The Anarchic Consort of the Prince

Chapter 795

Cloud shallow month pulled a corner of the mouth, "don't be grateful, I know once you open your mouth, you will die. I don't want a innocent man's life yet. "

The seventh princess suddenly sighed, "you are kind in the end!"

"Good?" Yun Xiaoyue shook her head with a smile, "if you knew that I had killed hundreds of people who pursued me overnight, you would not think I was kind! My goodness is only for the innocent or the people who are useful to me. "

The seventh Princess stopped talking and looked down at the portrait.

Cloud light moon also no longer speak, looking at the seven princess look at the portrait of the expression. When the seventh Princess asked to marry Yunli, she really thought a lot, including many reasons and many ways to kill the seventh princess's invitation to marry and refuse her to enter the cloud palace. But when she said with calm eyes, "please marry under the order", when she said "like can be cultivated, I don't care about his appearance, I am willing to marry him, also willing to marry him with one heart after marrying him, to slowly like him. It's not about looks. " She is willing to give her a chance. It doesn't matter. She's royal blood.

"After I marry into the cloud palace, will you treat me as a member of the cloud palace? As your family? " Seven princess raised her head, and suddenly asked cloud shallow moon.

"If you are in charge of the cloud palace, I will naturally regard you as my family." Cloud light moon road.

"Not royal?" The seventh Princess asked again.

"It's not royal!" Cloud shallow moon nods.

Seven princesses suddenly smile, broke today has been calm face, bloom a touch of true smile, let her soft little face softened a bit, she looked at cloud shallow moon and said: "these years I live in the palace, in fact, is no different from prison. I'm looking forward to Rongfeng coming back and flying out of the cage one day. But what if Rong Feng came back? I heard that the moment he came back was also the moment I woke up from my dream. I hope to fly out of the cage one day, but I can't

Yunqianyue looks at her.

Seven princess continued: "at that time, I don't understand why my mother's concubine wanted me to go to the Marquis house of Wenbo and get close to Rongfeng. I thought she liked Rongfeng, I was always very happy, but until that night, I finally understood that she was using me. Even my life. Because of my broken soul incense, all the people in the Marquis of Wenbo had no resistance and were killed overnight. I saw with my own eyes that those people cut off the heads of the people of the Marquis of Wenbo. At that moment, I felt the soul stripped away from the body. If you didn't leave with Rongfeng, I knew Rongfeng was still alive. I think I would die at that time

Cloud light moon think of that year, the fingers can not help curling up. The house of marquis Wenbo was destroyed. It was really the work of imperial concubine Ming!

"At that time, I was really crazy. I didn't remember anything. My brain was in a mess. All the pictures of executioners waving their swords to look at their heads were full of blood stained Marquis Wenbo. That's about it. That's why my mother didn't kill me. Or she thought I was her daughter, and she didn't have the heart to do it. " Seven princess suddenly sad but a smile, "I don't know why, also don't want to know. Over the years, all I want is to see Rong Feng. Even if I live like a fool, my mother will think I'm really scared and crazy. "

Cloud shallow moon still does not speak, looking at seven princesses.

"On that day, I went to meet Rong Feng in the Marquis of Wenbo. He treated me as before, and he didn't even mention it. When I mentioned my mother's concubine and he pushed me away, I knew that he knew that it was the mother's wife who did it! Even if it's not the mother's concubine, it can't be separated from her. My father intended to point me out to Rong Feng, and I knew he would refuse. Although I hope to marry him, I know better than anyone that even if he doesn't know, it will come out sooner or later. I can't marry him. " The seventh Princess laughed and said again.

Cloud shallow moon silence, still looking at seven princesses. This is the most she has said in front of her for so many years.

Seven princesses said, and silence for a moment, looking at cloud shallow moon seriously and word by word: "I know what I am doing now. I know that my father wants a princess to marry into the cloud palace. Even if I don't ask for permission to marry today, someone will marry into the cloud palace sooner or later. This person is the link between the royal family and the cloud palace, which is used to maintain the harmony between the royal family and the cloud palace. When one day the royal family and the cloud palace no longer need this layer of weak harmony, that is, when the father and the emperor kill the cloud palace, this link will be cut off by his own hand, and the princess will surely die. Her death will also be an excuse for the royal family to use the operation against the cloud palace. "

"Why do you want to marry down since you know it in your heart?" Cloud shallow moon looked at seven princesses, "now Qingwan princess is dead, six princesses are locked into ancestral heirs, you are the only daughter of Ming Fei, she shut you up in the palace today, just don't want you to die!"

"Since I knew that because of the broken soul incense on the new clothes my mother changed for me, she was no longer my mother's concubine. Although she gave birth to me and raised me, she has already broken the love between mother and son in my heart The sixth Princess calmly said: "after I married into the cloud palace, I will be a member of the cloud palace. Although I have the blood of the royal family, there is a saying that I can marry my husband with my husband. Although I am a princess, my surname is no longer night, but my surname is Yun. "

Cloud shallow moon pick eyebrows.

"I have said so much. What I want to tell you is that if one day the royal family will not be able to get rid of the cloud palace, the father or the royal brothers will also include one of me in the cloud palace. I live and die together with the cloud palace. " The seventh Princess folded up the portrait in her hand and said in a soft voice, "therefore, you don't have to doubt my purpose of marrying into the cloud palace. I just had a cold heart to my mother, my royal family and my father. I am just one me. I will try my best to like Yunli and treat him well. He lives, I live, he dies, and I follow. "Cloud shallow month in the heart has a subtle movement, looking at the seven princess serious look, nodded, "good!"

The seventh Princess stopped talking and closed her eyes against the wall of the car.

Yunqianyue looked at her. From that year, she sent Rongfeng to Tianxue mountain. After returning to Beijing, she went into the palace to visit him. At that time, she sat stiffly, not crying, laughing or moving, like a doll. But she knew that the little girl was not crazy and was stimulated to be true. She wanted her to talk about the secret she had seen or knew about the house of marquis Wenbo being destroyed that night, but later found out that every time she went there, someone would watch, watch, or watch. She gave up the thought, and vaguely knew that the murder case in which the Marquis Wenbo was destroyed must have something to do with the royal family or the people in the palace.

Later, she sat with her. Although each time she went there was not long and they didn't talk much, she would go to her palace ten times a year. For ten years, until the day she started the Phoenix robbery, she didn't go back. But she knew that this princess was different from other princesses. She looks weak, but her heart is tough. Otherwise, she can't pretend to be a fool for ten years. Although she was never expected to marry Yunli, she made an exception to accept her just because she was willing to be herself, to be good to Yunli, and to know what she was doing in her heart. Besides, Yunli married her, which was better than other princesses. , the fastest update of the webnovel!