorted, "there are a lot of women in the cloud palace in those years. the atmosphere was foul. But rare your mother in, those women dare not stab, to also live. When your brother was two years old, Feng side imperial concubine and a concubine were pregnant one after another, and gave birth to the first and second young ladies of the cloud palace. "

Cloud shallow moon nods, does not speak, continues to listen.

"I think women are jealous, and even the most generous woman can't stand another woman giving birth to her husband. But I didn't expect that your mother and your father were still the same as before, and there was no difference between them. I thought it was a superficial skill, so I observed it secretly. Both of them were the same as before, so I was relieved. After the separation of a branch from the cloud palace, the descendants of the cloud Palace are very poor. I'm happy to see it come true. " The cloud old lord said again.

Yunqianyue nodded, remembering that what she knew was that her grandmother and her grandfather had a very good relationship. After the grandmother's accident, his grandfather had planned not to marry again, but the grandmother was afraid that no one would take care of her, so she said that she would give her younger sister a sequel to her grandfather. That is to say, the later grandmother gave birth to the present aunt, but the grandmother was weak and went away within a few years. Her grandfather would not marry again. I think the cloud palace is actually a kind of infatuation. So even when she heard this, she didn't think that the children of Feng side imperial concubine and concubine were her father's. How can you touch other women and make them pregnant with children?"And then a year later your mother conceived you. A few months later, the emperor launched an army against Nanliang and attacked Fenghuang pass. I found out that your father was not in the house, but your mother kept a secret and said to the outside that she had contracted a bad disease and was in bed to recuperate. Under my pressure, your mother told me that he went to Nanliang. I asked why. Your mother said that she was actually the princess of Nanliang. Although she did not grow up in Nanliang, she was born in Nanliang and could not see Nanliang destroy the country. She was pregnant. Naturally, your father did not allow her to go back to Nanliang to help, so he went to Nanliang himself. Soon after, the news came back. As the national teacher of Nanliang, he defeated the Tiansheng 150000 troops in Fenghuang pass, and the emperor withdrew in a rage. " Cloud old king also said here, proud drip way: "Stinky boy, worthy of my son!"

Cloud shallow moon smiles to see cloud old Wang Ye one eye, did not speak. When she went to Fenghuang pass a few days ago, she could not help but feel proud when she saw Fenghuang pass twice. How can he not be worshipped when he retired from the 150000 army?

"After he came back, he was injured all over and hurt his heart. At that time, master Lingyin happened to come to the capital. I asked him to visit your father secretly. Master Lingyin said that your father could only live for half a year at most! Then your mother said that she had a way to save your father's life. She knew an expert who could save him, but he had to leave the capital to go far away. I can't come back for a year, two years or even three or five years. " The old lord Yun seemed to think of his dignified look at that time. "At that time, he was no longer young. He should have entered the dynasty after his big marriage, but because he was fond of playing, he delayed for several years. Now a few years later, the emperor has deliberately let him enter the court. It's OK to leave for one or two months. One year and two years is not a trivial matter. How about three years and five years? What's more, this kind of thing can't be said to the public. After all, as the son of Prince Yun's family, he was the national teacher of Nanliang, and broke the heaven Saint 150000 troops. The emperor had prepared for many years. Because of a national teacher of Nanliang, he failed to succeed in the military development of Nanliang, which hurt his vitality. If the emperor knew that Nanliang national master was actually him Then, not only is his life lost, but also the cloud palace. So, in order to save his life, I had no choice but to come up with a feign death. " , the fastest update of the webnovel!