The Anarchic Consort of the Prince

Chapter 805

Cloud light moon blinked, "later?" She thought that it would not be possible to marry her mother if she did.

"Later, the emperor and I agreed on the date of marriage. The blue house and our house had a bride price, or he personally went to the bride price, and gave Miss LAN the birth date. Everything is normal, and there is no difference between the two governments. " "Everything goes well on the wedding day," he said! The emperor also came to see the ceremony, but he didn't want to bring the bride to offer me tea the next day. I found that the woman was not a lady of the blue family, but a woman I didn't know. "

Cloud shallow moon eyes suddenly a bright, looking at cloud old Wang Ye, "that woman is my mother, right?"

"Well!" The old lord Yun snorted, "that woman is more beautiful than the lady in the blue mansion. She is dignified and courteous. Before I ask the reason, the people in the blue mansion go to the door and explain that Ming has sent her daughter to the sedan chair. But when I get up in the morning, I find that the lady of the blue mansion is still lying on the bed of the boudoir, and ask me why, where do I know? So she could only ask the woman, but the woman said she didn't know. She had just come to the capital from other places. When she saw a big family very busy, she ran to watch it. Somehow, she was put on a sedan chair and was carried to the palace of King Yun. I asked her why you didn't resist. She said that she had just come to the capital and was so hungry that she couldn't feel any more! " Cloud shallow month "Puff Chi" a laugh out a sound, think of originally his father and mother is so steal a bridge to become a marriage.

"I asked her why you didn't say you were not the miss of blue mansion, but she said that she was so hungry at that time that she didn't care what she didn't do. She just had to have a bite to eat." The old lord Yun seemed to think of the situation at that time and also showed a smile, "I saw that woman is very smart, with gorgeous eyebrows and eyes. It's not like a daughter of an ordinary family. How can you be so hungry that you get confused and get into a sedan chair and get married without knowing it? When I looked at the bastard again, I saw that he did not refute, and he was very happy. I knew that there was something wrong with it

Cloud shallow month smiles to continue to listen, the cloud leaves in one side seem to hear also to have the Zi to have the taste.

"Of course, the blue mansion didn't comply. Why didn't your father notice that the woman was not? But he said that he had never met the lady of blue mansion. How could he know that person was not? At that time, the atmosphere of Tian Sheng was still quite strict. It was also normal that the girl in the boudoir had not seen her husband before he got married. When your father went to the blue mansion to hire him, he naturally didn't let his daughter see him in order to avoid suspicion. Now I marry someone else's daughter as his own, but my daughter stays in the boudoir, and the blue mansion has a big banquet to marry her. However, she has suffered a lot because she has suffered a lot. " "Later, the emperor got the news and came to the cloud palace."

"Is that the old emperor? How is he coming? " Yunqianyue thinks that the old emperor seems to have a relationship with her mother.

"After the emperor came to the cloud palace, he saw your mother. Obviously, your mother seemed to know the emperor. The emperor was so angry that he wanted to take her to the prison for punishment, but she fainted at this time." Cloud old lord continued: "the cloud palace was in a mess at that time. The emperor ordered people to call the grand doctor immediately. The doctor's diagnosis turned out that she was too tired for the affairs of the boudoir. She was too tired and lost her Qi and blood, which led to coma."

Cloud shallow month mouth corner smoked, this is to say uncooked rice cooked rice, already a boat!

"The emperor's face turned white at that time. He wanted to punish your father! Kill all the people in blue house and cloud palace. Of course I won't! This matter is no longer wrong. My old man is not afraid of the emperor. Important officials in the court also saw it with their own eyes, and the emperor also observed the ceremony when the sedan chair was carried into the door. What do you have to do with the cloud palace? It's the people of the blue mansion who made a mistake The cloud old Wang Ye's beard is warped, and he looks fearless.

Cloud shallow month looks at cloud old Wang Ye, timely offer good words, "grandfather, you are really great! And then? "

"Smelly girl The old king of cloud scolded Yun Qianyue and continued: "later, the emperor was so angry that he would even put your mother into the prison. Your father said that your mother is already his person. No matter who she is, she has already worshipped him. She is his wife. It can only be said that he has no predestination with the lady of blue mansion. The emperor is not allowed to put your mother into the prison, otherwise he will commit suicide. When your mother heard him say that, she said he was dead, and she didn't live alone. "

"How affectionate Although Yun Qianyue didn't experience what happened in that year, you can also imagine the situation in which the two died to make their ambition clear. That is how much love, just let two people cheat on each other, make a wrong marriage, his father married her mother as he wanted.

"The emperor was so angry that he wanted to kill them. Where can I? Although he was an unfilial son, he was my son. What's more, the emperor's plan to marry the blue mansion and the cloud palace is clear in my heart. But at that time, I had no choice but to agree. Now the person who is married is not the lady of the blue mansion, and I am happy to see it succeed. So I argued. When your mother enters the door of Lord Yun's house, she is the one who belongs to the palace. If the emperor wants to kill my only son, it's better to root out the palace. " Cloud old lord continued.

Yun Qianyue can imagine what the old emperor was angry at that time, and asked, "what happened later?"

"Then the emperor swung his sleeve and left! That's how it happened! Your mother has become the prince of cloud palace. But the young lady of blue mansion can't negotiate with others any more. After a while, the emperor took her into the palace. " The cloud old prince sighed, "that is, the later Blue Princess! The seventh Prince's mother and concubineYunqianyue can't help sobbing, thinking that the young lady in the blue mansion was yetianyi's mother's concubine. She almost married his father. Sure enough, life was more dramatic than the story. She was speechless for a moment. , the fastest update of the webnovel!