The Anarchic Consort of the Prince

Chapter 796

Both men stopped talking and the carriage was quiet.

At this time, a sudden sound of horse's hooves came from behind. The sound of horse's hooves was very fast, and it was not stopped in front of the car. Instead, he pulled the horse's rein and walked to the side of the carriage. In a moment, a gasping voice opened his mouth, "cloud is shallow! Wait

Cloud shallow month hears the familiar voice one Zheng, recollects the thought, thought Leng Shao Zhuo pursues to do what? She stretched out her hand to lift the curtain of the car and looked at Leng Shao Zhuo. Seeing him riding on a horse, she looked very much like a figure. She picked his eyebrows and didn't speak.

Leng Shao Zhuo seems to have never thought that Yun Qianyue could lift the curtain of the car so easily. He rode on the horse and took a step back with the horse, looking at her a little stupefied.

Cloud shallow moon to also not anxious, quietly looking at him.

In a moment, Leng Shao Zhuo lowered his head and tightened his grip on the horse's reins. After a moment, he raised his head again and looked at what Yun Qianyue wanted to say. However, he closed his mouth to her light sight and raised his head again, looking at her in a complicated way.

Cloud shallow moon suddenly some funny, "Leng Shao Zhuo, what are you doing, posing the posture of such a little daughter?"

Leng Shao Zhuo blushed, then lowered his head, reached into his arms, took out an object, and clenched it tightly in his hand. It seemed that he had plucked up his courage and threw it into the carriage of Yun Qianyue with great strength. After throwing it in, he suddenly put his legs into the horse's belly, and turned the horse's head and drove it away without saying a word. The sound of the horse's hooves seemed to reflect the owner's tense and urgent mood, and soon left without a shadow.

Cloud shallow month looks at Leng Shao Zhuo come and go in a hurry to hit a horse to leave, she sneered, "the brain is really bad?"

"I don't think he has a bad brain, but he has a thorough understanding." The seventh princess took the message.

Cloud shallow moon recovers sight, picks eyebrow to look at seven princesses.

Seven princess glanced at what was thrown into the carriage. It was a sachet. She said with a smile, "since ancient times, women have given men sachets. Leng Shao Zhuo is really unique."

Cloud shallow moon looks at that throw in sachet, embroider on embroider surface very plain white lotus, extremely elegant. She said with a smile, "did he throw it in the wrong place? Or he took it wrong under his nervousness, and he was going to throw a knife at me, but he accidentally threw the sachet given to him by which woman? "

The seventh princess suddenly pursed her lips and began to smile. She looked at the cloud and said, "I don't think so. That's what he took to you. Don't you see that the mouth of the sachet is open? There seems to be something in it. "

Cloud shallow moon glanced at seven princesses, smiling and holding out the sachet. The mouth of the sachet was indeed open, and there was a small paper folded envelope inside. She did not immediately take out, vaguely saw a few words on the envelope, "cloud light moon Pro Kai!" "You're right, it looks like you're right!"

The seventh princess looked at her with a smile, "open it and have a look."

Yunqianyue reached out and kneaded her forehead. After turning her finger twice on her forehead, she put it down and stretched out her finger to clip the letter in the sachet. As soon as the finger reached in, the carriage stopped suddenly, and a familiar voice came from outside, "cloud light moon! Get out of here

Cloud shallow month hand a meal, can hear is that young person's voice, she put down the hand, the head faintly ache up.

Hula, the curtain was lifted from the outside, the young man stood in front of the car with a face of frost, staring at the cloud light moon, "you come out!"

"What happened?" Yunqianyue looks at the young man helplessly. He is well dressed in a royal robe, and his hair is a little messy. His hair is stained with two pieces of bamboo leaves of purple bamboo forest. It's not hard to imagine that he has broken into the purple bamboo forest, but I don't know whether he has seen chengrongjing.

"You and I go to the Rong Wang mansion!" Youth road.

Cloud shallow month's head is more painful, looking at the youth way: "you did not go?"

"If you look at me like this, can I go in?" The young man glared at Yun Qianyue and said angrily: "I didn't expect that the array arranged in purple bamboo forest of Lord Rong's mansion is so powerful that I took out the ability to look after the house and didn't get in!"

"Then don't go! My residence will be here soon. Please come back with me! You haven't had a rest since you came to Beijing! " Cloud light moon even busy road. Then he added, "look, I just came back from the palace, and I haven't had a rest."

"I'm not tired! I must go to Rongjing's mansion today to find out who that man is! " The young man shook his head and said, "get out of the car! If you don't get out of the car, I'll pull you down

Cloud shallow month looks at the youth head to ache more, the eye turns to think of an idea.

"I tell you, don't think of anything! There's no way to get rid of me! Who let that man give me to Rongjing! If I don't find him, I won't let him go. " Youth seems to see the cloud shallow moon's mind.

"But it's none of my business! If you look for Rongjing, you can find Rongjing. Why do you want to catch me? I don't seem to have anything to do with it? " Cloud shallow moon is ignorant conscience to cast aside oneself, say oneself very innocent.

"It doesn't matter who says it! You have something to do with Rong Jing. Isn't his relationship your relationship? Are you two still separated from each other? Get out of the car and follow me to Rongwang mansion The boy glared.

Cloud shallow moon suddenly aphasia, admire the youth's thinking.

"Hurry up! What are you doing The young man urged the moon."Young master, I'm afraid she can't go with you to Rong Wang's house. Now she's going to go back with me to the palace of Lord Yun." Seven princesses see cloud shallow moon perplexed, open mouth to rescue. It was the first time that she saw the cloud and the moon showing such a helpless look that she could not help but wonder about the identity of a teenager.

"Who are you?" The boy seems to see the seventh princess.

"I am the seventh princess! But soon it was not. It was the prince of cloud's mansion and his concubine. " The seventh Princess introduced herself.

"Cloud away?" The boy's eyes brightened.

Yunqianyue secretly called out, although Yunli is a branch of the cloud palace, it is always an ancestor. Although her appearance is like her mother's mother, her eyebrows and eyes are somewhat similar to those of the cloud palace. Yunli and she are also slightly similar, especially after the change of appearance. Young people will not think of the cloud, right?

Cloud shallow moon is thinking, the curtain of the car shakes for a while, the youth rubs the ground once, already jumped on the car. He lifted his clothes and sat down beside the moon, and said to himself, "well, go to the palace of Lord Yun to see if it is necessary to go to the palace of Lord Rong to find Rongjing."

Seven princess a Zheng, surprised to look at the youth, "you want to find cloud from?"

"Well!" The young man nodded and saw the edict in yunqianyue's hand, grabbed it and opened it. When he saw the content of the edict, he frowned and asked, "is this the decree of marriage?" Words fall, he pick eyebrow to see seven princesses, words but to cloud shallow moon way: "will this woman give marriage to cloud leave?"

The seventh princess looked at the boy and found that the boy had a pair of beautiful and pure eyes.

"You read it right!" Cloud shallow moon nods, think trouble is big enough. Hope not to get involved in the cloud, otherwise it will be more troublesome. She regretted that the court was green. On that day, she should not throw the boy into Rongjing's carriage, but into the corner of the mountain. She changed her body and changed her clothes. After that, she could not find her, and she would not be bothered by Rongjing. , the fastest update of the webnovel!