The Anarchic Consort of the Prince

Chapter 794

The king of filial piety heard a drop of sweat on his forehead and fell on the gold bricks on the ground. The hall was quiet. Everyone looked at Leng Shao Zhuo.

Leng Shao Zhuo raised his head and looked at the seventh princess. The seventh princess did not look at him. His face was calm. It seemed that he had not heard the old emperor's words. He looked away at Xiangyun Qianyue. He looked down at shangyun Qianyue. He bowed his head and replied respectfully: "back to the emperor, it's just a ridiculous thing to wait for. I wish the seventh Princess and Yun Shizi a happy marriage for a hundred years!"

With the blinking of the moon, it seems that once a person has gone through a great difficulty, he can make a person change.

The old emperor was stunned when he heard the speech. After a moment, he laughed and said, "good! You don't like the seven princesses, or I will be in trouble for you now that the imperial edict has been issued. "

Leng Shao Zhuo no longer talks.

The old emperor's eyes swept several people in the room. His eyes ranged from the calm face of the seventh princess to the face full of sweat on Prince Xiao's forehead, to the light face of night Tianyi, and finally to yunqianyue's face with no emotion. He waved his hand and said in a tired way: "moon girl, you can go back to the mansion with the imperial edict! I will not send people to read the edict! I heard that the matter concerning the adoption ceremony of Yunli in the palace of Lord Yun has been prepared. I also ordered the imperial eunuch to choose a date. Three days later, it will be a lucky day. When the ceremony of succession is carried out, Yunli is the real son of Prince Yun's family. After the ceremony, he will marry on another day. "

"Good!" Cloud shallow moon nodded, took the imperial edict, no longer spoke, raised steps to leave.

"Wait!" Seven princesses suddenly called out cloud shallow moon.

Cloud shallow moon stops and looks back at her.

The seventh princess looked at the old emperor and said in a calm voice, "father, I want to go to the cloud palace with Miss Xiaoyue and visit Yunli's injury by the way."

The old emperor was stunned. He took a deep look at the seven princesses and waved his hand

Thank you The seventh Princess thanks and walks out.

Yunqianyue went out of the Shengyang hall first, and the seventh Princess followed him. The maid and mother of the seventh princess were waiting at the door. When she saw the seventh Princess coming out, she waved her hand and said, "you stay in the palace. I'll go to the cloud palace. No one has to follow me!"

"Princess, you are just in good health. The empress of Ming imperial concubine told the maids to serve you well..." A mammy immediately said.

"Are you my people or my mother's? I'm in good health now. I have legs and feet, so I don't have to wait on me! " Seven princesses show eyebrows slightly frown, although the voice is calm, but it is no doubt.

"Princess, but you are going to leave the palace. Your mother is not at ease." The Mammy's body trembled and she said in a quick voice.

"Miss Xiaoyue and I go to the cloud palace together. I will marry into the cloud palace in the future. The cloud palace is not too far away. What can I worry about? If my mother asks about it, you can tell her to rest assured that I won't have an accident. " The seventh Princess waved her hand and said no more. She went on.

What else did the mammy want to say? Seeing the princess's face was not good, she could only silence her voice.

"Let the empress of Ming Fei rest assured that the seventh princess is going to the cloud palace to announce a decree and visit Yun Shizi by the way. I'll send her back to the palace safely. " Cloud shallow moon looked at that mammy one eye, light open mouth.

That mammy sees cloud shallow moon to say so, she can't stop seven princess again, hastily respectfully way: "yes!"

Yunqianyue stopped talking and went to the gate of the palace one after another with the seventh princess. At this time, the dawn had already appeared in the sky, and the East was silvery. The light and shadow of the dawn hit two people, some of the coldness of the morning and the clear brightness of the light and shadow.

Come to the gate of the palace, Ling Lian and Yi Xue see the cloud light moon come out safely with a sigh of relief, and rush forward.

Yunqianyue looked at them. First she got on the carriage and held out her hand to the seventh princess. The seventh Princess put her hand in her hand. She pulled her hand gently and got on the car. The curtain fell. Ling Lian and Yi Xue sat outside the car. The carriage left the palace gate and went to the cloud palace.

In the car, two people sat opposite each other, for a while, no one spoke.

After a while, the seventh princess suddenly opened the portrait of Yunli and took a look at it. She whispered, "are you very curious about why I asked myself to marry Yunli?"

Cloud shallow moon picks eyebrow, nods, "is some curiosity!"

The seventh Princess stopped talking, and her tiny fingers gently brushed every curve on the portrait, which seemed to be outlining the five features of Yunli, but it was not. It was just the technique of painting and writing on the portrait. Silence for a moment, she said: "I know Rong Feng likes the person is you!"

Cloud shallow moon's eyes narrowed, "is this why you want to marry Yunli?"

The seventh Princess shook her head. The light in the carriage was dim, but she could still clearly reflect her calm face, "no, I know we can't. Rongfeng will never marry me, even if he doesn't like you, he won't marry me. If you marry anyone, I'd better marry into the cloud palace. "

Cloud shallow month continues to squint at her, "since marry who is married, why choose cloud palace? Choose cloud to leave? "

Seven princesses suddenly smile, "how many royal princesses have been able to die peacefully since ancient times? I didn't expect to be able to die peacefully, but marrying into the cloud palace will at least make me live a little safer before I die. Because the cloud palace has you, you are not afraid of the fatherCloud shallow moon picks eyebrow, suddenly cool ground smile, "cloud palace and I still have this function?"

Seven princesses looked at the cloud shallow moon, met her cool smile, suddenly serious way: "these years thank you!"

"Thank you for what?" Clouds and moon raise eyebrows.

"Thank you for knowing that I was acting like a fool, but you didn't expose me." The seventh Princess whispered.

Cloud light moon long eyelashes gently blinked, put away a cool smile, "can pretend to be crazy for ten years, is also your ability. I have cheated the emperor, the queen and even your mother and concubine After that, she said with a smile: "my willful mischievous quarrel has tainted my reputation for ten years, and you have been acting like a fool for ten years, and you have the same effect."

"But I'm not as good as you!" The seventh Princess shook her head. "You can do a lot of things, and I'll just pretend to be stupid."

Cloud shallow moon looks at her not to speak.

"When I heard that you asked your father to marry Rongfeng at the Wuzhuangyuan meeting, although I was sad, I was also happy. I think you really like Rongfeng. Later I learned that it was not. The person you like is Jing Shizi. In fact, I would rather he was happy than marry Rong Feng. " The seventh Princess whispered again.

In fact, it took a short time for Yun Qianyue to think of the top martial arts champion conference. It took only two or three months. But now, I think about it, and I feel a little moved. At that time, she lost her memory and didn't know she liked Rongjing. Rongfeng was really good.

"To sum up, the person who has been with me most these years is actually you, besides the one who serves me." The seventh princess said again: "I know what you are going to accompany me for at first, but later you just accompany me. You have many ways to let me talk about the things of that year, but they have not. I have been very grateful in my heart." , the fastest update of the webnovel!