The Anarchic Consort of the Prince

Chapter 807

Yunqianyue thinks that this feign death move will not succeed, otherwise there will be no cloud Lord now.

"But I can't imagine that your father and your mother knew the existence of the twin son. They had already taken him back to the capital a few years ago and lived in the cloud palace. I thought your mother and your father never went out of the mansion after they got married. In fact, they didn't. They often ran out of the mansion. During the period when they left the mansion, they were all fake. One is the child in Yunxian County, and your mother is a face change. I didn't find out. I was fooled by them for years. " Cloud old lord said here a little angry, continued: "and the side of the house concubine and concubine have their children are actually his!"

Cloud shallow moon suddenly, the original cloud Lord like cloud fragrant lotus is not unreasonable, after all, it is his own daughter, and she is not, can only be regarded as a niece. She laughed and knew that there would be such a true love in the world, each other only belonged to one person.

"I met the child who thought he was living in Yunxian County. It may be because of the relationship of living in Yunxian County. Although he is loved by the patriarch, Yunxian County is a small place and can't see the world. He is naturally weak in nature and has developed a inferiority complex in his nature, and he doesn't follow me at all. But this is as like as two peas in front of others. I just know that he has been pretending to be worried about the emperor's fear that the palace of Lord Yun will be enlarged. In fact, he knew that there was an elder brother, and he knew his temperament. He pretended to be him. He thought that one day he would give him the throne of Prince Yun's mansion. Only when he pretends to be him for many years, and when he comes back, can he change people without being aware of it, and no one else can find out. "

Yunqianyue once again admired his father. It was not easy to disguise himself for so many years. She is indeed his daughter!

"So it was decided that he would replace your father and become the son of the cloud palace. Your father had left a day earlier to cure his old disease, but he wanted to see you born, so he delayed for a few months. After your mother gave birth to you, he left. Stinky boy, I haven't come back for many years! If I hadn't heard of Nanliang's two month stay in Nanliang every year, I would have thought he was dead. I'm not proud of my descendants. " Mr. cloud scolded again.

Yunqianyue thinks of the man she saw when she opened her eyes when she was born. He is sick and weak. Although his face is pale, his face is graceful and elegant. She had a good impression of him at that time. She thought of her parents in this life, but she didn't want to see him again. She didn't see anyone again until half a year later. At that time, she couldn't afford to have any more family ties. It turned out that the man was no longer her father. She thought that at that time, he must have reached the point where he could not delay any more. Her father must have loved her, otherwise he would not have stubbornly waited for her birth and delayed her illness for several months before leaving.

"What happened then?" Cloud Li asked softly.

Yunqianyue also looked at the old king and asked, "why did my mother go to the north of Xinjiang and was poisoned by Arnebia euchroma?"

"I don't know. That's what makes me strange." Cloud old lord way.

"Isn't my mother dead?" Cloud shallow moon asks again. Because her father didn't show up at her mother's funeral, at least she didn't see her. But for two people who are so affectionate, it is impossible for one to die and the other to live alone. Now she knew that her father was alive and her mother should not have died.

"Where do I know? Maybe! " Cloud old Wang Ye waved his hand, did not want to say again, to two humanity: "this one matter all said with you, you know in the mind to get!" After that, he looked at Yunli and said, "Yunli, you will be the son of the cloud palace. My grandson has a straight back. Don't look like your father now. What happened to living in Yunxian before? It's not inferior. Don't forget that our ancestors shed the same blood. Come on! If there's anything you can't handle, just look for this smelly girl. "

"Yes, grandfather!" Cloud Li bowed his head respectfully.

"They all left. Fortunately, there is a stinky girl in the cloud palace. They are worthy of my old man, leaving me a man who can lose his temper The cloud old lord hummed and walked out of the ancestral heir.

Cloud shallow month hears such words, a face black line ground looks at cloud old lord to leave, with her is that left the unfortunate egg!

Cloud from see cloud shallow moon did not go, he did not immediately leave, with her standing there.

The cloud shallow month suddenly turns back, looks at the cloud to leave, quietly asks, "is not very envious?"

"Well!" Cloud from nodding, really envy.

"Yes, I didn't expect my father and mother to be like this! They should have what kind of story and time, so publicity and low-key to the extreme love. There are not many people in this life, or in life after life. " Cloud light moon sighs gently.

"You and Jing Shizi are also very good." Cloud from see cloud shallow moon some sad, light voice.

Mentioning Rongjing, yunqianyue remembers that he hasn't seen him for three days. It's strange! She murmured, "well, I want to marry into the Rong Wang's mansion, but it's a pity that I won't be with you when I do..."

As soon as her voice dropped, she heard a low laugh coming from behind her, very light and shallow.

Cloud shallow moon a Zheng, suddenly turned around, Yunli also heard the laughter, then turned around, he did not see people, cloud shallow moon but looked at the beam of Zusi, not angry way: "Rongjing, when did you hide in?"The cloud is shallow and the moon is falling, and a white figure is floating on the beam of the house. There are many beautiful words piled up on him. It's just the scenery.

"Earlier than when you came in." Rongjing looks at the cloud and smiles.

Yunqianyue glared at him. Seeing the smile on his face, he would think of his bet on the bridal chamber with her grandfather. Just now her words were laughed at by him. She put on a face and pretended to be angry and said, "don't you know this is the ancestral hall of King Yun's Mansion, and outsiders are not allowed to come in at will?"

"Yes!" "But I'm not an outsider!" he said with a smile

Cloud shallow moon wants to refute, think this sentence is very right, he is not outsider, opened mouth again shut.

Seeing that the moon is silent, Rongjing takes a step forward and reaches out to put a wisp of her scattered hair behind her ear and looks down at her with a smile.

"What are you looking at? I haven't seen it before? " Cloud light moon is still angry.

"I haven't seen it. I haven't seen it for three days. I miss you!" Rong Jing stretched out his hand and took the moon to his arms. He sighed contentedly. With a smile from the cloud on the other side, he naturally called out, "brother!"

Cloud shallow moon rolled his eyes, he did not take himself as an outsider.

"No! Jing Shizi I'm very polite. " Yun Li's face was red, and he stepped back a step. He looked at the two men with some formality. Seeing their intimate posture, he even said, "I'll go out to help my father entertain the guests first. Sister Entertain King Shizi He turned and walked out quickly. , the fastest update of the webnovel!