The Anarchic Consort of the Prince

Chapter 793

Night Tianyi should a sound, went to the jade table to pick up the pen.

"You all go down!" The old emperor waved to the princesses.

Those princesses all looked at seven princesses, no one dared to speak, and they all withdrew.

"Get up, too!" The old emperor waved to the seventh princess.

"Thank you for your daughter The seventh Princess got up and stood up. Instead of returning the scroll to Yun Qianyue, she gently rolled it up. Although she was slim, her waist was straight.

The old emperor took a look at the painting scroll in the hands of seven princesses and did not speak.

"The emperor, the filial piety prince with the cold little prince to see you!" Brunei's voice rings from the outside.

Yun Qianyue's mind moved, and he remembered that Leng Shao Zhuo had been fond of the seventh Princess since he was a child. Because the seventh princess was crazy, he was decadent. Later, he became addicted to female sex and did nothing serious. Now calculate the distance from the last time she saved his life with the big return pill, and after that, Qingquan gave him acupuncture every day, and it was more than a month. He should be good.

The old emperor was stunned when he heard the speech. He took a look at the sky. He saw that there was some light in the sky outside. He did not lift the head of the seventh princess. He told the outside, "Xuan!"

Brunei called out outside, and soon Prince Xiao came in with Leng Shao Zhuo and knelt down to the old emperor.

Yun Qianyue looks at Leng Shao Zhuo and sees that he has suffered a great disaster and suffered such a heavy injury. This month, he has not lost his skin and bones. On the contrary, he is much better than the yellow and skinny face that was hollowed out by the female. In addition to being a little pale, he looks pretty good. Obviously, the good medicine and tonic that Prince Xiao searched for everywhere played a significant role. It can be said that he has shed blood for his son Ben. In fact, lengshao Zhuo is also good, but because it is too bad, so let his whole person gloomy and annoying. Now, seeing him come in and politely salute the old emperor, to some extent, the gentleness of a rich young man, at least it won't make people dislike at first sight as before.

"No gift!" The old emperor waved his hand to them and said with a smile, "the cold little prince looks great!"

"Go back to the emperor! Thanks to miss shallow moon's big return pill. " Prince Xiao was beaming with joy.

"This is also the fate of the cold little prince! You can't miss Yue The old emperor nodded with a smile.

"Yes, God bless dog! That's why the old minister can't stop coming back! " Prince Xiao sighed with emotion.

Yunqianyue thinks that in the heart of Prince Xiao, he doesn't recognize the third childe. But it's better to be denied by this father. With the talent and disposition of today's three childe, he didn't inherit the filial piety prince. He doted on him too much, just like Leng Shao Zhuo. She looked at Leng Shao Zhuo and found that he didn't look at the seventh Princess since he came in. She frowned and looked back. Leng Shao Zhuo immediately lowered her head again. Her eyes and expression were no longer hate. She was a little strange, thinking that he was hurt by Nan Lingrui's design? Now that people are better, the brain is not easy to use? Or because of using her big return Dan, finally conscience found, no longer with her to get along?

"Not bad!" The old emperor nodded, echoed Prince Xiao's words, looked at them and asked, "what are you doing with me, brother Leng Wang and Mr. Leng Xiaowang?"

"It was Shao Zhuo who got out of bed today and wanted to see Miss Xiaoyue to thank him in person. The old minister had no choice but to take him to the cloud palace. I didn't want to be a step late. I heard that Miss shallow moon had entered the palace, so I brought him here!" Filial piety.

"Oh! So it is The old emperor nodded, took a look at Leng Shao Zhuo with his head drooping down, and then looked at Yun Qianyue with a smile: "the two children have been fighting for several years, which has made me very headache. Now I am very happy to be able to turn war into jade and silk. Excellent

"The old minister is also happy in his heart, and hopes that miss Qianyue can forgive the stupid things done by the dog before." The king of filial piety is also Dao.

"Moon girl is a generous person!" The old emperor seemed to be in a good mood and sang with Prince Xiao.

Yunqianyue doesn't speak. She thought Prince Xiao with Leng Shao Zhuo came to stop the news that the seventh Princess asked to marry Yunli. It turned out that it was not. She came here to thank her, but is it necessary to thank the old emperor? She turned her mind and looked at the old smiling prince Xiao. Although he was smiling, he was reluctant to smile. There was a slight sweat on his forehead, which was obviously a problem. She looked at Leng Shao Zhuo again. He seemed to feel her sight. He raised his head to look at her, just one eye, and then lowered his head. That look was too complicated. Suddenly, she was puzzled, thinking that Leng Shao Zhuo was really out of his mind.

"Yes, Miss shallow moon is a generous person!" Prince Xiao nodded with a smile, and in turn echoed the old emperor.

Obviously, the old emperor also found the abnormality of Prince Xiao. He took a deep look at Leng Shao Zhuo and asked Ye Tianyi, "Tianyi, has the edict been drawn up yet?"

"Back to my father, I'm ready!" Ye Tianyi put down his pen, took a look at the imperial edict and replied.

"Show it to Prince Xiao!" The old emperor ordered.

Night Tianyi answered and took the imperial edict to the filial piety king and handed it to him. The king of filial piety immediately took it with both hands. When he saw the content of the imperial edict, his face changed. After a moment, he quickly and respectfully said, "congratulations to the emperor! Congratulations to Princess seven

The old emperor burst out laughing and said, "I knew before that Leng Xiaowang liked my seven princesses. I thought the seven princesses would be married to the prince of filial piety, but I didn't expect to go around. I gave the seven princesses to the unknown Yunli."Prince Xiao's old face turned white, and the smile on his face was even more reluctant. He even said, "it's the dog who doesn't have this blessing!"

The old emperor nodded and looked at Leng Shao Zhuo, who had no words. He said with a kind smile, "Shao Zhuo, I remember you liked my seven princesses when you were a child. Do you still like them now?"

Cloud shallow month in the heart cold hum a, thought the imperial edict has been drawn up, the old emperor now asked Leng Shao Zhuo this is what intention? Does he want to hear Leng Shao Zhuo say that he likes it and will not marry Leng Shao Zhuo under the decree of the seventh princess? She looks at Leng Shao Zhuo. , the fastest update of the webnovel!